Vergleich admin/inc/functions.php - 1.8.1 - 1.8.38

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Zeile 33Zeile 33
		"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
"module" => $db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('module')),
"action" => $db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('action')),

		"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
"module" => $db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('module')),
"action" => $db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('action')),

		"data" => $db->escape_string(@serialize($data))

		"data" => $db->escape_string(@my_serialize($data))


$db->insert_query("adminlog", $log_entry);


$db->insert_query("adminlog", $log_entry);

Zeile 42Zeile 42
* Redirects the current user to a specified URL.

* Redirects the current user to a specified URL.

 * @param string The URL to redirect to

 * @param string $url The URL to redirect to

function admin_redirect($url)

function admin_redirect($url)

Zeile 61Zeile 61
* Updates an administration session data array.

* Updates an administration session data array.

 * @param string The name of the item in the data session to update
* @param mixed The value

 * @param string $name The name of the item in the data session to update
* @param mixed $value The value

function update_admin_session($name, $value)

function update_admin_session($name, $value)

Zeile 70Zeile 70

$admin_session['data'][$name] = $value;
$updated_session = array(

$admin_session['data'][$name] = $value;
$updated_session = array(

		"data" => $db->escape_string(@serialize($admin_session['data']))

		"data" => $db->escape_string(@my_serialize($admin_session['data']))

$db->update_query("adminsessions", $updated_session, "sid='{$admin_session['sid']}'");

$db->update_query("adminsessions", $updated_session, "sid='{$admin_session['sid']}'");

Zeile 78Zeile 78
* Saves a "flash message" for the current user to be shown on their next page visit.

* Saves a "flash message" for the current user to be shown on their next page visit.

 * @param string The message to show
* @param string The type of message to be shown (success|error)

 * @param string $message The message to show
* @param string $type The type of message to be shown (success|error)

function flash_message($message, $type='')

function flash_message($message, $type='')

Zeile 90Zeile 90
* Draw pagination for pages in the Admin CP.

* Draw pagination for pages in the Admin CP.

 * @param int The current page we're on
* @param int The number of items per page
* @param int The total number of items in this collection
* @param string The URL for pagination of this collection

 * @param int $page The current page we're on
* @param int $per_page The number of items per page
* @param int $total_items The total number of items in this collection
* @param string $url The URL for pagination of this collection

 * @return string The built pagination
function draw_admin_pagination($page, $per_page, $total_items, $url)

 * @return string The built pagination
function draw_admin_pagination($page, $per_page, $total_items, $url)

Zeile 102Zeile 102

if($total_items <= $per_page)

if($total_items <= $per_page)


		return '';


$pages = ceil($total_items / $per_page);


$pages = ceil($total_items / $per_page);

Zeile 186Zeile 186
* Builds a CSV parent list for a particular forum.

* Builds a CSV parent list for a particular forum.

 * @param int The forum ID
* @param string Optional separator - defaults to comma for CSV list

 * @param int $fid The forum ID
* @param string $navsep Optional separator - defaults to comma for CSV list

 * @return string The built parent list
function make_parent_list($fid, $navsep=",")

 * @return string The built parent list
function make_parent_list($fid, $navsep=",")

Zeile 205Zeile 205




$navigation = '';

foreach($pforumcache[$fid] as $key => $forum)
if($fid == $forum['fid'])

foreach($pforumcache[$fid] as $key => $forum)
if($fid == $forum['fid'])



				$navigation = make_parent_list($forum['pid'], $navsep).$navigation;

				$navigation = make_parent_list($forum['pid'], $navsep).$navigation;





Zeile 225Zeile 227
	return $navigation;

	return $navigation;

* @param int $fid

function save_quick_perms($fid)
global $db, $inherit, $canview, $canpostthreads, $canpostreplies, $canpostpolls, $canpostattachments, $cache;

function save_quick_perms($fid)
global $db, $inherit, $canview, $canpostthreads, $canpostreplies, $canpostpolls, $canpostattachments, $cache;

Zeile 234Zeile 239
	$field_list = $db->show_fields_from("forumpermissions");
foreach($field_list as $field)

	$field_list = $db->show_fields_from("forumpermissions");
foreach($field_list as $field)

		if(strpos($field['Field'], 'can') !== false)

		if(strpos($field['Field'], 'can') !== false || strpos($field['Field'], 'mod') !== false)

$permission_fields[$field['Field']] = 1;

$permission_fields[$field['Field']] = 1;

Zeile 261Zeile 266
		$db->delete_query("forumpermissions", "fid='{$fid}' AND gid='{$usergroup['gid']}'");

// Only insert the new ones if we're using custom permissions

		$db->delete_query("forumpermissions", "fid='{$fid}' AND gid='{$usergroup['gid']}'");

// Only insert the new ones if we're using custom permissions

		if($inherit[$usergroup['gid']] != 1)




			if($canview[$usergroup['gid']] == 1)


$pview = 1;

$pview = 1;

Zeile 272Zeile 277
				$pview = 0;

				$pview = 0;

			if($canpostthreads[$usergroup['gid']] == 1)


$pthreads = 1;

$pthreads = 1;

Zeile 281Zeile 286
				$pthreads = 0;

				$pthreads = 0;

			if($canpostreplies[$usergroup['gid']] == 1)


$preplies = 1;

$preplies = 1;

Zeile 290Zeile 295
				$preplies = 0;

				$preplies = 0;

			if($canpostpolls[$usergroup['gid']] == 1)


$ppolls = 1;

$ppolls = 1;

Zeile 324Zeile 329


				$insertquery[$db->escape_string($field)] = (int)$existing_permissions[$field];

				$insertquery[$db->escape_string($field)] = isset($existing_permissions[$field]) ? (int)$existing_permissions[$field] : 0;


$db->insert_query("forumpermissions", $insertquery);


$db->insert_query("forumpermissions", $insertquery);

Zeile 336Zeile 341
* Checks if a particular user has the necessary permissions to access a particular page.

* Checks if a particular user has the necessary permissions to access a particular page.

 * @param array Array containing module and action to check for

 * @param array $action Array containing module and action to check for
* @param bool $error
* @return bool

function check_admin_permissions($action, $error = true)

function check_admin_permissions($action, $error = true)

Zeile 352Zeile 359
$func = $action['module']."_admin_permissions";
$permissions = $func();

$func = $action['module']."_admin_permissions";
$permissions = $func();

		if($permissions['permissions'][$action['action']] && $mybb->admin['permissions'][$action['module']][$action['action']] != 1)

!empty($permissions['permissions'][$action['action']]) &&



Zeile 361Zeile 371
				$page->output_error("<b>{$lang->access_denied}</b><ul><li style=\"list-style-type: none;\">{$lang->access_denied_desc}</li></ul>");

				$page->output_error("<b>{$lang->access_denied}</b><ul><li style=\"list-style-type: none;\">{$lang->access_denied_desc}</li></ul>");



return false;

return false;

Zeile 375Zeile 385
* Fetches the list of administrator permissions for a particular user or group

* Fetches the list of administrator permissions for a particular user or group

 * @param int The user ID to fetch permissions for
* @param int The (optional) group ID to fetch permissions for

 * @param int $get_uid The user ID to fetch permissions for
* @param int $get_gid The (optional) group ID to fetch permissions for

 * @return array Array of permissions for specified user or group

 * @return array Array of permissions for specified user or group

function get_admin_permissions($get_uid="", $get_gid="")

function get_admin_permissions($get_uid=0, $get_gid=0)

global $db, $mybb;

// Set UID and GID if none
$uid = $get_uid;
$gid = $get_gid;

global $db, $mybb;

// Set UID and GID if none
$uid = $get_uid;
$gid = $get_gid;

	$gid_array = array();

	$gid_array = array();

	if($uid === "")

	if($uid === 0)

$uid = $mybb->user['uid'];

$uid = $mybb->user['uid'];

Zeile 418Zeile 428
		// Group is specified
// Make sure gid is negative
$gid_array[] = (-1) * abs($gid);

		// Group is specified
// Make sure gid is negative
$gid_array[] = (-1) * abs($gid);



// What are we trying to find?
if($get_gid && !$get_uid)

// What are we trying to find?
if($get_gid && !$get_uid)

Zeile 447Zeile 457
		foreach($gid_array as $gid)
$group_sql .= " OR uid='{$gid}'";

		foreach($gid_array as $gid)
$group_sql .= " OR uid='{$gid}'";



		$perms_group = array();
$query = $db->simple_select("adminoptions", "permissions, uid", "(uid='{$uid}'{$group_sql}) AND permissions != ''", $options);
while($perm = $db->fetch_array($query))

		$perms_group = array();
$query = $db->simple_select("adminoptions", "permissions, uid", "(uid='{$uid}'{$group_sql}) AND permissions != ''", $options);
while($perm = $db->fetch_array($query))

Zeile 468Zeile 478
$perms_def = $perm['permissions'];

$perms_def = $perm['permissions'];



// Figure out group permissions...ugh.
foreach($perms_group as $gperms)

// Figure out group permissions...ugh.
foreach($perms_group as $gperms)

Zeile 479Zeile 489
				// Use this group as the base for admin group permissions
$final_group_perms = $gperms;

				// Use this group as the base for admin group permissions
$final_group_perms = $gperms;



			// Loop through each specific permission to find the highest permission
foreach($gperms as $perm_name => $perm_value)

			// Loop through each specific permission to find the highest permission
foreach($gperms as $perm_name => $perm_value)

Zeile 489Zeile 499
					$final_group_perms[$perm_name] = '1';

					$final_group_perms[$perm_name] = '1';



		// Send specific user, or group permissions before default.
// If user's permission are explicitly set, they've already been returned above.
return $final_group_perms;

		// Send specific user, or group permissions before default.
// If user's permission are explicitly set, they've already been returned above.
return $final_group_perms;



return $perms_def;

return $perms_def;


return array();


* Fetch the iconv/mb encoding for a particular MySQL encoding


* Fetch the iconv/mb encoding for a particular MySQL encoding

 * @param string The MySQL encoding

 * @param string $mysql_encoding The MySQL encoding

 * @return string The iconv/mb encoding
function fetch_iconv_encoding($mysql_encoding)

 * @return string The iconv/mb encoding
function fetch_iconv_encoding($mysql_encoding)

Zeile 529Zeile 541
* Adds/Updates a Page/Tab to the permissions array in the adminoptions table

* Adds/Updates a Page/Tab to the permissions array in the adminoptions table

 * @param string The name of the tab that is being affected
* @param string The name of the page being affected (optional - if not specified, will affect everything under the specified tab)
* @param integer Default permissions for the page (1 for allowed - 0 for disallowed - -1 to remove)

 * @param string $tab The name of the tab that is being affected
* @param string $page The name of the page being affected (optional - if not specified, will affect everything under the specified tab)
* @param integer $default Default permissions for the page (1 for allowed - 0 for disallowed - -1 to remove)

function change_admin_permission($tab, $page="", $default=1)

function change_admin_permission($tab, $page="", $default=1)

global $db;

global $db;

	$query = $db->simple_select("adminoptions", "uid, permissions", "permissions != ''");
while($adminoption = $db->fetch_array($query))
$adminoption['permissions'] = my_unserialize($adminoption['permissions']);

if($default == -1)

	$query = $db->simple_select("adminoptions", "uid, permissions", "permissions != ''");
while($adminoption = $db->fetch_array($query))
$adminoption['permissions'] = my_unserialize($adminoption['permissions']);

if($default == -1)













if($adminoption['uid'] == 0)

if($adminoption['uid'] == 0)

					$adminoption['permissions'][$tab][$page] = 0;

					$adminoption['permissions'][$tab][$page] = 0;

Zeile 579Zeile 591


		$db->update_query("adminoptions", array('permissions' => $db->escape_string(serialize($adminoption['permissions']))), "uid='{$adminoption['uid']}'");

		$db->update_query("adminoptions", array('permissions' => $db->escape_string(my_serialize($adminoption['permissions']))), "uid='{$adminoption['uid']}'");



* Checks if we have had too many attempts at logging into the ACP

* Checks if we have had too many attempts at logging into the ACP

 * @param integer The uid of the admin to check
* @param boolean Return an array of the number of attempts and expiry time? (default false)

 * @param integer $uid The uid of the admin to check
* @param boolean $return_num Return an array of the number of attempts and expiry time? (default false)

 * @return mixed Return an array if the second parameter is true, boolean otherwise.
function login_attempt_check_acp($uid=0, $return_num=false)

 * @return mixed Return an array if the second parameter is true, boolean otherwise.
function login_attempt_check_acp($uid=0, $return_num=false)

Zeile 600Zeile 612
$query = $db->simple_select("adminoptions", "loginattempts, loginlockoutexpiry", "uid='".(int)$uid."'", 1);
$attempts = $db->fetch_array($query);

$query = $db->simple_select("adminoptions", "loginattempts, loginlockoutexpiry", "uid='".(int)$uid."'", 1);
$attempts = $db->fetch_array($query);


return false;


if($attempts['loginattempts'] <= 0)


if($attempts['loginattempts'] <= 0)

Zeile 633Zeile 650
* Checks whether the administrator is on a mobile device

* Checks whether the administrator is on a mobile device

 * @param string The useragent to be checked

 * @param string $useragent The useragent to be checked

 * @return boolean A true/false depending on if the administrator is on a mobile
function is_mobile($useragent)

 * @return boolean A true/false depending on if the administrator is on a mobile
function is_mobile($useragent)

Zeile 644Zeile 661
* Checks whether there are any 'security' issues in templates via complex syntax

* Checks whether there are any 'security' issues in templates via complex syntax

 * @param string The template to be scanned

 * @param string $template The template to be scanned

 * @return boolean A true/false depending on if an issue was detected
function check_template($template)
// Check to see if our database password is in the template

 * @return boolean A true/false depending on if an issue was detected
function check_template($template)
// Check to see if our database password is in the template

	if(preg_match("#database'?\\s*\]\\s*\[\\s*'?password#", $template))

	if(preg_match('#\$config\[(([\'|"]database[\'|"])|([^\'"].*?))\]\[(([\'|"](database|hostname|password|table_prefix|username)[\'|"])|([^\'"].*?))\]#i', $template) !== 0)

return true;

// System calls via backtick

return true;

// System calls via backtick

	if(preg_match('#\$\s*\{#', $template))

	if(preg_match('#\$\s*\{#', $template) !== 0)

return true;

// Any other malicious acts?
// Courtesy of ZiNgA BuRgA

return true;

// Any other malicious acts?
// Courtesy of ZiNgA BuRgA

	if(preg_match("~\\{\\$.+?\\}~s", preg_replace('~\\{\\$+[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*((?:-\\>|\\:\\:)\\$*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*|\\[\s*\\$*([\'"]?)[a-zA-Z_ 0-9 ]+\\2\\]\s*)*\\}~', '', $template)))

	$allowed = preg_replace('~\\{\\$+[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*((?:-\\>|\\:\\:)\\$*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*|\\[\s*\\$*([\'"]?)[a-zA-Z_ 0-9 ]+\\2\\]\s*)*\\}~', '', $template);
if($allowed === null || preg_match("~\\{\\$.+?\\}~s", $allowed) !== 0)

return true;

return true;

Zeile 674Zeile 692
* Provides a function to entirely delete a user's posts, and find the threads attached to them

* Provides a function to entirely delete a user's posts, and find the threads attached to them

 * @param integer The uid of the user
* @param int A UNIX timestamp to delete posts that are older

 * @param integer $uid The uid of the user
* @param int $date A UNIX timestamp to delete posts that are older

 * @return array An array of threads to delete, threads/forums to recount
function delete_user_posts($uid, $date)

 * @return array An array of threads to delete, threads/forums to recount
function delete_user_posts($uid, $date)

Zeile 719Zeile 737
while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))

while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))

				if($post['usepostcounts'] != 0 && $post['visible'] != 0)

				if($post['usepostcounts'] != 0 && $post['visible'] == 1)



Zeile 795Zeile 813



function array_column($input, $column_key)
$values = array();

$input = array($input);

foreach($input as $val)
if(is_array($val) && isset($val[$column_key]))
$values[] = $val[$column_key];
elseif(is_object($val) && isset($val->$column_key))
$values[] = $val->$column_key;

return $values;

* Output the auto redirect block.
* @param \Form $form An existing form instance to wrap the redirect within.
* @param string $prompt The prompt to show.
function output_auto_redirect($form, $prompt)
global $lang;

echo <<<HTML
<div class="confirm_action">
<br />
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var button = $("#proceed_button");
if (button.length > 0) {
// create a temporary div element to render the text within, un-escaping HTML entities
var textElement = $('<div/>').html('{$lang->automatically_redirecting}');

button.attr("disabled", true);
button.css("color", "#aaa");
button.css("borderColor", "#aaa");

var parent_form = button.closest('form');

if (parent_form.length > 0) {
<p class="buttons">
{$form->generate_submit_button($lang->proceed, array('class' => 'button_yes', 'id' => 'proceed_button'))}

