123 Flash Chat and MyBB integration plugin
Free plugin to embed a video live chat room into website. Integrating MyBB with 123 Flash Chat.
Version: 10.0
Autor: 123flashchat
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 13.10.2009
Letzte Aktualisierung: 30.04.2014
Support: https://www.mybb.de/forum/thread-21743.html (1 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.6.x
Bisherige Downloads: 463
123 Flash Chat IntroductionAutor: 123flashchat
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 13.10.2009
Letzte Aktualisierung: 30.04.2014
Support: https://www.mybb.de/forum/thread-21743.html (1 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.6.x
Bisherige Downloads: 463
123 Flash Chat creates live chat room for the high-load chat events, social network, dating site, online conference, etc., or live support platform for e-business to offer online call center. It's a fast, reliable, easy and affordable way to host and manage real-time communication.
123 Flash Chat is a shareware, it offers a free edition for 10 concurrent users to start with, and then 50 to unlimited users license to purchase.
MyBB Chat Module Introduction
With the free module for MyBB, you can add a live chat room to your MyBB in minutes. It makes your MyBB more interactive, turn the visitors to registered members and get them stick to your website.
1. Display Chat Data
Firstly, a chat button will be added to the top menu of your MyBB as the chat room entrance.
Secondly the following data of the chat room can be displayed on your MyBB’s front page, and attract more users to join chatting.
* Connection number
* Logon user number
* Chat room number
* Chat user name list in all rooms
2. Auto-login
The module enables auto-login and avoids double-registration or double-login. That is to say, the users log in MyBB using their username and password, and if they want to enter your chat room, all they need to do is just clicking the chat icon, with an existing identity, no bother to register or offer account details again.
Online Demo
1. MyBB Chat Demo
2. General Chat Demo
123 Flash Chat server software demo, multiple skins and multilingual:
3. Download MyBB Chat Module
Installation Level: Intermediate
Installation Time: ~5 Minutes
Features Preview
* Superior performance: high reliability and high load support.
* Fast response Easy to use.
* Full integration with external databases.
* Auto-login.
* Database Connection Pool.
* Firewall penetration.
* Secure communication.
* Multilingual support and language auto-detect.
* Ad banners and text ads supported.
* Cross-platform.
Firewall penetration
123 Flash Chat can be used with a firewall providing the specific port is opened on the firewall.
Database Connection Pool
The connection pool can enhance server performance. With thousands of concurrent users online, increasing the pool size ensures the stability of the connecting database and handles high load and busy traffic.
Secure communication
Chat messages can be encrypted to ensure security. 123 Flash Chat Server encrypts messages using an RSA algorithm. This can be enabled or disabled by the administrator. Cross-domain-policy is included to restrict access from other domains, preventing hacks.
What's New
123 Flash Chat Software: This is a new version which greatly enhanced user experience; There are 16 skins and 60 smileys now and it is definitely eye catching!
Handraising Function: Chat admins can activate this new feature so that users will need to apply to be in the list to publish his video. This is the most effective way to trigger your user's move to consume within the chat. You can set the criteria, such as the credits owned/earned, sofa bid, virtual gifts sent but all lead to one ultimate goal, more participation in the chat and increase in business and revenue.
PPM/PPV: Credits service has been introduced, users can earn money with the application of the module.
Video Conference: Multiple video windows will automatically display at top, this is especially ideal for virtual conference, webinar, chat community, social network, etc.
Membership Upgrade: Users hierarchy is enabled with standard, plus, premium and VIP members and each level will have different privileges.
Mobile app: A downloadable application for 123 Flash Chat users can enjoy the chat on their iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
Clearing of the Screen: Admin can clear screen for all users with the HTML5 client since V10.0.
HTML5 Client: It works beautifully on PC,Iphone and Android systems with a faster loading speed and high quality of video.
Check more info at: http://www.123flashchat.com/
Quelle: 123 Flash Chat and MyBB integration plugin bei MyBB.com
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