Vergleich jscripts/bbcodes_sceditor.js - 1.8.12 - 1.8.38

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Zeile 1Zeile 1
// This was taken from the SCEditor plugin for MyBB

$(document).ready(function($) {

$(function ($) {

	'use strict';

	'use strict';

	var $document = $(document);

* Add custom MyBB CSS *
$('<style type="text/css">' +
'.sceditor-dropdown { text-align: ' + ($('body').css('direction') === 'rtl' ? 'right' :'left') + '; }' +

	var mybbCmd = {
align: ['left', 'center', 'right', 'justify'],
fsStr: ['xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large'],
fSize: [9, 12, 15, 17, 23, 31],
video: {
'Dailymotion': {
'match': /(dailymotion\.com\/video\/|dai\.ly\/)([^\/]+)/,
'url': '//',
'html': '<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="{url}" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>'
'Facebook': {
'match': /facebook\.com\/(?:photo.php\?v=|video\/video.php\?v=|video\/embed\?video_id=|v\/?)(\d+)/,
'url': '',
'html': '<iframe src="{url}" width="625" height="350" frameborder="0" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>'
'Liveleak': {
'match': /liveleak\.com\/(?:view\?[a-z]=)([^\/]+)/,
'url': '',
'html': '<iframe width="500" height="300" src="{url}" frameborder="0" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>'
'MetaCafe': {
'match': /metacafe\.com\/watch\/([^\/]+)/,
'url': '',
'html': '<iframe src="{url}" width="440" height="248" frameborder=0 data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>'
'Mixer': {
'match': /mixer\.com\/([^\/]+)/,
'url': '//',
'html': '<iframe allowfullscreen="true" src="{url}" width="620" height="349" frameborder="0" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>'
'Vimeo': {
'match': /\/(\d+)($|\/)/,
'url': '//',
'html': '<iframe src="{url}" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>'
'Youtube': {
'match': /(?:v=|v\/|embed\/|youtu\.be\/)(.{11})/,
'url': '//',
'html': '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="{url}" frameborder="0" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>'
'Twitch': {
'match': /twitch\.tv\/(?:[\w+_-]+)\/v\/(\d+)/,
'url': '//',
'html': '<iframe src="{url}" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="378" width="620" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>'

for (var i in {
var item =[i];

* Update editor to use align= as alignment *

	// Add custom MyBB CSS
$('<style type="text/css">' +
'.sceditor-dropdown { text-align: ' + ($('body').css('direction') === 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left') + '; }' +

// Update editor to use align= as alignment

		.set('align', {

		.set('align', {

			html: function(element, attrs, content) {
return '<div align="' + (attrs.defaultattr || 'left') + '">' + content + '</div>';

			html: function (element, attrs, content) {
return '<div align="' + ($.sceditor.escapeEntities(attrs.defaultattr) || 'left') + '">' + content + '</div>';

			isInline: false

			isInline: false

.set('center', { format: '[align=center]{0}[/align]' })
.set('left', { format: '[align=left]{0}[/align]' })
.set('right', { format: '[align=right]{0}[/align]' })
.set('justify', { format: '[align=justify]{0}[/align]' });

.set('center', { txtExec: ['[align=center]', '[/align]'] })
.set('left', { txtExec: ['[align=left]', '[/align]'] })
.set('right', { txtExec: ['[align=right]', '[/align]'] })
.set('justify', { txtExec: ['[align=justify]', '[/align]'] });

$.each(mybbCmd.align, function (i, val) {
$.sceditor.formats.bbcode.set(val, {
format: '[align=' + val + ']{0}[/align]'
.set(val, {
txtExec: ['[align=' + val + ']', '[/align]']

* Update font to support MyBB's BBCode dialect *

	// Update font to support MyBB's BBCode dialect

		.set('list', {

		.set('list', {

			html: function(element, attrs, content) {
var type = (attrs.defaultattr === '1' ? 'ol' : 'ul');

if(attrs.defaultattr === 'a')

			html: function (element, attrs, content) {
var type = (attrs.defaultattr === '1' ? 'ol' : 'ul');

if (attrs.defaultattr === 'a')

					type = 'ol type="a"';

					type = 'ol type="a"';

				return '<' + type + '>' + content + '</' + type + '>';

				return '<' + type + '>' + content + '</' + type + '>';


breakAfter: false
.set('ul', { format: '[list]{0}[/list]' })

isInline: false,
skipLastLineBreak: true,
breakStart: true,
breakAfter: true,
.set('ul', {
format: '[list]{0}[/list]',
isInline: false,
skipLastLineBreak: true,
breakStart: true,
breakAfter: true,

		.set('ol', {

		.set('ol', {

			format: function($elm, content) {
var type = ($elm.attr('type') === 'a' ? 'a' : '1');

			format: function ($elm, content) {
var type = ($($elm).attr('type') === 'a' ? 'a' : '1');

return '[list=' + type + ']' + content + '[/list]';

return '[list=' + type + ']' + content + '[/list]';

.set('li', { format: '[*]{0}', excludeClosing: true })
.set('*', { excludeClosing: true, isInline: true });

isInline: false,
skipLastLineBreak: true,
breakStart: true,
breakAfter: true,
.set('li', {
format: '[*]{0}',
isInline: false,
skipLastLineBreak: true,
.set('*', {
html: '<li>{0}</li>',
isInline: false,
excludeClosing: true,
skipLastLineBreak: true,
breakAfter: false,



		.set('bulletlist', { txtExec: ['[list]\n[*]', '\n[/list]'] })
.set('orderedlist', { txtExec: ['[list=1]\n[*]', '\n[/list]'] });

		.set('bulletlist', {
txtExec: function (caller, selected) {
var content = '';

* Update size tag to use xx-small-xx-large instead of 1-7 *
$.sceditor.plugins.bbcode.bbcode.set('size', {
format: function($elm, content) {
var fontSize,
sizes = ['xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large'],
size = $elm.attr('size');;

				$.each(selected.split(/\r?\n/), function () {
content += (content ? '\n' : '') +
'[*]' + this;

				if (!size) {
fontSize = $elm.css('fontSize');
// Most browsers return px value but IE returns 1-7
if(fontSize.indexOf('px') > -1) {
// convert size to an int
fontSize = fontSize.replace('px', '') - 0;
size = 1;

if(fontSize > 9)
size = 2;
if(fontSize > 12)
size = 3;
if(fontSize > 15)
size = 4;
if(fontSize > 17)
size = 5;
if(fontSize > 23)
size = 6;
if(fontSize > 31)
size = 7;
else {
size = (~~fontSize) + 1;

if(size > 7)
size = 7;
if(size < 1)
size = 1;

size = sizes[size-1];
else {
size = sizes[size-1];

				this.insertText('[list]\n' + content + '\n[/list]');
.set('orderedlist', {
txtExec: function (caller, selected) {
var content = '';

$.each(selected.split(/\r?\n/), function () {
content += (content ? '\n' : '') +
'[*]' + this;

this.insertText('[list=1]\n' + content + '\n[/list]');

// Update size tag to use xx-small-xx-large instead of 1-7
$.sceditor.formats.bbcode.set('size', {
format: function ($elm, content) {
var fontsize = 1,
scefontsize = $($elm).data('scefontsize'),
parsed = parseInt(scefontsize, 10),
size = parseInt($($elm).attr('size'), 10),
iframe = $('.sceditor-container iframe'),
editor_body = $('body', iframe.contents());

if ($($elm).css('font-size') == editor_body.css('font-size')) {
// Eliminate redundant [size] tags for unformatted text.
// Part of the fix for the browser-dependent bug of issue #4184.
// Also fixes the browser-dependent bug described here:
// <>
fontsize = -1;
} else if (!isNaN(size) && size >= 1 && size <= mybbCmd.fsStr.length) {
fontsize = mybbCmd.fsStr[size - 1];
} else if ($.inArray(scefontsize, mybbCmd.fsStr) !== -1) {
fontsize = scefontsize;
} else if (!isNaN(parsed)) {
fontsize = parsed;

			return '[size=' + size + ']' + content + '[/size]';

			return fontsize != -1 ? '[size=' + fontsize + ']' + content + '[/size]' : content;



		html: function(token, attrs, content) {
var sizes = ['xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large'],
size = $.inArray(attrs.defaultattr, sizes)+1;
if (!isNaN(attrs.defaultattr)) {
size = attrs.defaultattr;
if(size > 7)
size = 7;
if(size < 1)

		html: function (token, attrs, content) {
var size = 0,
units = "",
parsed = parseInt(attrs.defaultattr, 10);
if (!isNaN(parsed)) {
size = parsed;
if (size < 1) {

					size = 1;

					size = 1;

				} else if (size > 50) {
size = 50;
units = "pt";
} else {
var fsStrPos = $.inArray(attrs.defaultattr, mybbCmd.fsStr);
if (fsStrPos !== -1) {
size = attrs.defaultattr;



			if (size < 0) {
size = 0;
return '<font data-scefontsize="' + attrs.defaultattr + '" size="' + size + '">' + content + '</font>';

			return '<font data-scefontsize="' + $.sceditor.escapeEntities(attrs.defaultattr) + '" style="font-size: ' + size + units + ';">' + content + '</font>';

	$.sceditor.command.set('size', {

	$.sceditor.command.set('size', {

		_dropDown: function(editor, caller, callback) {
var content = $('<div />'),

		_dropDown: function (editor, caller, callback) {
var content = $('<div />'),

				clickFunc = function (e) {

				clickFunc = function (e) {

for (var i=1; i <= 7; i++)
content.append($('<a class="sceditor-fontsize-option" data-size="' + i + '" href="#"><font size="' + i + '">' + i + '</font></a>').click(clickFunc));

editor.createDropDown(caller, 'fontsize-picker', content);

for (var i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
content.append($('<a class="sceditor-fontsize-option" data-size="' + i + '" href="#"><font style="font-size: ' + mybbCmd.fsStr[i-1] + '">' + i + '</font></a>').on('click', clickFunc));

editor.createDropDown(caller, 'fontsize-picker', content.get(0));

		exec: function (caller) {

		exec: function (caller) {

			var	editor = this;

function(fontSize) {
editor.execCommand('fontsize', fontSize);
txtExec: function(caller) {
var editor = this,
sizes = ['xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large', 'xx-large'];

			var editor = this;



				function(size) {
size = (~~size);
size = (size > 7) ? 7 : ( (size < 1) ? 1 : size );

editor.insertText('[size=' + sizes[size-1] + ']', '[/size]');

				function (fontSize) {
editor.execCommand('fontsize', fontSize);




txtExec: function (caller) {
var editor = this;

* Update quote to support pid and dateline *
$.sceditor.plugins.bbcode.bbcode.set('quote', {
format: function(element, content) {
var author = '',
$elm = $(element),
$cite = $elm.children('cite').first();

function (size) {
size = (~~size);
size = (size > 7) ? 7 : ((size < 1) ? 1 : size);
editor.insertText('[size=' + mybbCmd.fsStr[size - 1] + ']', '[/size]');

// Update quote to support pid and dateline
$.sceditor.formats.bbcode.set('quote', {
format: function (element, content) {
var author = '',
$elm = $(element),
$cite = $elm.children('cite').first();

			if($cite.length === 1 || $'author'))

			if ($cite.length === 1 || $'author')) {

				author = $cite.text() || $'author');

$'author', author);

				author = $cite.text() || $'author');

$'author', author);

				content	= this.elementToBbcode($(element));

				content = this.elementToBbcode(element);

				author = '=' + author.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, '');


				author = '=' + author.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, '');



			if ($'pid'))

				author += " pid='" + $'pid') + "'";

				author += " pid='" + $'pid') + "'";


			if ($'dateline'))

				author += " dateline='" + $'dateline') + "'";

return '[quote' + author + ']' + content + '[/quote]';

				author += " dateline='" + $'dateline') + "'";

return '[quote' + author + ']' + content + '[/quote]';

		html: function(token, attrs, content) {

		html: function (token, attrs, content) {

			var data = '';

			var data = '';

data += ' data-pid="' + + '"';

			if (
data += ' data-pid="' + $.sceditor.escapeEntities( + '"';

data += ' data-dateline="' + attrs.dateline + '"';

			if (attrs.dateline)
data += ' data-dateline="' + $.sceditor.escapeEntities(attrs.dateline) + '"';

			if(typeof attrs.defaultattr !== "undefined")
content = '<cite>' + attrs.defaultattr.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;') + '</cite>' + content;

			if (typeof attrs.defaultattr !== "undefined")
content = '<cite>' + $.sceditor.escapeEntities(attrs.defaultattr).replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;') + '</cite>' + content;

return '<blockquote' + data + '>' + content + '</blockquote>';

return '<blockquote' + data + '>' + content + '</blockquote>';

		quoteType: function(val, name) {
return "'" + val.replace("'", "\\'") + "'";

		quoteType: function (val, name) {
var quoteChar = val.indexOf('"') !== -1 ? "'" : '"';

return quoteChar + val + quoteChar;

breakStart: true,
breakEnd: true

breakStart: true,
breakEnd: true

	// Update font tag to allow limiting to only first in stack
$.sceditor.formats.bbcode.set('font', {
format: function (element, content) {
var font;
if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'font' || !(font = $(element).attr('face')))
font = $(element).css('font-family');

* Update font tag to allow limiting to only first in stack *
$.sceditor.plugins.bbcode.bbcode.set('font', {
format: function(element, content) {
var font;

if(element[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'font' || !(font = element.attr('face')))
font = element.css('font-family');

if(typeof font == 'string' && font != '' && font != 'defaultattr')
return '[font=' + this.stripQuotes(font) + ']' + content + '[/font]';

			var iframe = $('.sceditor-container iframe');
var editor_body = $('body', iframe.contents());

if (typeof font == 'string' && font != '' && font != 'defaultattr'
// Eliminate redundant [font] tags for unformatted text.
// Part of the fix for the browser-dependent bug of issue #4184.
font != editor_body.css('font-family')) {
font = font.trim();
// Strip all-enclosing double quotes from fonts so long as
// they are the only double quotes present...
if (font[0] == '"' && font[font.length-1] == '"' && (font.match(/"/g) || []).length == 2) {
font = font.substr(1, font.length-2);
// ...and then replace any other occurrence(s) of double quotes
// in fonts with single quotes.
// This is the client-side aspect of the fix for
// the browser-independent bug of issue #4182.
font = font.replace(/"/g, "'");
return '[font=' + font + ']' + content + '[/font]';
} else {

				return content;

				return content;

		html: function(token, attrs, content) {
if(typeof attrs.defaultattr == 'string' && attrs.defaultattr != '' && attrs.defaultattr != '{defaultattr}')

		html: function (token, attrs, content) {
if (typeof attrs.defaultattr == 'string' && attrs.defaultattr != '' && attrs.defaultattr != '{defaultattr}') {

				return '<font face="' +

				return '<font face="' +

					attrs.defaultattr +

					$.sceditor.escapeEntities(attrs.defaultattr) +

					'">' + content + '</font>';

					'">' + content + '</font>';


			} else {

				return content;

				return content;



$.sceditor.formats.bbcode.set('color', {
format: function (element, content) {
var color, defaultColor;

var iframe = $('.sceditor-container iframe');
var editor_body = $('body', iframe.contents());

if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'font' || !(color = $(element).attr('color'))) {
color = $(element).css('color');

color = _normaliseColour(color);
defaultColor = _normaliseColour(editor_body.css('color'));

// Eliminate redundant [color] tags for unformatted text.
// Part of the fix for the browser-dependent bug of issue #4184.
return color != defaultColor
? '[color=' + color + ']' + content + '[/color]'
: content;
html: function (token, attrs, content) {
return '<font color="' +
$.sceditor.escapeEntities(_normaliseColour(attrs.defaultattr), true) +
'">' + content + '</font>';

* Add MyBB PHP command *
$.sceditor.plugins.bbcode.bbcode.set('php', {

	// Add MyBB PHP command
$.sceditor.formats.bbcode.set('php', {

		allowsEmpty: true,
isInline: false,
allowedChildren: ['#', '#newline'],
format: '[php]{0}[/php]',
html: '<code class="phpcodeblock">{0}</code>'

		allowsEmpty: true,
isInline: false,
allowedChildren: ['#', '#newline'],
format: '[php]{0}[/php]',
html: '<code class="phpcodeblock">{0}</code>'

	$.sceditor.command.set("php", {
_dropDown: function (editor, caller) {
var $content;

$content = $(
'<div>' +

	$.sceditor.command.set("php", {
_dropDown: function (editor, caller) {
var $content;

$content = $(
'<div>' +

					'<label for="php">' + editor._('PHP') + ':</label> ' +
'<textarea type="text" id="php" />' +

				'<div>' +
'<label for="php">' + editor._('PHP') + ':</label> ' +
'<textarea type="text" id="php"></textarea>' +

				'</div>' +

				'</div>' +

				'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="' + editor._('Insert') + '" /></div>'

				'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="' + editor._('Insert') + '" /></div>' +



			setTimeout(function() {

			setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);

			$content.find('.button').click(function (e) {
var val = $content.find('#php').val(),

			$content.find('.button').on('click', function (e) {
var val = $content.find('#php').val(),

					before = '[php]',
end = '[/php]';

					before = '[php]',
end = '[/php]';

if (val) {
before = before + val + end;
end = null;

editor.insert(before, end);

editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertphp', $content);
exec: function (caller) {
if ($.trim(this.getRangeHelper().selectedRange())) {

if (val) {
before = before + val + end;
end = null;

editor.insert(before, end);

editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertphp', $content.get(0));
exec: function (caller) {
if ($.trim(this.getRangeHelper().selectedRange())) {

				this.insert('[php]', '[/php]');

				this.insert('[php]', '[/php]');

Zeile 322Zeile 410
txtExec: ['[php]', '[/php]'],
tooltip: "PHP"

txtExec: ['[php]', '[/php]'],
tooltip: "PHP"



* Update code to support PHP *
$.sceditor.plugins.bbcode.bbcode.set('code', {

	// Update code to support PHP
$.sceditor.formats.bbcode.set('code', {

		allowsEmpty: true,
tags: {
code: null

		allowsEmpty: true,
tags: {
code: null



		isInline: false,
allowedChildren: ['#', '#newline'],
format: function (element, content) {

		isInline: false,
allowedChildren: ['#', '#newline'],
format: function (element, content) {

			if ($(element[0]).hasClass('phpcodeblock')) {

			if ($(element).hasClass('phpcodeblock')) {

				return '[php]' + content + '[/php]';
return '[code]' + content + '[/code]';

				return '[php]' + content + '[/php]';
return '[code]' + content + '[/code]';

Zeile 351Zeile 435

$content = $(
'<div>' +

$content = $(
'<div>' +

					'<label for="code">' + editor._('Code') + ':</label> ' +
'<textarea type="text" id="code" />' +

				'<div>' +
'<label for="code">' + editor._('Code') + ':</label> ' +
'<textarea type="text" id="code"></textarea>' +

				'</div>' +

				'</div>' +

				'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="' + editor._('Insert') + '" /></div>'

				'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="' + editor._('Insert') + '" /></div>' +



			setTimeout(function() {

			setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);

			$content.find('.button').click(function (e) {
var val = $content.find('#code').val(),

			$content.find('.button').on('click', function (e) {
var val = $content.find('#code').val(),

					before = '[code]',
end = '[/code]';

					before = '[code]',
end = '[/code]';

Zeile 376Zeile 462


			editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertcode', $content);

			editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertcode', $content.get(0));

exec: function (caller) {
if ($.trim(this.getRangeHelper().selectedRange())) {

exec: function (caller) {
if ($.trim(this.getRangeHelper().selectedRange())) {

Zeile 388Zeile 474
		txtExec: ['[code]', '[/code]'],

		txtExec: ['[code]', '[/code]'],

* Update email to support description *

	// Update email to support description

	$.sceditor.command.set('email', {
_dropDown: function (editor, caller) {
var $content;

$content = $(
'<div>' +

	$.sceditor.command.set('email', {
_dropDown: function (editor, caller) {
var $content;

$content = $(
'<div>' +

					'<label for="email">' + editor._('E-mail:') + '</label> ' +
'<input type="text" id="email" />' +
'</div>' +

				'<div>' +

				'<div>' +

					'<label for="des">' + editor._('Description (optional):') + '</label> ' +
'<input type="text" id="des" />' +

				'<label for="email">' + editor._('E-mail:') + '</label> ' +
'<input type="text" id="email" />' +
'</div>' +
'<div>' +
'<label for="des">' + editor._('Description (optional):') + '</label> ' +
'<input type="text" id="des" />' +

				'</div>' +

				'</div>' +

				'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="' + editor._('Insert') + '" /></div>'

				'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="' + editor._('Insert') + '" /></div>' +



			$content.find('.button').click(function (e) {
var val = $content.find('#email').val(),

			$content.find('.button').on('click', function (e) {
var val = $content.find('#email').val(),

					description = $content.find('#des').val();

					description = $content.find('#des').val();

if(val) {

if (val) {

					// needed for IE to reset the last range

					// needed for IE to reset the last range



					if(!editor.getRangeHelper().selectedHtml() || description) {

					if (!editor.getRangeHelper().selectedHtml() || description) {
if (!description)

							description = val;

							description = val;

						editor.wysiwygEditorInsertHtml('<a href="' + 'mailto:' + val + '">' + description + '</a>');

						editor.insert('[email=' + val + ']' + description + '[/email]');
} else

						editor.execCommand('createlink', 'mailto:' + val);

						editor.execCommand('createlink', 'mailto:' + val);







			editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertemail', $content);

			editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertemail', $content.get(0));

exec: function (caller) {
$.sceditor.command.get('email')._dropDown(this, caller);

exec: function (caller) {
$.sceditor.command.get('email')._dropDown(this, caller);





* Add MyBB video command *
$.sceditor.plugins.bbcode.bbcode.set('video', {

	// Add MyBB video command
$.sceditor.formats.bbcode.set('video', {

		allowsEmpty: true,
allowedChildren: ['#', '#newline'],
tags: {
iframe: {
'data-mybb-vt': null

		allowsEmpty: true,
allowedChildren: ['#', '#newline'],
tags: {
iframe: {
'data-mybb-vt': null

format: function($element, content) {
return '[video=' + $'mybb-vt') + ']' + $'mybb-vsrc') + '[/video]';

format: function ($element, content) {
return '[video=' + $($element).data('mybb-vt') + ']' + $($element).data('mybb-vsrc') + '[/video]';
html: function (token, attrs, content) {
var params =[Object.keys( => key.toLowerCase() === attrs.defaultattr)];
var matches, url;
var n = (attrs.defaultattr == 'dailymotion') ? 2 : 1;
if (typeof params !== "undefined") {
matches = content.match(params['match']);
url = matches ? params['url'] + matches[n] : false;
if (url) {
return params['html'].replace('{url}', url).replace('{src}', content).replace('{type}', attrs.defaultattr);
return $.sceditor.escapeEntities(token.val + content + (token.closing ? token.closing.val : ''));

$.sceditor.command.set('video', {
_dropDown: function (editor, caller) {
var $content, videourl, videotype, videoOpts;

$.each(, function (provider, data) {
videoOpts += '<option value="' + provider.toLowerCase() + '">' + editor._(provider) + '</option>';
$content = $(
'<div>' +
'<div>' +
'<label for="videotype">' + editor._('Video Type:') + '</label> ' +
'<select id="videotype">' + videoOpts + '</select>' +
'</div>' +
'<div>' +
'<label for="link">' + editor._('Video URL:') + '</label> ' +
'<input type="text" id="videourl" placeholder="http://" />' +
'</div>' +
'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="' + editor._('Insert') + '" /></div>' +

$content.find('.button').on('click', function (e) {
videourl = $content.find('#videourl').val();
videotype = $content.find('#videotype').val();

if (videourl !== '' && videourl !== 'http://')
editor.insert('[video=' + videotype + ']' + videourl + '[/video]');


editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertvideo', $content.get(0));
exec: function (caller) {
$.sceditor.command.get('video')._dropDown(this, caller);
txtExec: function (caller) {
$.sceditor.command.get('video')._dropDown(this, caller);



		html: function(token, attrs, content) {
var matches, url,
html = {
dailymotion: '<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="{url}" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>',
facebook: '<iframe src="{url}" width="625" height="350" frameborder="0" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>',
liveleak: '<iframe width="500" height="300" src="{url}" frameborder="0" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>',
metacafe: '<iframe src="{url}" width="440" height="248" frameborder=0 data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>',
veoh: '<iframe src="{url}" width="410" height="341" frameborder="0" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>',
vimeo: '<iframe src="{url}" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>',
youtube: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="{url}" frameborder="0" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>',
twitch: '<iframe src="{url}" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="378" width="620" data-mybb-vt="{type}" data-mybb-vsrc="{src}"></iframe>'

		tooltip: 'Insert a video'

// Update image command to support MyBB syntax
$.sceditor.formats.bbcode.set('img', {
format: function (element, content) {
if ($(element).data('sceditor-emoticon'))
return content;

var url = $(element).attr('src'),
width = $(element).attr('width'),
height = $(element).attr('height'),
align = $(element).data('scealign');

var attrs = width !== undefined && height !== undefined && width > 0 && height > 0
? '=' + width + 'x' + height
: ''

if (align === 'left' || align === 'right')
attrs += ' align='+align

return '[img' + attrs + ']' + url + '[/img]';
html: function (token, attrs, content) {
var width, height, match,
align = attrs.align,
attribs = '';

// handle [img=340x240]url[/img]
if (attrs.defaultattr) {
match = attrs.defaultattr.split(/x/i);

width = match[0];
height = (match.length === 2 ? match[1] : match[0]);

case 'dailymotion':
matches = content.match(/dailymotion\.com\/video\/([^_]+)/);
url = matches ? '' + matches[1] : false;
case 'facebook':
matches = content.match(/facebook\.com\/(?:photo.php\?v=|video\/video.php\?v=|video\/embed\?video_id=|v\/?)(\d+)/);
url = matches ? '' + matches[1] : false;
case 'liveleak':
matches = content.match(/liveleak\.com\/(?:view\?i=)([^\/]+)/);
url = matches ? '' + matches[1] : false;
case 'metacafe':
matches = content.match(/metacafe\.com\/watch\/([^\/]+)/);
url = matches ? '' + matches[1] : false;
case 'veoh':
matches = content.match(/veoh\.com\/watch\/([^\/]+)/);
url = matches ? '//' + matches[1] : false;
case 'vimeo':
matches = content.match(/\/(\d+)($|\/)/);
url = matches ? '//' + matches[1] : false;
case 'youtube':
matches = content.match(/(?:v=|v\/|embed\/|youtu\.be\/)(.{11})/);
url = matches ? '//' + matches[1] : false;
case 'twitch':
matches = content.match(/twitch\.tv\/(?:[\w+_-]+)\/v\/(\d+)/);
url = matches ? '//' + matches[1] : false;

				if (width !== undefined && height !== undefined && width > 0 && height > 0) {
attribs +=
' width="' + $.sceditor.escapeEntities(width, true) + '"' +
' height="' + $.sceditor.escapeEntities(height, true) + '"';




return html[attrs.defaultattr]
.replace('{url}', url)
.replace('{src}', content)
.replace('{type}', attrs.defaultattr);

			if (align === 'left' || align === 'right')
attribs += ' style="float: ' + align + '" data-scealign="' + align + '"';

			return token.val + content + (token.closing ? token.closing.val : '');

			return '<img' + attribs +
' src="' + $.sceditor.escapeUriScheme(content) + '" />';





	$.sceditor.command.set('video', {

	$.sceditor.command.set('image', {

		_dropDown: function (editor, caller) {

		_dropDown: function (editor, caller) {

			var $content, videourl, videotype;

			var $content;

			// Excludes MySpace TV and Yahoo Video as I couldn't actually find them. Maybe they are gone now?

			$content = $(
'<div>' +

			$content = $(
'<div>' +

					'<label for="videotype">' + editor._('Video Type:') + '</label> ' +
'<select id="videotype">' +
'<option value="dailymotion">' + editor._('Dailymotion') + '</option>' +
'<option value="facebook">' + editor._('Facebook') + '</option>' +
'<option value="liveleak">' + editor._('LiveLeak') + '</option>' +
'<option value="metacafe">' + editor._('MetaCafe') + '</option>' +
'<option value="veoh">' + editor._('Veoh') + '</option>' +
'<option value="vimeo">' + editor._('Vimeo') + '</option>' +
'<option value="youtube">' + editor._('Youtube') + '</option>' +
'<option value="twitch">' + editor._('Twitch') + '</option>' +

				'<div>' +
'<label for="image">' + editor._('URL') + ':</label> ' +
'<input type="text" id="image" placeholder="https://" />' +
'</div>' +
'<div>' +
'<label for="width">' + editor._('Width (optional)') + ':</label> ' +
'<input type="text" id="width" size="2" />' +
'</div>' +
'<div>' +
'<label for="height">' + editor._('Height (optional)') + ':</label> ' +
'<input type="text" id="height" size="2" />' +

				'</div>' +
'<div>' +

				'</div>' +
'<div>' +

					'<label for="link">' + editor._('Video URL:') + '</label> ' +
'<input type="text" id="videourl" value="http://" />' +

				'<input type="button" class="button" value="' + editor._('Insert') + '" />' +

				'</div>' +

				'</div>' +

				'<div><input type="button" class="button" value="' + editor._('Insert') + '" /></div>'




			$content.find('.button').click(function (e) {
videourl = $content.find('#videourl').val();
videotype = $content.find('#videotype').val();

if (videourl !== '' && videourl !== 'http://')
editor.insert('[video=' + videotype + ']' + videourl + '[/video]');

			$content.find('.button').on('click', function (e) {
var url = $content.find('#image').val(),
width = $content.find('#width').val(),
height = $content.find('#height').val()

var attrs = width !== undefined && height !== undefined && width > 0 && height > 0
? '=' + width + 'x' + height
: ''

if (url)
editor.insert('[img' + attrs + ']' + url + '[/img]');




editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertvideo', $content);


editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertimage', $content.get(0));

exec: function (caller) {

exec: function (caller) {

			$.sceditor.command.get('video')._dropDown(this, caller);

			$.sceditor.command.get('image')._dropDown(this, caller);

txtExec: function (caller) {

txtExec: function (caller) {

			$.sceditor.command.get('video')._dropDown(this, caller);

			$.sceditor.command.get('image')._dropDown(this, caller);



		tooltip: 'Insert a video'

* Remove last bits of table, superscript/subscript, youtube and ltr/rtl support *


* Remove code and quote if in partial mode *
if(partialmode) {
.set('image', {
exec: function (caller) {
var editor = this,
content = $(this._('<form><div><label for="link">{0}</label> <input type="text" id="image" value="http://" /></div>' +
'<div><label for="width">{1}</label> <input type="text" id="width" size="2" /></div>' +
'<div><label for="height">{2}</label> <input type="text" id="height" size="2" /></div></form>',
this._("Width (optional):"),
this._("Height (optional):")
.submit(function () {return false;});

content.append($(this._('<div><input type="button" class="button" value="Insert" /></div>',
)).click(function (e) {
var $form = $(this).parent('form'),
val = $form.find('#image').val(),
width = $form.find('#width').val(),
height = $form.find('#height').val(),
attrs = '';

if(width && height) {
attrs = '=' + width + 'x' + height;

if(val && val !== 'http://') {
editor.wysiwygEditorInsertHtml('[img' + attrs + ']' + val + '[/img]');



// Remove last bits of table, superscript/subscript, youtube and ltr/rtl support

					editor.createDropDown(caller, 'insertimage', content);


// Remove code and quote if in partial mode
if (partialmode) {

			.set('quote', {

			.set('quote', {

				exec: function() {

				exec: function () {

					this.insert('[quote]', '[/quote]');

					this.insert('[quote]', '[/quote]');


* Fix url code *
$.sceditor.plugins.bbcode.bbcode.set('url', {
html: function(token, attrs, content) {


// Fix url code
$.sceditor.formats.bbcode.set('url', {
html: function (token, attrs, content) {

if (!attrs.defaultattr)
attrs.defaultattr = content;

return '<a href="' + $.sceditor.escapeUriScheme($.sceditor.escapeEntities(attrs.defaultattr)) + '">' + content + '</a>';

* Converts a number 0-255 to hex.
* Will return 00 if number is not a valid number.
* Copied from the SCEditor's src/formats/bbcode.js file
* where it is unfortunately defined as private.
* @param {any} number
* @return {string}
function toHex(number) {
number = parseInt(number, 10);

if (isNaN(number)) {
return '00';

number = Math.max(0, Math.min(number, 255)).toString(16);

return number.length < 2 ? '0' + number : number;

* Normalises a CSS colour to hex #xxxxxx format
* Copied from the SCEditor's src/formats/bbcode.js file
* where it is unfortunately defined as private.
* @param {string} colorStr
* @return {string}
function _normaliseColour(colorStr) {
var match;

colorStr = colorStr || '#000';

// rgb(n,n,n);
if ((match = colorStr.match(/rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*?(\d{1,3}),\s*?(\d{1,3})\)/i))) {
return '#' +
toHex(match[1]) +
toHex(match[2]) +

// rgba(n,n,n,f.p);
if ((match = colorStr.match(/rgba\((\d{1,3}),\s*?(\d{1,3}),\s*?(\d{1,3}),\s*?(\d*\.?\d+\s*)\)/i))) {
return '#' +
toHex(match[1]) +
toHex(match[2]) +

// expand shorthand
if ((match = colorStr.match(/#([0-f])([0-f])([0-f])\s*?$/i))) {
return '#' +
match[1] + match[1] +
match[2] + match[2] +
match[3] + match[3];

attrs.defaultattr = content;

		return colorStr;

				return '<a href="' + $.sceditor.escapeUriScheme($.sceditor.escapeEntities(attrs.defaultattr)) + '">' + content + '</a>';

