11.02.2007, 23:43
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: [tex] MyCode
Zitat:This plugin adds the ability to embed LaTeX-code as an image into the
Forums using the MimeTeX cgi.
[tex]\\int_0^\\infty \\frac{x^3}{\\sqrt {8 \\cdot x}} dx[/tex]
will render as:
[Bild: http://www.forkosh.com/mimetex.cgi?\\int...20x}}%20dx]
1. Download the *.rar
2. Unpack the tex.php
3. Upload it to your MyBB's plugin directory
4. Activate it in the ACP
5. Get codin'
This plugin is using the public MimeTeX-Server at http://forkosh.com .
There is [b]no[b] warranty about the availability of this service.
For further information about Mimetex visit http://forkosh.com/mimetex.html
If you have a server on your own (vServer, RootServer,..) you are free to
compile and run the MimeTeX cgi on it. You just have to change the URL in
the tex.php (watch out for an <img>-Tag quite at the bottom of the
Have fun with this plugin.
Please do inform me via email (derguru (@) web . de) if you are convenient
with the plugin.