Vergleich inc/class_xml.php - 1.8.26 - 1.8.38

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* The following class is based upon code by Eric Pollman
* @
* and is licensed under the public domain license.

require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_xmlparser.php";

class XMLParser {

* @var string
public $data;
* @var array
public $vals;
* @var int
public $collapse_dups = 1;
* @var int
public $index_numeric = 0;

* Initialize the parser and store the XML data to be parsed.
* @param string $data
function __construct($data)
$this->data = $data;

* Build a tree based structure based from the parsed data
* @return array The tree based structure
function get_tree()
$parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 0);
if(!xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $this->data, $vals, $index))
return false;

$i = -1;
return $this->get_children($vals, $i);

* Private: Build a completed tag by fetching all child nodes and attributes
* @param array $thisvals Array of values from the current tag
* @param array $vals Array of child nodes
* @param int $i Internal counter
* @param string $type Type of tag. Complete is a single line tag with attributes
* @return array Completed tag array
function build_tag($thisvals, $vals, &$i, $type)
$tag = array('tag' => $thisvals['tag']);

$tag['attributes'] = $thisvals['attributes'];

if($type == "complete")
$tag['value'] = $thisvals['value'];
$tag = array_merge($tag, $this->get_children($vals, $i));
return $tag;

* Fetch the children for from a specific node array
* @param array $vals Array of children
* @param int $i Internal counter
* @return array Array of child nodes
function get_children($vals=array(), &$i)
$children = array();

if($i > -1 && isset($vals[$i]['value']))
$children['value'] = $vals[$i]['value'];

while(++$i < count($vals))
$type = $vals[$i]['type'];
if($type == "cdata")
$children['value'] .= $vals[$i]['value'];
elseif($type == "complete" || $type == "open")
$tag = $this->build_tag($vals[$i], $vals, $i, $type);
$tag['tag'] = $vals[$i]['tag'];
$children[] = $tag;
$children[$tag['tag']][] = $tag;
else if($type == "close")
foreach($children as $key => $value)
if(is_array($value) && (count($value) == 1))
$children[$key] = $value[0];
return $children;

* Kill off unnecessary tags and return a clean array of XML data
* @param array $array Array of parsed XML data
* @return array Cleaned array of XML data
function kill_tags($array)
foreach($array as $key => $val)
if($key == "tag" || $key == "value")
else if(is_array($val))
// kill any nested tag or value indexes
$array[$key] = kill_tags($val);

// if the array no longer has any key/val sets
// and therefore is at the deepest level, then
// store the string value
if(is_array($array[$key]) && count($array[$key]) <= 0)
$array[$key] = $val['value'];

return $array;

class XMLParser extends MyBBXMLParser {

