22.02.2011, 08:28
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: MyTabs
Zitat:MyTabs is a somewhat advanced plugin that allows the user to organize their forums through tabs. After uploading and activating, you can go to your ACP -> Forums and Posts -> MyTabs to configure everything in the plugin. You can add tabs and assign forums to be shown in those tabs, set the default tab, customize the tab layouts fully, and more.
MyTabs uses no template edits or file edits, everything is run from the plugin, and uses MyBB's pre-made functions to generate it.
Enjoy tabbing
[Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/24....thumb.png][Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/24....thumb.png][Bild: http://mods.mybb.com/uploads/previews/24....thumb.png]