
Allows you to quickly quote a complete post or selected portion of a post.
Version: 1.0
Autor: Aries-Belgium
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 17.06.2011
Letzte Aktualisierung: 16.06.2011
Support: https://www.mybb.de/forum/thread-23451.html (3 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.6.x
Bisherige Downloads: 200
Compatible with MyBB 1.4.x and 1.6.x .

This plugin allows your users to quickly quote a complete post or a selected portion of a post into the quick reply box with one single click. When no text is selected from the post, the original post message will be quoted. When text is selected, the selected portion (including bb tags, images, links and smilies) will be quoted. Only standard BB/MyCode tags are supported, with the exception of the video tag. For custom MyCode tags, only the readable text is included.

The user also has two new options in the UserCP to change the behavior of this plugin:
- the option to jump to the Quick Reply box when clicking the Quick Quote button.
- the option to make the Quick Quote the default behavior and replace the normal Reply-button action with the Quick Quote action.


Please only report bugs or any other problem in the plugin thread or the Plugin Support subforum on the MyBB Community Forum. I can not respond to comments/reviews on mod site.

This plugin will always be free but if you like this plugin and want to support the further development of this and my other plugins, feel free to donate. Not doing it doesn't restrict you or the functionality of this plugin in any way.
Donate. Thank you!

You can help to spread the word and promote this plugin:
- share the link to either the thread or this page on social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, ...)
- give this plugin a good review on the mod site.
- rate this plugin on the mod site.
- comment in the plugin thread on the MyBB Community Forum
- tell your friends about the plugin

Plugin author: http://community.mybb.com/user-3840.html


Quelle: QuickQuote bei MyBB.com

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