Eigene Seiten v1.1

This mod allows you to create custom MyBB pages from within the ACP and set the following settings per page: Title: Page Title Page: pages.php?page...
Version: v1.1
Autor: Nickman
Deutsche Übersetzung: modercol
Hochgeladen: 30.06.2007
Letzte Aktualisierung: 31.01.2010
Support: https://www.mybb.de/forum/thread-19672.html (2 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.2.x
Bisherige Downloads: 762
This mod allows you to create custom MyBB pages from within the ACP and set
the following settings per page:
Title: Page Title
Page: pages.php?page=THIS
Active: If set to no, no one will be able to view this page
Content: Content in the page
Groups that can view this page: Set the usergroups that have access to
this page. Use Ctrl Click to select more than one
Put content in a MyBB style table: If you set to no it will be header -
Your stuff -Footer instead of header--table--your stuff-end table--footer

Quelle: Custom Pages bei MyBB.com

Ähnliche Erweiterungen

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You are not allowed to redistribute without my permission.Screenshots: http://www.axbb.zeeblo.com/mybb/mymods/c..._index.jpg http://www.axbb.zee...

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