24.11.2010, 21:15
ich hab ein kleines Problem mit diesem Plugin:
Ich wollte das für einen anderen Zweck nutzen, und muss normal nur die Wörter anpassen dafür.
So weit so gut, aber das Problem ist, dass ich unter den Beiträgen keine Anzeige bekomme,
wer alles den Button geklickt hat. Und das schon im Originalzustand. Die Anzeige erfolgt nur über php.
Hier mal die Zeilen, die dafür zuständig sind:
Genau das wird nicht unter den Beiträgen angezeigt. Alles andere funktioniert.
Hier noch die komplette php:
Jemand eine Ahnung, woran das liegt?
ich hab ein kleines Problem mit diesem Plugin:
Ich wollte das für einen anderen Zweck nutzen, und muss normal nur die Wörter anpassen dafür.
So weit so gut, aber das Problem ist, dass ich unter den Beiträgen keine Anzeige bekomme,
wer alles den Button geklickt hat. Und das schon im Originalzustand. Die Anzeige erfolgt nur über php.
Hier mal die Zeilen, die dafür zuständig sind:
// Display the list of users if there are any.
$lame_section = '';
if (!empty($user_list)) {
$lame_section .= '<table class="thead" style="margin-bottom:5px;" width="100%">
<tr><td><b>The following users think this post is LAME:</b></td></tr>
<tr class="tcat"><td>'.implode(', ', $user_list).'</td></tr></table>';
$lame_array['body'] = $lame_section;
return $lame_array;
Genau das wird nicht unter den Beiträgen angezeigt. Alles andere funktioniert.
Hier noch die komplette php:
// Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons
die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.");
// Hooks
$plugins->add_hook("postbit", "lame");
$plugins->add_hook("xmlhttp", "ajaxAction");
$plugins->add_hook("member_profile_start", "lameMemberDetail");
$plugins->add_hook("class_moderation_delete_post", 'postRemove');
$plugins->add_hook("admin_user_groups_edit_graph_tabs", "lameAdminTab");
$plugins->add_hook("admin_user_groups_edit_graph", "lameAdminForm");
$plugins->add_hook('admin_user_groups_edit_commit', 'saveLameGroupSettings');
// The information that shows up on the plugin manager
function lame_info()
return array(
"name" => "Lame",
"description" => "Let a user know you thought their post was lame.",
"website" => "",
"author" => "skywalker2208",
"authorsite" => "",
"version" => "2.1",
"guid" => "caa9394adb8caf357a5b4fac58b7a36b",
function lame_install() {
global $db;
$table_create = "
lame_id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
l_uid INT(10) NOT NULL,
pid INT(10) NOT NULL,
time INT(10) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (lame_id),
KEY l_uid (l_uid),
KEY pid (pid)
// TODO write upgrade script
$check_template = $db->simple_select('templates', '*', "title = 'member_profile_lame_details' AND sid = '-2'");
$total_template_check = $db->num_rows($check_template);
// Make sure the template doesn't already exist.
if ($total_template_check == 0) {
// Add new template
$newtemp = array(
"title" => 'member_profile_lame_details',
"template" => '<tr>\n\t<td class="trow1"><strong>Lames Given:</strong></td>
\n\t<td class="trow1">$lame_given</td>
<tr>\n\t<td class="trow2"><strong>Lames Received Per Post:</strong></td>
\n\t<td class=\"trow2\">$lame_received/$lame_posts</td>
"sid" => -2,
"dateline" => time(),
"version" => 1400,
$db->insert_query('templates', $newtemp);
$alter_table = 'ALTER TABLE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'usergroups ADD COLUMN `canaddlame` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0';
$alter_table = 'ALTER TABLE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'usergroups ADD COLUMN `canremovelame` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0';
$alter_table = 'ALTER TABLE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'usergroups ADD COLUMN `maxlameperday` INT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 5';
function lame_is_installed()
global $db;
return true;
return false;
// This function runs when the plugin is activated.
function lame_activate()
global $db;
include MYBB_ROOT . '/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php';
// Check for added templates groups and make sure they have the new lame template.
find_replace_templatesets('member_profile_lame_details', '//', '', 1);
// Add the button, lame detail and lame section of the standard postbit.
$find = '/<\/table>\s*$/';
$replace = '</table>{$post[\'lame\']}';
find_replace_templatesets('postbit', $find, $replace, 1);
$find = '/'.preg_quote('{$post[\'button_quote\']}').'/';
$replace = '{$post[\'lame_button\']}{$post[\'button_quote\']}';
find_replace_templatesets('postbit', $find, $replace, 1);
$find = '/'.preg_quote('{$post[\'user_details\']}').'/';
$replace = '{$post[\'user_details\']}{$post[\'lame_details\']}';
find_replace_templatesets('postbit', $find, $replace, 1);
// Add the button, lame detail and lame section of the classic postbit.
$find = '/<\/table>\s*$/';
$replace = '</table>{$post[\'lame\']}';
find_replace_templatesets('postbit_classic', $find, $replace, 1);
$find = '/'.preg_quote('{$post[\'button_quote\']}').'/';
$replace = '{$post[\'lame_button\']}{$post[\'button_quote\']}';
find_replace_templatesets('postbit_classic', $find, $replace, 1);
$find = '/'.preg_quote('{$post[\'user_details\']}').'/';
$replace = '{$post[\'user_details\']}{$post[\'lame_details\']}';
find_replace_templatesets('postbit_classic', $find, $replace, 1);
// Add lame javascript file.
$find = '/'.preg_quote('{$newpmmsg}').'/';
$replace = '<script type="text/javascript" src="jscripts/lame.js?ver=1400"></script>'
find_replace_templatesets('headerinclude', $find, $replace, 1);
// Add the user profile template.
$find = '/'.preg_quote('{$warning_level}').'/';
$replace = '{$warning_level}{$lame_details}';
find_replace_templatesets('member_profile', $find, $replace, 1);
// This function runs when the plugin is deactivated.
function lame_deactivate()
include MYBB_ROOT . '/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php';
// Remove the button, lame details and lame section from the standard postbit.
$find = '/'.preg_quote('{$post[\'lame\']}').'/';
$replace = '';
find_replace_templatesets('postbit', $find, $replace, 0);
$find = '/'.preg_quote('{$post[\'lame_button\']}').'/';
$replace = '';
find_replace_templatesets('postbit', $find, $replace, 0);
$find = '/'.preg_quote('{$post[\'lame_details\']}').'/';
$replace = '';
find_replace_templatesets('postbit', $find, $replace, 0);
// Remove the button, lame details and lame section from the classic postbit.
$find = '/'.preg_quote('{$post[\'lame\']}').'/';
$replace = '';
find_replace_templatesets('postbit_classic', $find, $replace, 0);
$find = '/'.preg_quote('{$post[\'lame_button\']}').'/';
$replace = '';
find_replace_templatesets('postbit_classic', $find, $replace, 0);
$find = '/'.preg_quote('{$post[\'lame_details\']}').'/';
$replace = '';
find_replace_templatesets('postbit_classic', $find, $replace, 0);
// Remove javascript file link
$find = '?'.preg_quote('<script type="text/javascript" src="jscripts/lame.js?ver=1400"></script>').'(\r|\n)*?';
$replace = '';
find_replace_templatesets('headerinclude', $find, $replace, 0);
// Remove the user profile template.
$find = '/'.preg_quote('{$lame_details}').'/';
$replace = '';
find_replace_templatesets('member_profile', $find, $replace, 0);
function lame_uninstall() {
global $db;
// Remove the lame table.
// Remove the new template added by this mod.
$db->delete_query('templates', "title = 'member_profile_lame_details'");
$alter_table = 'ALTER TABLE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'usergroups DROP `canaddlame`';
$alter_table = 'ALTER TABLE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'usergroups DROP `canremovelame`';
$alter_table = 'ALTER TABLE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'usergroups DROP `maxlameperday`';
function lame($post) {
global $mybb, $db;
$pid = (int)$post['pid'];
$lame_users = findLameUsers($pid);
$post['lame'] = '<span id="lame_'.$pid.'">'.$lame_users['body'].'</span>';
$maxlameperday = (int)$mybb->usergroup['maxlameperday'];
$maxlimithit = FALSE;
// If max lame is greater then zero then check to see if they hit their limit.
if ($maxlameperday > 0)
$lame_used_24_hours_query = $db->simple_select('lame', 'lame_id', 'l_uid = "'
.(int)$mybb->user['uid'].'" AND time >= "'.strtotime('-1 day').'"');
$lame_given = $db->num_rows($lame_used_24_hours_query);
if ($lame_given >= $maxlameperday)
$maxlimithit = TRUE;
// If the logged in use is the same as the poster
// then don't show the button.
if ($mybb->user['uid'] != $post['uid'] && $mybb->user['uid'] > 0 && !$lame_users['has_lame']
&& trim($mybb->usergroup['canaddlame'])) {
if ($maxlimithit)
$post['lame_button'] = "<span id=\"lame_button{$post['pid']}\" class=\"lame_add\" ></span>";
$post['lame_button'] = "<span id=\"lame_button{$post['pid']}\" class=\"lame_add\" >
<a onclick=\"lame_action({$post['pid']}); return false; \"
<img src=\"images/english/lame_add.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Add Lame\" /></a></span>";
else if ($mybb->user['uid'] != $post['uid'] && $mybb->user['uid'] > 0 && $lame_users['has_lame'] &&
$post['lame_button'] = "<span id=\"lame_button{$post['pid']}\" class=\"lame_remove\" >
<a onclick=\"lame_action({$post['pid']}); return false; \"
<img src=\"images/english/lame_delete.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Remove Lame\" /></a></span>";
// Get the details of lame info for the paticular user.
$details = getDetails($post['uid']);
// Lame details in the user post info
$post['lame_details'] = '<br /><span class="smalltext">Lame Given: '.$details['total_given']
.'<br /> Lame Received Per Post: '.$details['total_received']
function lameAction() {
global $mybb, $db;
$tid = (int)$mybb->input['tid'];
$pid = (int)$mybb->input['pid'];
$action = $mybb->input['action'];
if ($action == 'lame' &&!trim($mybb->usergroup['canaddlame'])) {
error_no_permission();//error('Not Allowed to remove lame.');
if ($action == 'remove_lame' &&!trim($mybb->usergroup['canremovelame'])) {
error_no_permission();//error('Not Allowed to remove lame.');
// Adding lame and checking to make sure the user
// is logged in.
if ($action == 'lame' && $mybb->user['uid'] > 0)
$maxlameperday = (int)$mybb->usergroup['maxlameperday'];
$lame_limit = FALSE;
// If max lame is greater then zero then check to see if they hit their limit.
if ($maxlameperday > 0)
$lame_used_24_hours_query = $db->simple_select('lame', 'time', 'l_uid = "'
.(int)$mybb->user['uid'].'" AND time >= "'.strtotime('-1 day').'"',
'order_by' => 'time',
'order_dir' => 'ASC'
$lame_given = $db->num_rows($lame_used_24_hours_query);
if ($lame_given >= $maxlameperday)
$lame_limit = TRUE;
$error = $message = '';
$link = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_post_link($pid, $tid))."#pid{$pid}";
if ($lame_limit) {
$lame_used_24_hour_results = $db->fetch_array($lame_used_24_hours_query);
$post_again = $lame_used_24_hour_results['time'] + (24 * 60 * 60);
$error = '';
$message = 'You have already hit your lame limit. You need to wait 24 hours. You may post another lame on '
.date('M j, Y H:i', $post_again);
if ($mybb->user['showredirect'] == 0)
$message .= '<br /><a href="'.$link.'">Return</a>';
error($message, $error);
} else {
// Redirect the user back to the page they came from.
redirect($link, $message, $error);
else if ($action == 'remove_lame' && $mybb->user['uid'] > 0)
// Redirect the user back to the page they came from.
redirect(htmlspecialchars_decode(get_post_link($pid, $nextthread['tid']))."#pid{$pid}");
function ajaxAction() {
global $mybb, $db;
$pid = (int)$mybb->input['pid'];
$action = $mybb->input['action'];
if ($action == 'lame' || $action == 'remove_lame')
$lame = array();
$lame['error'] = '';
$lame['can_remove_lame'] = FALSE;
$lame['can_add_lame'] = FALSE;
$check = FALSE;
// Find out if the lame add buttons need to be removed
$lame['lame_limit'] = FALSE;
// If user has hit their limit and then removes
// a lame and is below the limit then rebuild add image.
$lame['below_limit'] = FALSE;
if (($action == 'lame' &&!trim($mybb->usergroup['canaddlame'])) || ($action == 'remove_lame' &&!trim($mybb->usergroup['canremovelame'])))
if (!trim($mybb->usergroup['canaddlame']))
$lame['lame_limit'] = TRUE;
if (!trim($mybb->usergroup['canremovelame']))
$lame['below_limit'] = TRUE;
$lame['error'] = 'You do not have permission to perform this action. Please contact
the administrator if you feel this is incorrect.';
echo json_encode($lame);
$maxlameperday = (int)$mybb->usergroup['maxlameperday'];
// Adding lame and checking to make sure the user
// is logged in.
if ($action == 'lame' && $mybb->user['uid'] > 0)
if (trim($mybb->usergroup['canremovelame']))
$lame['can_remove_lame'] = TRUE;
// If max lame is greater then zero then check to see if they hit their limit.
if ($maxlameperday > 0)
$lame_used_24_hours_query = $db->simple_select('lame', 'time', 'l_uid = "'
.(int)$mybb->user['uid'].'" AND time >= "'.strtotime('-1 day').'"',
'order_by' => 'time',
'order_dir' => 'ASC'
$lame_given = $db->num_rows($lame_used_24_hours_query) + 1;
if ($lame_given >= $maxlameperday)
// Remove lame add buttons
$lame['lame_limit'] = TRUE;
if ($lame_given > $maxlameperday)
$lame_used_24_hour_results = $db->fetch_array($lame_used_24_hours_query);
$post_again = $lame_used_24_hour_results['time'] + (24 * 60 * 60);
$lame['error'] = 'You have already hit your lame limit. You need to wait 24 hours.
You may post another lame on '.date('M j, Y H:i', $post_again);
if (empty($lame['error']))
$check = saveLame($pid);
$lame['image'] = '<img src="images/english/lame_delete.gif" border="0" alt="Remove Lame" />';
else if ($action == 'remove_lame' && $mybb->user['uid'] > 0)
if (trim($mybb->usergroup['canaddlame']))
$lame['can_add_lame'] = TRUE;
if ($maxlameperday > 0)
$lame_used_24_hours_query = $db->simple_select('lame', 'lame_id', 'l_uid = "'
.(int)$mybb->user['uid'].'" AND time >= "'.strtotime('-1 day').'"');
$lame_given = $db->num_rows($lame_used_24_hours_query);
$check = removeLame($pid);
if ($maxlameperday > 0 && $check && $maxlameperday == $lame_given) {
$lame['below_limit'] = TRUE;
$lame['testy'] = $lame_given.'<= given max lame per day =>'. $maxlameperday;
if (($lame_given - 1) >= $maxlameperday)
// Remove lame add buttons
$lame['lame_limit'] = TRUE;
$lame['image'] = '<img src="images/english/lame_add.gif" border="0" alt="Add Lame" />';
$lame_users = findLameUsers($pid);
$lame['block'] = $lame_users['body'];
$lame['success'] = $check;
echo json_encode($lame);
function removeLame($pid) {
global $mybb, $db;
$db->delete_query('lame', "pid = $pid AND l_uid = ".$mybb->user['uid']);
return TRUE;
function saveLame($pid){
global $mybb, $db;
$uid_query = $db->query("
pid = $pid
$uid = $db->fetch_array($uid_query);
// Make sure the user adding a lame is not the user who created the post
// and a post exists.
if ($uid['uid'] != $mybb->user['uid'] && trim($uid['uid']))
$check_lame = $db->simple_select('lame', 'COUNT(lame_id) AS total'
, "pid = $pid AND l_uid = ".$mybb->user['uid']);
$total_lame = $db->fetch_array($check_lame);
// Make sure the user doesn't already have a lame.
if ($total_lame['total'] == 0)
$add_lame = array(
'l_uid' => $mybb->user['uid'],
'pid' => $pid,
'time' => time(),
$db->insert_query('lame', $add_lame);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
function findLameUsers($pid) {
global $db, $mybb;
$find_lames = $db->query("
".TABLE_PREFIX."lame g
".TABLE_PREFIX."users u
ON u.uid = g.l_uid
WHERE = $pid
g.time ASC
$user_list = array();
$lame_array = array('has_lame' => FALSE);
// Build the lame list for each post.
while ($lame_list = $db->fetch_array($find_lames)) {
$user_list[] = '<a href="'.get_profile_link($lame_list['uid']).'">'
.format_name($lame_list['username'], $lame_list['usergroup'], $lame_list['displaygroup']).'</a>';
// If user has already lameed about post then set has_groun to true
// to not show lame button .
if ($mybb->user['uid'] == $lame_list['uid']) {
$lame_array['has_lame'] = TRUE;
// Display the list of users if there are any.
$lame_section = '';
if (!empty($user_list)) {
$lame_section .= '<table class="thead" style="margin-bottom:5px;" width="100%">
<tr><td><b>The following users think this post is LAME:</b></td></tr>
<tr class="tcat"><td>'.implode(', ', $user_list).'</td></tr></table>';
$lame_array['body'] = $lame_section;
return $lame_array;
function lameMemberDetail() {
global $mybb, $templates, $lame_details;
//print_r($mybb);//echo $mybb->input['fid'];
if($mybb->input['action'] == 'profile' && (int)$mybb->input['uid']) {
$details = getDetails($mybb->input['uid']);
// Set the two variables in the templates.
$lame_given = $details['total_given'];
$lame_received = $details['total_received'];
$lame_posts = $details['total_posts'];
// Call the template and set the variable.
eval("\$lame_details = \"".$templates->get("member_profile_lame_details")."\";");
function getDetails($uid) {
global $db;
$uid = (int)$uid;
$detail = array();
// Find lame given by a user
$number_lame = $db->query("
COUNT(l.lame_id) AS total
".TABLE_PREFIX."lame l
".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p
ON =
l.l_uid = $uid
$number_lame_given = $db->fetch_array($number_lame);
// Find number of lames received to number of posts
$number_lame2 = $db->query("
COUNT(l.lame_id) as total_lame,
COUNT(DISTINCT( as total_posts
".TABLE_PREFIX."lame l
".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p
ON =
p.uid = ".$uid
$number_lame_received = $db->fetch_array($number_lame2);
$detail['total_given'] = $number_lame_given['total'];
$detail['total_received'] = $number_lame_received['total_lame'];
$detail['total_posts'] = $number_lame_received['total_posts'];
return $detail;
function postRemove($pid) {
global $mybb, $db;
$pid = (int)$pid;
// Check to see if the post still exists.
$check_post = $db->simple_select('posts', 'pid', "pid = $pid");
$post_exist = $db->num_rows($check_post);
// If the post got deleted and the action is deletepost then remove
// all lames that go with the post.
if ($post_exist == 0 && $mybb->input['action'] == 'deletepost') {
function removeAllLames($pid) {
global $db;
// Delete all lames with the deletion of the post
$db->delete_query('lame', "pid = $pid");
function lameAdminTab($tabs) {
global $mybb;
// The Guest group doesn't have any settings.
if ($mybb->input['gid'] != 1) {
$tabs['lame'] = 'Lame';
function lameAdminForm() {
global $mybb;
$gid = (int)$mybb->input['gid'];
echo '<div id="tab_lame">';
$form_container = new FormContainer('Lame Settings');
$post_string = 'index.php?module=user/groups&action=edit&gid='.$gid;
$form = new DefaultForm('','');
$form_container->output_row($form->generate_check_box('add_lame', 1
, 'Can Add Lame?', array('checked' => $mybb->input['canaddlame'])));
$form_container->output_row($form->generate_check_box('remove_lame', 1
, 'Can Remove Lame?', array('checked' => $mybb->input['canremovelame'])));
$form_container->output_row('Number of Lames per day:'
, 'Enter 0 for no limit. Max lame limit is 100.'
, $form->generate_text_box('lame_max', $mybb->input['maxlameperday'], array('style' => 'width: 26px;')));
echo '</div>';
function saveLameGroupSettings()
global $mybb, $db;
$set_add_lame = $mybb->input['add_lame'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
$set_remove_lame = $mybb->input['remove_lame'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
$max_lame_per_day = (int)$mybb->input['lame_max'];
$set_max_lame = (($max_lame_per_day > 0 && $max_lame_per_day < 100) ? $max_lame_per_day : 5);
$update_array = array(
'canaddlame' => $set_add_lame,
'canremovelame' => $set_remove_lame,
'maxlameperday' => $set_max_lame,
// If the user can access the admin control panel and can modify the user group
// permission then save the lame group permissions.
if ($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] && $mybb->admin['permissions']['user']['groups']) {
$db->update_query('usergroups', $update_array, 'gid = '.(int)$mybb->input['gid']);
Jemand eine Ahnung, woran das liegt?