imei Anti URL Cache
Adds a random string to links of a forum, so cache servers won't cache your site's content for users using same ISP
Version: 1.4
Autor: imei
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 19.09.2008
Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.09.2008
Support: (4 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.4.x
Bisherige Downloads: 401
This plugin adds your pages' links, a random garbage parameter, that this save your users privacy against proxy cache servers that save all urls!Autor: imei
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 19.09.2008
Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.09.2008
Support: (4 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.4.x
Bisherige Downloads: 401
Some users using same ISPs with a cache server witch don't pay attention to "no-cache" headers and just look at URLs and save them as a cache-able file. Users can view site's page as other users and even read their PM.
This plugin adds a random string at the end of any URLs in your site, so cache servers can't show same links for different users.
This plugin is compatible with spiders (will shut down for them.)
If you activate this plugin, all users have to see long URLs. If any user add a "&nocache=1" string after a URL, whole AntiCache system will shutdown for that specific user using a cookie. (unless he won't change his browser or delete his cookies)
Quelle: imei Anti URL Cache bei
Ähnliche Erweiterungen
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