User IP History Logs
This keeps a record of a users IP history as they use the website. This is useful for auditing fraud/ban evaders/general/when people start using VPNS/Proxys during their user activity. It can record every instance of a users IP when it changes
Version: 1.4.3
Autor: JeremyCrookshank
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 21.01.2019
Letzte Aktualisierung: 11.08.2021
Support: (10 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.8.x
Bisherige Downloads: 216
This is my first MyBB plugin so excuse if any mistakes are made. I created this plugin as I wanted to keep a record of every users IP when it changes. I know MyBB keeps a record but it only records the IP when a post is made or a PM or the last IP they used on the website. For my website this was not sufficient as a lot of my users would use a VPN/Proxy to evade and I would want to blacklist all their IP's which they use and most of the time they weren't making a post so I didn't have a sufficient log of IP history to go off.Autor: JeremyCrookshank
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 21.01.2019
Letzte Aktualisierung: 11.08.2021
Support: (10 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.8.x
Bisherige Downloads: 216
This keeps a record of a users IP history as they use the website. This is useful for auditing fraud/ban evaders/general/when people start using VPNS/Proxys/Different Devices during their user activity. It can record every instance when a User's IP/User Agent is changed and how often, the page they were viewing and their useragent. The logging page is powered by DataTables which allows you to filter & sort by a user id, pagetitle, user agent or an IP address. It also has CloudFlare support to ensure the correct User IP is shown and more features(Tasks ect).
NEWurge a user or all users IP history!
* Important *
Any Users who are on version 1.0.3 MUST uninstall the plugin before installing the new one. As a result you will lose current data. However the new version is far superior and recommended
New database structure brings it inline with MyBB standard which also allows more people using an older database to use this plugin.
New filtering options allow you to limit how many results are returned which will be immensely useful in larger forums and also includes user filtering and sorting options which I expect will be very helpful.
You can of course still filter using the DataTable by clicking on the columns and searching in there as well. This update is quite big in comparison to code changed but I hope you all enjoy it.
I'm happy to take suggestions/bugs on my GitHub:
1. Upload the files from "Files" to your MyBB root directory.
2. Go to ACP -> Configuration -> Plugins.
3. Activate plugin.
4. Go to ACP -> Configuration -> IP History Logs.
5. Enable plugin.
6. Configure as Desired
7. View IP logs under Tools & Maintenance
8. Ensure that you have appropriate permissions to view the logs MyBB admin area goto Users & Groups. Click Admin Permissions on the left side bar. Click your admin profile then options -> Edit Permissions.
Then goto the Tools & Maintenance tab and ensure that "Ability to view Users IP History" is ticked yes.
Quelle: User IP History Logs bei
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