25.01.2011, 11:07
derzeit arbeite ich an einer Erweiterung des Portals um dort mehr Infos und außerdem eine bessere Sortierung zu erreichen. Aus diesem Grund habe ich derzeit die Portal.php sowie die entsprechenden Templates angepasst bzw. neue erstellt.
Im Moment wird am Anfang die ersten 2 Announcements aus dem Forum oben in voller Breite dargestellt.
Darunter sind zwei neue Tabellen (links & rechts) die jeweils nur 50% breit sind. Das ganze klappt auch soweit ganz gut. Nur würde ich gerne die Portal.php unberührt lassen und den zusätzlichen Code in eine Plugin auslagern. Leider hören hier dann meine Plugin-Kenntnisse langsam auf und es mag einfach nicht funktionieren. Vermutlich bin ich einfach noch nicht so ganz hinter das System "Plugin" gestiegen.
Derzeit habe ich in der portal.php folgendes unter dem portal_end Hook eingefügt (im endeffekt zwei angepasste Announcment-Versionen)
Diese Zeilen würde ich nun gern in das Plugin bringen und dann über den portal_end hook einbinden. Leider führen alle derzeitigen Versuche zu einer weißen Seite im Board.
Im Plugin habe ich derzeit folgendes angegeben
Vermutlich habe ich hier einen typischen Anfängerfehler da ich das Plugin-System noch nicht durchdrungen habe. Vielleicht kann mir ja jemand einen Ansatzpunkt geben was ich beachten muss bzw. wo mein Denkfehler liegt.
Es soll am ende so aussehen wie hier: http://theandroidblog.de/portal.php
derzeit arbeite ich an einer Erweiterung des Portals um dort mehr Infos und außerdem eine bessere Sortierung zu erreichen. Aus diesem Grund habe ich derzeit die Portal.php sowie die entsprechenden Templates angepasst bzw. neue erstellt.
Im Moment wird am Anfang die ersten 2 Announcements aus dem Forum oben in voller Breite dargestellt.
Darunter sind zwei neue Tabellen (links & rechts) die jeweils nur 50% breit sind. Das ganze klappt auch soweit ganz gut. Nur würde ich gerne die Portal.php unberührt lassen und den zusätzlichen Code in eine Plugin auslagern. Leider hören hier dann meine Plugin-Kenntnisse langsam auf und es mag einfach nicht funktionieren. Vermutlich bin ich einfach noch nicht so ganz hinter das System "Plugin" gestiegen.
Derzeit habe ich in der portal.php folgendes unter dem portal_end Hook eingefügt (im endeffekt zwei angepasste Announcment-Versionen)
// Get latest news reviews
// First validate review fids:
$reviewsfids = "4";
foreach($reviewsfids as $fid)
$fid_array[] = intval($fid);
$reviewsfids = implode(',', $fid_array);
// And get them!
$query = $db->simple_select("forums", "*", "fid IN (".$reviewsfids.")");
while($forumrow = $db->fetch_array($query))
$forum[$forumrow['fid']] = $forumrow;
$numreviews = intval(5);
$numreviews = $numreviews + 5;
$numreviews = 10; // Default back to 10
$pids = '';
$tids = '';
$comma = '';
$query = $db->query("
SELECT p.pid, p.message, p.tid, p.smilieoff
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (t.tid=p.tid)
WHERE t.fid IN (".$reviewsfids.") AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND t.firstpost=p.pid
ORDER BY t.dateline DESC
LIMIT 4, {$numreviews}"
while($getid = $db->fetch_array($query))
$pids .= ",'{$getid['pid']}'";
$tids .= ",'{$getid['tid']}'";
$posts[$getid['tid']] = $getid;
$pids = "pid IN(0{$pids})";
// Now lets fetch all of the attachments for these posts
$query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "*", $pids);
while($attachment = $db->fetch_array($query))
$attachcache[$attachment['pid']][$attachment['aid']] = $attachment;
foreach($forum as $fid => $forumrow)
$forumpermissions[$fid] = forum_permissions($fid);
$icon_cache = $cache->read("posticons");
$reviews = '';
$query = $db->query("
SELECT t.*, t.username AS threadusername, u.username, u.avatar, u.avatardimensions
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid = t.uid)
WHERE t.fid IN (".$reviewsfids.") AND t.tid IN (0{$tids}) AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'
ORDER BY t.dateline DESC
LIMIT 0, {$numreviews}"
while($review = $db->fetch_array($query))
// Make sure we can view this review
if($forumpermissions[$review['fid']]['canview'] == 0 || $forumpermissions[$review['fid']]['canviewthreads'] == 0 || $forumpermissions[$review['fid']]['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1 && $review['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid'])
$review['message'] = $posts[$review['tid']]['message'];
$review['pid'] = $posts[$review['tid']]['pid'];
$review['smilieoff'] = $posts[$review['tid']]['smilieoff'];
$review['threadlink'] = get_thread_link($review['tid']);
if($review['uid'] == 0)
$profilelink = htmlspecialchars_uni($review['threadusername']);
$profilelink = build_profile_link($review['username'], $review['uid']);
$review['username'] = $review['threadusername'];
$review['subject'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($parser->parse_badwords($review['subject']));
if($review['icon'] > 0 && $icon_cache[$review['icon']])
$icon = $icon_cache[$review['icon']];
$icon = "<img src=\"{$icon['path']}\" alt=\"{$icon['name']}\" />";
$icon = " ";
if($review['avatar'] != '')
$avatar_dimensions = explode("|", $review['avatardimensions']);
if($avatar_dimensions[0] && $avatar_dimensions[1])
$avatar_width_height = "width=\"{$avatar_dimensions[0]}\" height=\"{$avatar_dimensions[1]}\"";
if (!stristr($review['avatar'], 'http://'))
$review['avatar'] = $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/' . $review['avatar'];
$avatar = "<td class=\"trow1\" width=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"><img src=\"{$review['avatar']}\" alt=\"\" {$avatar_width_height} /></td>";
$avatar = '';
$anndate = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $review['dateline']);
$anntime = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $review['dateline']);
eval("\$numcomments = \"".$templates->get("portal_review_numcomments")."\";");
eval("\$numcomments = \"".$templates->get("portal_review_numcomments_no")."\";");
$lastcomment = '';
$parser_options = array(
"allow_html" => $forum[$review['fid']]['allowhtml'],
"allow_mycode" => $forum[$review['fid']]['allowmycode'],
"allow_smilies" => $forum[$review['fid']]['allowsmilies'],
"allow_imgcode" => $forum[$review['fid']]['allowimgcode'],
"allow_videocode" => $forum[$review['fid']]['allowvideocode'],
"filter_badwords" => 1
if($review['smilieoff'] == 1)
$parser_options['allow_smilies'] = 0;
$message2 = $parser->parse_message($review['message'], $parser_options);
$message2 = strip_tags($message2, '<img>');
//$excerpt = substr ($message2, 0, 500);
$excerpt = substr($message2.' ' , 0 , 501);
$excerpt = substr($excerpt , 0 , strrpos ($excerpt , ' '));
{ // This post has 1 or more attachments
$validationcount = 0;
$id = $review['pid'];
foreach($attachcache[$id] as $aid => $attachment)
{ // There is an attachment thats visible!
$attachment['filename'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($attachment['filename']);
$attachment['filesize'] = get_friendly_size($attachment['filesize']);
$ext = get_extension($attachment['filename']);
if($ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "gif" || $ext == "bmp" || $ext == "png" || $ext == "jpg")
$isimage = true;
$isimage = false;
$attachment['icon'] = get_attachment_icon($ext);
// Support for [attachment=id] code
if(stripos($message, "[attachment=".$attachment['aid']."]") !== false)
if($attachment['thumbnail'] != "SMALL" && $attachment['thumbnail'] != '')
{ // We have a thumbnail to show (and its not the "SMALL" enough image
eval("\$attbit = \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail")."\";");
elseif($attachment['thumbnail'] == "SMALL" && $forumpermissions[$review['fid']]['candlattachments'] == 1)
// Image is small enough to show - no thumbnail
eval("\$attbit = \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_images_image")."\";");
// Show standard link to attachment
eval("\$attbit = \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_attachment")."\";");
$message = preg_replace("#\[attachment=".$attachment['aid']."]#si", $attbit, $message);
if($attachment['thumbnail'] != "SMALL" && $attachment['thumbnail'] != '')
{ // We have a thumbnail to show
eval("\$post['thumblist'] .= \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail")."\";");
if($tcount == 5)
$thumblist .= "<br />";
$tcount = 0;
elseif($attachment['thumbnail'] == "SMALL" && $forumpermissions[$review['fid']]['candlattachments'] == 1)
// Image is small enough to show - no thumbnail
eval("\$post['imagelist'] .= \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_images_image")."\";");
eval("\$post['attachmentlist'] .= \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_attachment")."\";");
eval("\$post['attachedthumbs'] = \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_thumbnails")."\";");
eval("\$post['attachedimages'] = \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_images")."\";");
if($post['attachmentlist'] || $post['thumblist'] || $post['imagelist'])
eval("\$post['attachments'] = \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments")."\";");
eval("\$reviews .= \"".$templates->get("portal_review")."\";");
//review 2 Block
// First validate review2 fids:
$reviews2fids = "6";
foreach($reviews2fids as $fid)
$fid_array[] = intval($fid);
$reviews2fids = implode(',', $fid_array);
// And get them!
$query = $db->simple_select("forums", "*", "fid IN (".$reviews2fids.")");
while($forumrow = $db->fetch_array($query))
$forum[$forumrow['fid']] = $forumrow;
$numreviews2 = intval(5);
$numreviews2 = 10; // Default back to 10
$pids = '';
$tids = '';
$comma = '';
$query = $db->query("
SELECT p.pid, p.message, p.tid, p.smilieoff
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (t.tid=p.tid)
WHERE t.fid IN (".$reviews2fids.") AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND t.firstpost=p.pid
ORDER BY t.dateline DESC
LIMIT 1, {$numreviews2}"
while($getid = $db->fetch_array($query))
$pids .= ",'{$getid['pid']}'";
$tids .= ",'{$getid['tid']}'";
$posts[$getid['tid']] = $getid;
$pids = "pid IN(0{$pids})";
// Now lets fetch all of the attachments for these posts
$query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "*", $pids);
while($attachment = $db->fetch_array($query))
$attachcache[$attachment['pid']][$attachment['aid']] = $attachment;
foreach($forum as $fid => $forumrow)
$forumpermissions[$fid] = forum_permissions($fid);
$icon_cache = $cache->read("posticons");
$reviews2 = '';
$query = $db->query("
SELECT t.*, t.username AS threadusername, u.username, u.avatar, u.avatardimensions
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid = t.uid)
WHERE t.fid IN (".$reviews2fids.") AND t.tid IN (0{$tids}) AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'
ORDER BY t.dateline DESC
LIMIT 0, {$numreviews2}"
while($review2 = $db->fetch_array($query))
// Make sure we can view this review2
if($forumpermissions[$review2['fid']]['canview'] == 0 || $forumpermissions[$review2['fid']]['canviewthreads'] == 0 || $forumpermissions[$review2['fid']]['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1 && $review2['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid'])
$review2['message'] = $posts[$review2['tid']]['message'];
$review2['pid'] = $posts[$review2['tid']]['pid'];
$review2['smilieoff'] = $posts[$review2['tid']]['smilieoff'];
$review2['threadlink'] = get_thread_link($review2['tid']);
if($review2['uid'] == 0)
$profilelink = htmlspecialchars_uni($review2['threadusername']);
$profilelink = build_profile_link($review2['username'], $review2['uid']);
$review2['username'] = $review2['threadusername'];
$review2['subject'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($parser->parse_badwords($review2['subject']));
if($review2['icon'] > 0 && $icon_cache[$review2['icon']])
$icon = $icon_cache[$review2['icon']];
$icon = "<img src=\"{$icon['path']}\" alt=\"{$icon['name']}\" />";
$icon = " ";
if($review2['avatar'] != '')
$avatar_dimensions = explode("|", $review2['avatardimensions']);
if($avatar_dimensions[0] && $avatar_dimensions[1])
$avatar_width_height = "width=\"{$avatar_dimensions[0]}\" height=\"{$avatar_dimensions[1]}\"";
if (!stristr($review2['avatar'], 'http://'))
$review2['avatar'] = $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/' . $review2['avatar'];
$avatar = "<td class=\"trow1\" width=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"><img src=\"{$review2['avatar']}\" alt=\"\" {$avatar_width_height} /></td>";
$avatar = '';
$anndate = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $review2['dateline']);
$anntime = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $review2['dateline']);
eval("\$numcomments = \"".$templates->get("portal_review_numcomments")."\";");
eval("\$numcomments = \"".$templates->get("portal_review_numcomments_no")."\";");
$lastcomment = '';
$parser_options = array(
"allow_html" => $forum[$review2['fid']]['allowhtml'],
"allow_mycode" => $forum[$review2['fid']]['allowmycode'],
"allow_smilies" => $forum[$review2['fid']]['allowsmilies'],
"allow_imgcode" => $forum[$review2['fid']]['allowimgcode'],
"allow_videocode" => $forum[$review2['fid']]['allowvideocode'],
"filter_badwords" => 1
if($review2['smilieoff'] == 1)
$parser_options['allow_smilies'] = 0;
$message2 = $parser->parse_message($review2['message'], $parser_options);
$message2 = strip_tags($message2, '<img>');
// $excerpt = substr ($message2, 0, 500);
$excerpt = substr($message2.' ' , 0 , 501);
$excerpt = substr($excerpt , 0 , strrpos ($excerpt , ' '));
{ // This post has 1 or more attachments
$validationcount = 0;
$id = $review2['pid'];
foreach($attachcache[$id] as $aid => $attachment)
{ // There is an attachment thats visible!
$attachment['filename'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($attachment['filename']);
$attachment['filesize'] = get_friendly_size($attachment['filesize']);
$ext = get_extension($attachment['filename']);
if($ext == "jpeg" || $ext == "gif" || $ext == "bmp" || $ext == "png" || $ext == "jpg")
$isimage = true;
$isimage = false;
$attachment['icon'] = get_attachment_icon($ext);
// Support for [attachment=id] code
if(stripos($message, "[attachment=".$attachment['aid']."]") !== false)
if($attachment['thumbnail'] != "SMALL" && $attachment['thumbnail'] != '')
{ // We have a thumbnail to show (and its not the "SMALL" enough image
eval("\$attbit = \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail")."\";");
elseif($attachment['thumbnail'] == "SMALL" && $forumpermissions[$review2['fid']]['candlattachments'] == 1)
// Image is small enough to show - no thumbnail
eval("\$attbit = \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_images_image")."\";");
// Show standard link to attachment
eval("\$attbit = \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_attachment")."\";");
$message = preg_replace("#\[attachment=".$attachment['aid']."]#si", $attbit, $message);
$excerpt = substr($message, 0, 500);
if($attachment['thumbnail'] != "SMALL" && $attachment['thumbnail'] != '')
{ // We have a thumbnail to show
eval("\$post['thumblist'] .= \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_thumbnails_thumbnail")."\";");
if($tcount == 5)
$thumblist .= "<br />";
$tcount = 0;
elseif($attachment['thumbnail'] == "SMALL" && $forumpermissions[$review2['fid']]['candlattachments'] == 1)
// Image is small enough to show - no thumbnail
eval("\$post['imagelist'] .= \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_images_image")."\";");
eval("\$post['attachmentlist'] .= \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_attachment")."\";");
eval("\$post['attachedthumbs'] = \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_thumbnails")."\";");
eval("\$post['attachedimages'] = \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments_images")."\";");
if($post['attachmentlist'] || $post['thumblist'] || $post['imagelist'])
eval("\$post['attachments'] = \"".$templates->get("postbit_attachments")."\";");
eval("\$reviews2 .= \"".$templates->get("portal_review_right")."\";");
Diese Zeilen würde ich nun gern in das Plugin bringen und dann über den portal_end hook einbinden. Leider führen alle derzeitigen Versuche zu einer weißen Seite im Board.
Im Plugin habe ich derzeit folgendes angegeben
global $lang, $db, $mybb, $templates, $post, $forumpermissions;
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_post.php";
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_user.php";
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_parser.php";
Vermutlich habe ich hier einen typischen Anfängerfehler da ich das Plugin-System noch nicht durchdrungen habe. Vielleicht kann mir ja jemand einen Ansatzpunkt geben was ich beachten muss bzw. wo mein Denkfehler liegt.
Es soll am ende so aussehen wie hier: http://theandroidblog.de/portal.php