Advanced Ads Manager

Advanced Ads Manager was created to be the most powerful advertisements manager for MyBB 1.6.
Version: 1.1.0
Autor: mihu
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 30.09.2013
Letzte Aktualisierung: 30.09.2013
Support: (8 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.6.x
Bisherige Downloads: 62
Current Version : 1.0.0
Website :
Team :

+ at least MyBB 1.6.0
+ PHP 5.3.0 or greater
+ MySQL as database
Advanced Ads Manager was created to be the most powerful advertisements manager for MyBB 1.6. It is very similar with My Advertisements (made by Pirata Nervo) as features, but more complex and faster. It is the perfect solution for big boards, where speed-up is critical. (Please read all features to understand his power...)Another big difference between Ads Manager and My Advertisements is that, with this plugin an user can make his own advertisement and pay it for a period of time defined by you. Moreover, now he can edit his own banner when he wants. Because screenshots are more powerfull then words, please see the following previews to understand what he does. Features
- An user can administrate his advertisements using "My Ads" link present in UserCP section.
- There are some forms that can be used to add / edit or extend number of months during which the advertising is displayed.
- After edit or advertisement posting, an administrator must approve it to see the changes / to appear on board.
- This plugin works only with months and years (1 month = 30 days = 30 * 86400 seconds)
- An user cannot request cancellation for an active advertisement without administrator permission.
- Enable / disable setting for plugin.
- Statistics module for your board using Google Analytics API.
- Multiple payment systems (v1.1);
- Ability to allow only specified groups to post advertisement.
- Ability to allow only specified groups to view advertisement.
- Ability to set an interval of months that can be buyed by users when they post advertisement.
- Ability to set what maximum dimensions your users should use to post ads.
- Ability to set an array of image extensions that your users should use on ads posting.
- Announce using PM when advertisement expire soon;
- Option to give money back (NewPoints credits) for some ads that were deleted before expiration date.
- Possibility of extending the regular period of time when a banner is displayed, by paying NewPoints credits.
- Ability to set some default images to be displayed for zones who don`t have an active advertisement associated.
- It allows administrators to create multiple zones (by default are three zones : Header, Postbit and Footer) and for each can be set a maximum dimension value, a price per month and groups ids that can see ads associated with these zones.
- A zone can have only one active advertisement.
- Automatic management for ads (a task is used).
- Administrators can create ads from AdminCP without need to pay credits.
- Administrators can approve / disapprove / edit / delete ads when they want.
- Big improvement related with number of queries made by plugin. Cache is used to store banner code, number of clicks and views for an active advertisement.
- Number of clicks and views for an active advertisement are updated every 24 hours (using an internal task).
- Option to rebuild plugin cache infos if your board cache system crashed.
Ministats about plugin are present in AdminCP.
- Every action is logged.
- Upgrade section added.
- HTML comment tags are used for distingush different types of ad zones;
- Option for templates rebuilding directly from Administration Control Panel;
- Option to delete old logs from database.
Install / Upgrade / Support
Visit our official thread description if you want to get more details.


Quelle: Advanced Ads Manager bei

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