Vergleich inc/datahandlers/login.php - 1.8.4 - 1.8.38

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Zeile 41Zeile 41
public $login_data = array();

public $login_data = array();

* @var bool

	public $captcha_verified = true;

	public $captcha_verified = true;


* @var bool|captcha

	private $captcha = false;

	private $captcha = false;

* @var int

	public $username_method = null;

	public $username_method = null;

* @param int $check_captcha

	function verify_attempts($check_captcha = 0)

	function verify_attempts($check_captcha = 0)

global $db, $mybb;

$user = &$this->data;

global $db, $mybb;

$user = &$this->data;

$mybb->cookies['loginattempts'] = 0;

$mybb->cookies['loginattempts'] = 0;

			if($mybb->settings['failedcaptchalogincount'] > 0 && ($user['loginattempts'] > $mybb->settings['failedcaptchalogincount'] || (int)$mybb->cookies['loginattempts'] > $mybb->settings['failedcaptchalogincount']))

			if($mybb->settings['failedcaptchalogincount'] > 0 && (isset($user['loginattempts']) && $user['loginattempts'] > $mybb->settings['failedcaptchalogincount'] || (int)$mybb->cookies['loginattempts'] > $mybb->settings['failedcaptchalogincount']))

$this->captcha_verified = false;

$this->captcha_verified = false;

* @return bool

	function verify_captcha()
global $db, $mybb;

	function verify_captcha()
global $db, $mybb;

$user = &$this->data;

$user = &$this->data;

		if($user['imagestring'] || $mybb->settings['captchaimage'] != 1)
// Check their current captcha input - if correct, hide the captcha input area

		if($user['imagestring'] || $mybb->settings['captchaimage'] != 1)
// Check their current captcha input - if correct, hide the captcha input area

Zeile 106Zeile 121


* @return bool

	function verify_username()

	function verify_username()


		if(empty($this->login_data) || !$this->login_data['uid'])

return false;

return false;


return true;



* @param bool $strict
* @return bool

	function verify_password($strict = true)
global $db, $mybb, $plugins;

	function verify_password($strict = true)
global $db, $mybb, $plugins;

Zeile 138Zeile 163
		$plugins->run_hooks('datahandler_login_verify_password_start', $args);

$user = &$this->data;

		$plugins->run_hooks('datahandler_login_verify_password_start', $args);

$user = &$this->data;

$password = md5($user['password']);


if(!$this->login_data['uid'] || $this->login_data['uid'] && !$this->login_data['salt'] && $strict == false)

if(!$this->login_data['uid'] || $this->login_data['uid'] && !$this->login_data['salt'] && $strict == false)

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if($strict == true)

if($strict == true)

// Generate a salt for this user and assume the password stored in db is a plain md5 password
$this->login_data['salt'] = generate_salt();
$this->login_data['password'] = salt_password($this->login_data['password'], $this->login_data['salt']);

$sql_array = array(
"salt" => $this->login_data['salt'],
"password" => $this->login_data['password']

$db->update_query("users", $sql_array, "uid = '{$this->login_data['uid']}'");

$this->login_data['loginkey'] = generate_loginkey();

$this->login_data['loginkey'] = generate_loginkey();

				$sql_array = array(
"loginkey" => $this->login_data['loginkey']

$db->update_query("users", $sql_array, "uid = '{$this->login_data['uid']}'");

				$sql_array = array(
"loginkey" => $this->login_data['loginkey']

$db->update_query("users", $sql_array, "uid = '{$this->login_data['uid']}'");


$salted_password = md5(md5($this->login_data['salt']).$password);

$plugins->run_hooks('datahandler_login_verify_password_end', $args);

if($salted_password != $this->login_data['password'])


$plugins->run_hooks('datahandler_login_verify_password_end', $args);

if(!verify_user_password($this->login_data, $user['password']))

return false;

return false;


return true;



* @param bool $show_login_attempts

	function invalid_combination($show_login_attempts = false)
global $db, $lang, $mybb;

	function invalid_combination($show_login_attempts = false)
global $db, $lang, $mybb;

Zeile 198Zeile 210
		$login_text = '';

		$login_text = '';

			if($mybb->settings['failedlogincount'] != 0 && $mybb->settings['failedlogintext'] == 1)

			if($mybb->settings['failedlogincount'] != 0 && $mybb->settings['failedlogintext'] == 1 && $this->login_data['uid'] != 0)



				$logins = login_attempt_check(false) + 1;

				$logins = login_attempt_check($this->login_data['uid'], false) + 1;

				$login_text = $lang->sprintf($lang->failed_login_again, $mybb->settings['failedlogincount'] - $logins);

				$login_text = $lang->sprintf($lang->failed_login_again, $mybb->settings['failedlogincount'] - $logins);

Zeile 226Zeile 238
		$user = &$this->data;

$options = array(

		$user = &$this->data;

$options = array(

			'fields' => array('uid', 'username', 'password', 'salt', 'loginkey', 'coppauser', 'usergroup', 'loginattempts'),

			'fields' => '*',

			'username_method' => (int)$settings['username_method']

			'username_method' => (int)$settings['username_method']

Zeile 238Zeile 250
		$this->login_data = get_user_by_username($user['username'], $options);

		$this->login_data = get_user_by_username($user['username'], $options);

* @return bool

	function validate_login()
global $plugins, $mybb;

	function validate_login()
global $plugins, $mybb;

Zeile 267Zeile 282
		if(count($this->get_errors()) > 0)
return false;

		if(count($this->get_errors()) > 0)
return false;



		return true;

		return true;

* @return bool true

	function complete_login()
global $plugins, $db, $mybb, $session;

	function complete_login()
global $plugins, $db, $mybb, $session;

		$user = &$this->login_data;

$plugins->run_hooks('datahandler_login_complete_start', $this);

		$user = &$this->login_data;

$plugins->run_hooks('datahandler_login_complete_start', $this);

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		// Login to MyBB
my_setcookie('loginattempts', 1);
my_setcookie("sid", $session->sid, -1, true);

		// Login to MyBB
my_setcookie('loginattempts', 1);
my_setcookie("sid", $session->sid, -1, true);

$ip_address = $db->escape_binary($session->packedip);
$db->delete_query("sessions", "ip = {$ip_address} AND sid != '{$session->sid}'");


$newsession = array(
"uid" => $user['uid'],

$newsession = array(
"uid" => $user['uid'],

Zeile 300Zeile 315
			$remember = -1;

			$remember = -1;

		my_setcookie("mybbuser", $user['uid']."_".$user['loginkey'], $remember, true);

		my_setcookie("mybbuser", $user['uid']."_".$user['loginkey'], $remember, true, "lax");

		if($this->captcha !== false)

		if($this->captcha !== false)