Mehrere Foren erstellen

Description: This will let you add as many forums as you like, only by separating them with a comma ââ?¬Å?,ââ?¬Â. The link will be added in the ...
Autor: zaher1988
Deutsche Übersetzung: Michael
Hochgeladen: 08.12.2006
Letzte Aktualisierung: 14.01.2010
Support: (0 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.0x / 1.1x
Bisherige Downloads: 732
This will let you add as many forums as you like, only by separating them
with a comma ââ?¬Å?,ââ?¬Â.
The link will be added in the Admin CP under Forums management just below
Manage Forums.
This plug-in is so useful in the case of starting up your forums, when you
will have to mass add the forums for the 1st time.
The permission of these added forums or categories, are the default
permissions when you add a forum without editing its permissions or


Upload mfd.php to ./admin
Upload mfd.lang.php to ./inc/languages/english/admin
Upload mfdp.php to ./inc/plugins
Chmod ./admin/index.php to 777
Go to Admin CP > Board Settings > Plug-in Manager > Activate
You may now reset that chmod of ./admin/index.php back to 755

How to use:
In Admin CP Click Multiple Adding

To add categories
 Select nothing from the drop-down menu.
 Enter in the below box the categoriesââ?¬â?¢ titles separated
with a comma (e.g. cat1,category2,categ3)
 From ââ?¬Å?Is what you are adding a Categoryââ?¬Â set it to
 Click Add

To add forums / sub-forums
 Select the parent forum or category you want your forums and
sub-forums to be added to.
 Enter in the below box the forumsââ?¬â?¢ titles separated with a
comma (e.g. forum1,forum2, forum3).
 From ââ?¬Å?Is what you are adding a Categoryââ?¬Â set it to
 Click Add

Case of wrong selections
 If you have selected nothing from the parent list, and then you
have selected add as forums, then you will get a notification
 In any case that you select the parent of a category, the
category will be a stand alone category, that doesn�t below to any
parent. Just as normal.

When deactivating the plug-in make sure to chmod ./admin/index.php to

You may translate this plug-in by editing
./inc/languages/english/admin/mfdp.lang.php, but please post all the
translations over this link >

Quelle: Multiple Forums Adding bei

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