MyPlaza Turbo
A very complex shop system.
Version: 0.3.0
Autor: Diogo Parrinha
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 23.12.2008
Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.07.2009
Support: (16 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.4.x
Bisherige Downloads: 595
After a long time of beta testing, 0.3.0 is finally out!Autor: Diogo Parrinha
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 23.12.2008
Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.07.2009
Support: (16 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.4.x
Bisherige Downloads: 595
- Fixed a small issue in passive hooks (just to make it easier for me to make upgrade files for modules)
- Added a new column in plaza_cat which name is 'hidden', if a category has this field set to 1 and HIDE_DELETED_CATEGORIES (at the the top of admin/myplaza.php code) is defined as 1, the category will not show up in Admin CP categories list. This is useful if have the inventory/mycompany module installed and you have plenty of items and categories already filling up the categories & items list. Just edit the category and set the hidden setting to yes. There's also a new filter which you can use to view the hidden categories only. You can unhide a category by editing it and setting the hidden setting to no.
- Fixed a few "typo's"
- Improved function myplaza_send_pm() to allow a custom from uid
- Fixed a bug that when deleting a log entry, a success message would not show up. This was due to the fact that $lang->log_entry_deleted did not exist
- Now if a user has additional groups, the plaza uses the group with the lowest plaza rate. (if you want it to select the group with the highest plaza rate, just edit myplaza_general.php "$rate = min($rate);" (without quotes) and replace with "$rate = max($rate);" (without quotes as well)
- The description of a category was not shown in the plaza, this bug has been fixed
- Fixed a bug in the Log that when using the filter "show", the filter would not be used in the pagination.
- Removed Update Manager to get rid of questions like "I get ERROR WHEN In Update manaAGer !! !!??"
- Removed Attachment fees to get rid of questions like "I get ERROR WHEN activating AttachMENT FEES MOduLE !!??"
- Modules system has been improved.
- Added a new menu to the plaza, you can switch to the classic one by going to the plaza settings and setting "Use classic menu?" to Yes
- Bank (1.1.0): updated to be compatible with the new "Admin Page for modules" and "Rebuild menu" features.
- Slotmachine (2.3.0): updated to be compatible with the new "Admin Page for modules" and "Rebuild menu" features.
- MyRPG (1.2.0): updated to be compatible with the new "Admin Page for modules" and "Rebuild menu" features. Added 2 custom items (one which increases the attack and one which increases the defense). Fixed one bug.
- Inventory (1.3.0): Fixed 1 low risk security vulnerability (and added compatibility with MyPlaza Turbo 0.3.0).
- MyCompany (2.1.0): Added an admin page which allows admins to manage companies. (delete companies, fire employees). Fixed 1 medium risk security vulnerability. (and added compatibility with MyPlaza Turbo 0.3.0). Fixed a bug in sell company action.
- Passive Hooks (1.1.0) You can inline delete hooks when viewing hooks added by a file. Improved the code.
- Fixed 1 very low risk security vulnerability.
I recommend everyone to upgrade immediately.
Live demo:
(You need to be registered)
The screenshot of the plaza page (focusing the new menu) is attached to this post.
I am not going to supply anymore screenshots for this version as the only thing that changed (besides the new menu) was the Modules page and internal things.
Before upgrading your forums, I recommend you to...
Make sure you read the file Documentation/install.html on how to UPGRADE or INSTALL.
The instructions explain everything (even what I said above), just follow them carefully.
I've upgraded my localhost two times correctly and I've also done a fresh installation so it should work fine on yours too.
Quelle: MyPlaza Turbo bei