Advanced Stats on Index/Portal

â?¢ Allows you to show more stats on the index page and/or portal page. â?¢ You're able to change the location of the stats (index or portal templa...
Autor: Smethead
Deutsche Übersetzung: modercol
Hochgeladen: 28.06.2007
Letzte Aktualisierung: 31.01.2010
Support: (24 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.2.x
Bisherige Downloads: 576
â?¢ Allows you to show more stats on the index page and/or portal page.
â?¢ You're able to change the location of the stats (index or portal
â?¢ You can choose to show the 'Most Viewed Threads', 'Most Replied-to
Threads', 'Newest Replies', 'Newest Threads', 'Top Posters', 'Today's Top
Posters', 'Newest Members', 'Most Popular Forums', 'Highest Reputated
Members', 'Online Members'.
â?¢ You can choose how much items there should be in a list.
â?¢ You can choose how much a thread name should be stripped if it's very
â?¢ You can change all these settings in 'AdminCP >> Board Settings
>> Change >> Advanced Stats on Index Settings'.
â?¢ Available languages: English, Dutch, German. The language is
automatically set to the one the user has chosen for MyBB.
â?¢ A backup can be made of settings when disactivating.
â?¢ Compatible with 'Classic Reputation System'-plugin.
â?¢ You can choose different styles to show the stats. The 'Normal' style
is what it was in previous versions. The 'Hover' style doesn't show the
details of the items in the lists unless you hover over the items in the
list. The 'Expand & Collapse' style doesn't show the lists unless you
click one of the titles. Then it shows the list of the title you hover
over. These last two styles are useful for people who want to show lots of
stats or have a theme which makes their board smaller.

Quelle: Advanced Stats on Index/Portal for MyBB 1.2.x bei

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