
Comprehensive Javascript/jQuery Manager
Version: 1.0
Autor: Audentio
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 29.12.2010
Letzte Aktualisierung: 28.12.2010
Support: https://www.mybb.de/forum/thread-23028.html (2 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.6.x
Bisherige Downloads: 565
Introducing jSnippets for MyBB 1.6

The Audentio Design team is proud to release the revolutionary new javascript management plugin for MyBB. This plugin will allow a user to not only manage all the javascript on their forum in one place, but also download advanced functions directly from the control panel.

Javascript is becoming an even more prominent aspect of web design than ever before and it is the third main language of the three front end client side languages. Therefore, the Audentio Design team felt that it deserved its own management area in the control panel.

There is a theme manager for images and CSS and a template manager for HTML. The third aspect is something that has not been included in any forum software and we concluded that by today's standards, it should be considered a more important part.

This plugin is a complete version, but there will be many more features added in the future. Some include more advanced ways to manage file sizes, load times, and other forms of optimization. This plugin will work with any javascript, including libraries such as jQuery and Mootools.

Prototype has not been written out in this plugin, it is still very much the main core library in MyBB. We were going to completely remove Prototype from MyBB, but with 2.0 on the way, we felt that it might be more work than is necessary. We wanted a tool that could be used right out of the box with any MyBB installation.

Currently, we are looking for some script developers and programmers to help us in creating new, high quality snippets. Please contact us if you are interested in joining our team and helping us with this revolutionary new product.

We highly recommend taking any javascript in your themes, and storing them in this system. In future versions, we will be offering tools to allow the plugins to work together and alert you of any inconsistencies or updates in code.

Please click here to see how it all works in a graphical representation!

Note: If you currently plan to use this plugin, we have enabled jQuery by default. Therefore, if any of your themes currently have jQuery embedded in the headerinclude template, please comment it out or delete it.

Please see the readme.txt file for installation instructions and other license information.

A big thanks to Jorge Lainfiesta for massive amounts of help and ideas, and to Jitendra Maharaj for the impressive skillful development of the plugin.

Quelle: jSnippets bei MyBB.com

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