File Verification task

This task will run the file verification function and email the administrator when a changed file is detected.
Version: 1.0
Autor: Paul H.
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 19.02.2013
Letzte Aktualisierung: 19.02.2013
Support: (0 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.6.x
Bisherige Downloads: 204
Upload fileverification.php file to inc/tasks.

Then, go to ACP>Tools & Maintenance>Task Manager>Add New Task

Select fileverification.php and fill out the task as you desire. You probably don't want to run it every minute, but running it as often as possible is probably a good idea to detect intrusion as soon as possible

The email is sent to the admin email as defined in the board settings.

Quelle: File Verification task bei

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