Vergleich inc/languages/english/forumdisplay.lang.php - 1.8.18 - 1.8.38

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Zeile 63Zeile 63
$l['soft_delete_threads'] = "Soft Delete Threads";
$l['restore_threads'] = "Restore Threads";
$l['delete_threads'] = "Delete Threads Permanently";

$l['soft_delete_threads'] = "Soft Delete Threads";
$l['restore_threads'] = "Restore Threads";
$l['delete_threads'] = "Delete Threads Permanently";

$l['move_threads'] = "Move Threads";

$l['move_threads'] = "Move / Copy Threads";

$l['approve_threads'] = "Approve Threads";
$l['unapprove_threads'] = "Unapprove Threads";
$l['inline_go'] = "Go";

$l['approve_threads'] = "Approve Threads";
$l['unapprove_threads'] = "Unapprove Threads";
$l['inline_go'] = "Go";

Zeile 95Zeile 95
$l['select_all'] = "Select all <strong>{1}</strong> threads in this forum.";
$l['clear_selection'] = "Clear Selection.";
$l['deleted_thread'] = "Deleted Thread";

$l['select_all'] = "Select all <strong>{1}</strong> threads in this forum.";
$l['clear_selection'] = "Clear Selection.";
$l['deleted_thread'] = "Deleted Thread";

$l['select_a_tool'] = "Select A Tool";

$l['error_containsnoforums'] = "Sorry, but the forum you are currently viewing does not contain any child forums.";

$l['error_containsnoforums'] = "Sorry, but the forum you are currently viewing does not contain any child forums.";

$l['inline_no_tool_selected'] = "Please select a tool to perform moderation action.";
$l['inline_no_post_selected'] = "You need to select one or more posts to perform the moderation action on.";

$l['inline_edit_description'] = '(Click and hold to edit)';

$l['inline_edit_description'] = '(Click and hold to edit)';