CoderMe Donation
Accept Online/Offline Donations through Payza, 2checkout, PayPal, Western Union and Bank/Wire transfer.
Version: 6.0.0
Autor: tera
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 10.09.2017
Letzte Aktualisierung: 23.09.2018
Support: (3 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.8.x
Bisherige Downloads: 535
Features SummaryAutor: tera
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 10.09.2017
Letzte Aktualisierung: 23.09.2018
Support: (3 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.8.x
Bisherige Downloads: 535
- Online Donations through Payza, 2checkout and PayPal.
- Offline Donations through Western Union and Bank/Wire transfer
- Support more than 160 currencies.
- Custom or predefined amounts.(minimum accepted amount supported)
- Donors can send a note while donation (optional).
- Donation bar, target amount and expiry date.
- Ability to reset Donation bar and start a new goal
- Changeable width of the bar/container from settings manager without template changes
- Top Donors can be viewed by selected groups.(frontend).
- Donations management: Browse, confirm, unconfirm and delete donations(Admin Control Panel).
- Image verification (captcha) for guest/members or always.
- Donors can be moved to a selected group
- Donations can be accepted selected groups
- Notice/Email notifications for new/unconfirmed donations (Optional)
- Google Analytic for donation page (optional)
- Useful donations Stats.
- Fully customizable templates.
- Enhanced JavaScript validations.
- Customizable donation bar msgs
- Support to Mybb v1.8
Installation Steps
- Backup your database and ALL of your forum files
- Upload the plugin tar file to your server
- Untar the uploaded file somewhere in your server file system (preferably /tmp)
$ tar xvf latest.tar.gz
- Copy the contents of src directory within the unpacked tar to your forum root
$ cp -arv src/* /var/www/html/mybb/
- Go to your Admin/plugins, You should see a plugin named CoderMe Donation FREE, this is it , click install/activate
- You are now able to configure the plugin with your options.
To give permissions to more admins do the following additional steps:
Go to 'Users & Groups' tab, next choose Admin Permissions, choose the admin you want to let him/her manage, browse and view stats about donations, click options => Set Permissons
Click on ab Donors, set permissions to Yes, now you see a new tab Donors, there where you can manage and browse your recieved donations.
[b]Upgrade from v5 (warning)
- Upgrade is NOT supported, this version for those running PHP 7.0+ with fresh install
[b]Upgrade from versions older than v5[/b]
- Backup your database and ALL of your forum files (including your old plugin files).
- Follow the exact installation steps above
- (important) Remove the following directory (the plugin will try to remove it for you, this just in case it failed): admin/modules/naoar_donors
- Old Templates WILL NOT be removed instead new templates will be added.
Upgrade Notice:
After proper upgrading you'll have old templates with new templates ( suffixed by _v5 ) side by side, this is intended so that if you've customized the old templates, be able to do the same changes in new templates based on old ones,
Warning: New templates may contain different place holders (enclosed within curly braces {}), so simple copy/paste may not work..
If you did corrupt the new templates don't panic just deactivate then activate the plugin will restore the templates to the default
New In CoderMe Donation FREE V5.0
- Skrill removed.
- 2checkout has been added.
- Require MTCN from donors when Western Union is used.
- Form double submit prevention Added.
- CSRF Prevention Added.
- Option to hide donors emails from top donors page (switched on by default).
- ISO 4217 Currency codes(1).
- Code refactoring/ general cleanups.
- Require confirmation before uninstallation, to prevent accidental loss of data.
Changelog Since V 3.0.0
CoderMe Donation FREE v5.0.1
# Adding missing: Adding missing src/inc/plugins/naoardonate/funcs.php
CoderMe Donation FREE v5.0
# [REMOVED]: Skrill removed.
# [ADDED]: 2checkout has been added.
# [ADDED]: Require MTCN from donors when Western Union is used.
# [SECURITY]: Form double submit prevention Added.
# [SECURITY]: CSRF Prevention Added.
# [PRIVACY]: Option to hide donors emails from top donors page (switched on by default).
# [ISO]: ISO 4217 Currencies codes(1).
# [GENERAL]: Code refactoring/ general cleanups.
# [CONFIRMATION]: Require confirmation before uninstallation, to prevent accidental loss of data.
(1) Some currencies codes picked over the ISO to address the common usage in certain payment processors.
CoderMe Donation 4.0.1
# Bugfix: invalid donation amount
# Workaround: missing language naoardonate_global.lang.php
# Adding admin/modules/coderme_donors to the archive
CoderMe Donation 4.0.0
# Add support for mybb 1.8
# Remove libertyreserve.
Naoar Donation 3.0.6
# Bugfix: yet another upgrade bug (from 1.x to 3.x)
Naoar Donation 3.0.5
# Bugfix: upgrade bug (from 1.x to 3.x)
Naoar Donation 3.0.4
# Bugfix: upgrade bug
Naoar Donation 3.0.3
# Bugfix: upgrade bug
Naoar Donation 3.0.2
# Bugfix: donation by Paypal wasn't working
Naoar Donation 3.0.1
# Bugfix: Preserve donation bar status when upgrade
# Bugfix: currencies select box
Home Page:
Quelle: CoderMe Donation bei
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