RT Chat (Ajax Chat w/ Cache)

RT Chat Is a modern and responsive MyBB chat plugin which utilizes MyBB cache system when retrieving messages via ajax. For high performance and no database queries, you can speed up ajax requests to even 1-2 seconds per request for better message sync.
Version: 1.5
Autor: RevertIT
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 16.04.2023
Letzte Aktualisierung: 03.04.2024
Support: https://www.mybb.de/forum/thread-38678.html (29 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.8.x
Bisherige Downloads: 264
RT Chat
Is a modern and responsive MyBB chat plugin which utilizes MyBB cache system when retrieving messages via ajax. For high performance and no database queries, you can speed up ajax requests to even 1-2 seconds per request for better message sync.

Stable versions are since 1.0 and up.

  • Responsive design (CSS, templates, and settings included)
  • Ajax chat with cached messages. (No database stress!)
  • Whispers system. (Private chat messages)
  • Popup modal for top 10 chat posters
  • Chat bot (Get configurable notifications from bot in chat)
  • Chat actions like (/clear, /ban, /unban, /check)
  • Anti flood system
  • Live message timer update
  • Infinite scroll for older messages
  • Set refresh time
  • Set away time (Ajax won't be called when user is afk)
  • Supports BBCodes and Smilies
  • Min message length
  • Groups which can access chat
  • Separated chat page at /misc.php?ext=rt_chat
  • Edit message / Delete message
  • and many more features

#Chat actions
Ban user via chat action
/ban "username" "ban reason" 60 // Will ban user for 60 minutes
Unban user via chat action
/unban "username"
Clear chat via chat action
Check user ban status via chat action
/check "username"
Will check the details about user with username
and the message will be displayed only to moderator who called the command.


  1. Copy the directories from the plugin inside your root MyBB installation.
  2. Settings for the plugin are located in the "Plugin Settings" tab.


  1. Deactivate the plugin.
  2. Replace the plugin files with the new files.
  3. Activate the plugin again.


  1. Uninstall the plugin from your plugin manager.
  2. Optional: Delete all the RT Chat plugin files from your MyBB folder.

#Feature request
Open a new idea by clicking here

Quelle: RT Chat (Ajax Chat w/ Cache) bei MyBB.com

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