
Dreamy has also got its look from brown shade but still has been successful in having its own class with beautiful icons. Dreamy is special for me ...
Autor: chiefsaab
Deutsche Übersetzung: Michael
Hochgeladen: 20.12.2006
Letzte Aktualisierung: 13.01.2010
Support: https://www.mybb.de/forum/thread-19147.html (0 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.0x / 1.1x
Bisherige Downloads: 531
Dreamy has also got its look from brown shade but still has been successful
in having its own class with beautiful icons. Dreamy is special for me for
its fresh look and feel. I will recommend it to everyone.

PS: This theme was originally made for PR2. But it also
works for 1.0. You only need to set Ignore Version
Compatibility option to Yes to use it for 1.0.
Let me know if it doesn't work or if any image is missing.

Quelle: Dreamy bei MyBB.com