Contact+ 2.0

A complete form to receive messages from member or visitors.
Autor: zaher1988
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 28.06.2007
Letzte Aktualisierung: 11.07.2006
Support: (3 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.0x / 1.1x
Bisherige Downloads: 394
Contact+ 2.0

A complete form to receive messages from member or visitors.


Upload contact_act.php to ./inc/plugins
Upload contact.lang.php to ./inc/languages/English
Upload contact.php to the main board’s directory
Go to Admin CP > Board Settings > Plugin manager > Activate

Setting-up settings
In Admin CP > Board Settings > Change > Contact+, there you have 2 settings

  • Message subject: You may edit the subject of the message that will be sent to you, {visitor} will be replaced by the visitor’s name that was input in the field.
  • Email address: the email which the messages will be sent to. By default this email is the admin email setting unless you edit it.
    The link to the contact page will replace the default one of the board at the footer, the form looks as the photo below.

Email address is a required field, an invalid entry will result to an error notifying the user to correct or input a valid email address.

Upon sending the email, a friendly redirection message will appear, however this message is subject to be disabled in case the friendly redirection setting of the board was off.


What’s new?

  1. A plugin system instead of manual code modification.
  2. Enables modifying message subject.
  3. Enables modifying the email the messages will be sent to.
  4. Fixed some html disorder.
  5. Fully translatable.
  6. More integrated within MyBB functions.
  7. Easy activation/deactivation.

Some problems that you might face actually are only a single one.

In case you have deactivated the mod, and you found that the link at the bottom haven’t been reverted to the default, that could be a result to some early modification the footer template had.
For that reason, what you are requested to do, is to go to Admin CP > Templates > Modify / Delete > Expand > footer

Over there find

<a href="$settings[bburl]/ contact.php">

Replace with

<a href="$settings[contactlink]">

From 1.0
Upgrading from 1.0 is simply by deleting the previously created template contactus (optional). Now delete contact.php & contactup.php. The final step which is also an optional is to revert the footer template, in case you don’t want to revert it the only thing to change there is replace

<a href="./contact.php">


<a href="$settings[contactlink]">

To translate the plugin, you will need to edit the contact.lang.php.
And please submit them here.

Quelle: Contact+ 2.0 bei

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