Anti Proxy

This plugin detects most of the proxies and denies registration using proxies.
Version: 1.1
Autor: crazy4cs
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 02.11.2012
Letzte Aktualisierung: 09.11.2012
Support: (8 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.6.x
Bisherige Downloads: 49
Author: Pratik Unadkat.
Author site: -
License: Mentioned below.

For support, please POST in below thread, I CANNOT answer to reviews:

Description: This plugin detects most of the proxies and denies registration using proxies.


This plugin detects proxies using the various HTTP headers.

The plugin comes with full language support.

Installation instructions:

1. Unzip the archive.
2. Upload antiproxy.lang.php found inside inc/languages/ folder in the zip to ./inc/languages/ directory of your server.
3. Upload antiproxy.php inside the inc/plugins/ folder which we just extracted now to (root)./inc/plugins directory of your website's server.
4. Go to ACP > Plugins and activate it.
5. Next, proceed to ACP > Settings > Configuration and find antiproxy settings and configure them.

Note: By default, the plugin is in "OFF" mode, you need to enable it from the settings mentioned above.


Anyone who have downloaded this, the below but not limited to rules applies to them:

1. Not distributed under GNU/GPL.
2. You may modify the codes or plugin for your personal use but cannot claim it to be own or remodify and sell or reproduce under any cirumstances.
3. Free to edit for personal use but not allowed to distribute the plugin by modifying any codes.

Quelle: Anti Proxy bei

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