Administratorenausschluss verbieten

Administrators can no longer be banned by non-admins. ============================================Info:============================================...
Autor: n/a
Deutsche Übersetzung: Michael
Hochgeladen: 08.12.2006
Letzte Aktualisierung: 23.12.2009
Support: (0 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.0x / 1.1x
Bisherige Downloads: 729
Administrators can no longer be banned by non-admins.
============================================Info:============================================Mod Name: Disallow Admin Banning-> Administrators can no longer be banned by non-admins.Author: Smethead ( 1.0 (February 25th, 2006)Website: http://www.smethead.tkRequired: MyBB 1.0x (December 9th, 2005) or higher.============================================Included╠═dab.php╠═dutch║ ╚═admin║ ╚═dab.lang.php╠═english║ ╚═admin║ ╚═dab.lang.php╠═german║ ╚═admin║ ╚═dab.lang.php╚═README.txt============================================Features:============================================â?¢Administrators can no longer be banned by non-admins with banning rights.â?¢They can still be banned by other Administrators.â?¢The forum owner (the one who started the board) can no longer be banned by anyone.â?¢Available languages: English, Dutch, German.

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