SCD Img Links

Generates a small thumbnail popup on mouseover of a link in [url][/url] tags, but without being a mycode filter
Version: 1.3
Autor: Dylan M.
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 01.11.2009
Letzte Aktualisierung: 20.09.2010
Support: (0 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.6.x
Bisherige Downloads: 22
SCD Img Links

A mouseover thumbnail generator for links encapsulated in [url][/url] tags. This should work for all your MyCode links.

Upload the inc folder from the zip to your MyBB_root on your site.

Activation & Usage
Once you activate the plugin in your AdminCP's Plugins section it is automatic. It will take effect for all links on your board that are enclosed in [url][/url] tags. Other links should not be affected (ie links to other sections of the board).

Any issues should be reported in the thread for this plugin on SCD ( )

For a demonstration of the plugin there is an html file in the inc/plugins/scd_img_link/ folder that you can open in a browser and mouseover the links.

Known Issues:
Some sites will not render and you'll get an image that says "Thumbnail has been queued" and it'll never show. This is because those sites have a server config that prevents Websnapr from generating the thumbnail.

Here you can see the correct thumbnail from google:
[img] Links 1.thumb.png[/img]

And here is the thumbnail from a blocked site:
[img] Links 2.thumb.png[/img]

Quelle: SCD Img Links bei

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