Extra Statistics 3.1.2
Add several statistics and charts in the stats page.Autor: zaher1988
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 28.06.2007
Letzte Aktualisierung: 10.02.2007
Support: https://www.mybb.de/forum/thread-19588.html (9 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.2.x
Bisherige Downloads: 414
Version 3.1.2Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 28.06.2007
Letzte Aktualisierung: 10.02.2007
Support: https://www.mybb.de/forum/thread-19588.html (9 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.2.x
Bisherige Downloads: 414
Compatible with MyBB 1.2.x
Feb 7th 2007
Add several statistics in the stats page.
Upload exs.php to ./inc/plugins
Upload exs.lang.php to ./inc/languages/Your language
Upload all the images to ./images
Go to Admin CP > Board Settings > Plug-in Manager > Activate
You will get the statistics mentioned below listed in the stats page.
- Youngest member
- Eldest member
- 1st to join
- Total males
- Total Undisclosed
- Total females
- Last active user
- Top poster
- Guest count for today
- Member who were online today (count + list)
- Age Average
A new box will appear below Board Statistics box.
To be able to see the charts which are CSS boxes you will need to hover over the subject you’d like to see its details (e.g. Total males, youngest member).
Age Chart
The age chart is sorted descending from the max count of a certain age till the minimum; you keep your move in the box and scroll till the end of the chart.
The chart also has the age average displayed below the main box.
In case you were using RTL languages the plugin will detect that, and automatically use the images that are from right to left so that they appear correctly (as you see they are rounded at the end).
Sex Distribution Chart
A vertical chart displaying the 3 different sexes. Males, Females and Undisclosed. The background of each sex in the chart is defined by the place you hover on, for example as the screenshot above shows, the background for the males in the chart is blue, whereas the rest a grey, this is because we have hovered over the males count.
Today’s online member
Hovering over details next to the stats for today’s count, will result for a floating box that displays all the members who were online today, sorted from the latest.
In case you didn’t have permissions to see who were online of those who are invisible, then they won’t appear in the box, however if you had they will appear with a ’*’ next to the username. A user with no permissions to see who was online, will not be able to see the details hover link.
All these boxes detect your language direction RTL or LTR, and automatically adapt to it.
All the features are grammatically smart, they will automatically add ‘S’ or replace a singular verb with a plural one.
All the other statistics have links that lead to different stats, such as the list of top posters in the descending order, and the registered members in the ascending order.
Translation is mainly by editing ./inc/languages/english/exs.lang.php
And please submit them here.
What’s new?
- Final fix for the eldest, youngest bug
- Charts for the ages (in a CSS box).
- Age average.
- Chart for the sex distribution (in a CSS box).
- Counter for today's visits
- Counter for today's members.
- A list of all members who were online today (in a CSS box).
- Fully customizable CSS box.
- Different full statistics lists.
- More optimized code.
No previous version is compatible with 1.2.x.
Zaher1988 – TECHEX – The Site
Quelle: Extra Statistics 3.1.2 bei MyBB.com
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