Vergleich inc/languages/english/forumdisplay.lang.php - 1.8.0 - 1.8.35

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Zeile 8Zeile 8
$l['post_thread'] = "Post Thread";
$l['moderated_by'] = "Moderated By:";
$l['nothreads'] = "Sorry, but there are currently no threads in this forum with the specified date and time limiting options.";

$l['post_thread'] = "Post Thread";
$l['moderated_by'] = "Moderated By:";
$l['nothreads'] = "Sorry, but there are currently no threads in this forum with the specified date and time limiting options.";

$l['nopermission'] = "Sorry, but you do not have permission to view threads in this forum.";

$l['search_forum'] = "Search this Forum:";
$l['thread'] = "Thread";
$l['author'] = "Author";

$l['search_forum'] = "Search this Forum:";
$l['thread'] = "Thread";
$l['author'] = "Author";

Zeile 16Zeile 17
$l['lastpost'] = "Last Post";
$l['rating'] = "Rating";
$l['prefix'] = "Prefix:";

$l['lastpost'] = "Last Post";
$l['rating'] = "Rating";
$l['prefix'] = "Prefix:";

$l['prefix_all'] = "Prefix: All Prefixes";

$l['prefix_all'] = "Prefix: Any/No Prefix";
$l['prefix_any'] = "Prefix: Any Prefix";
$l['prefix_none'] = "Prefix: No Prefix";

$l['markforum_read'] = "Mark this forum read";
$l['subscribe_forum'] = "Subscribe to this forum";
$l['unsubscribe_forum'] = "Unsubscribe from this forum";

$l['markforum_read'] = "Mark this forum read";
$l['subscribe_forum'] = "Subscribe to this forum";
$l['unsubscribe_forum'] = "Unsubscribe from this forum";

Zeile 44Zeile 47
$l['posts_by_you'] = "Contains Posts by You";
$l['no_new_thread'] = "No New Posts";
$l['hot_thread'] = "Hot Thread (No New)";

$l['posts_by_you'] = "Contains Posts by You";
$l['no_new_thread'] = "No New Posts";
$l['hot_thread'] = "Hot Thread (No New)";

$l['locked_thread'] = "Locked Thread";

$l['closed_thread'] = "Closed Thread";

$l['goto_first_unread'] = "Go to first unread post";
$l['pages'] = "Pages:";
$l['pages_last'] = "last";

$l['goto_first_unread'] = "Go to first unread post";
$l['pages'] = "Pages:";
$l['pages_last'] = "last";

Zeile 60Zeile 63
$l['soft_delete_threads'] = "Soft Delete Threads";
$l['restore_threads'] = "Restore Threads";
$l['delete_threads'] = "Delete Threads Permanently";

$l['soft_delete_threads'] = "Soft Delete Threads";
$l['restore_threads'] = "Restore Threads";
$l['delete_threads'] = "Delete Threads Permanently";

$l['move_threads'] = "Move Threads";

$l['move_threads'] = "Move / Copy Threads";

$l['approve_threads'] = "Approve Threads";
$l['unapprove_threads'] = "Unapprove Threads";
$l['inline_go'] = "Go";
$l['clear'] = "Clear";
$l['sub_forums_in'] = "Forums in '{1}'";
$l['forum_rules'] = "{1} - Rules";

$l['approve_threads'] = "Approve Threads";
$l['unapprove_threads'] = "Unapprove Threads";
$l['inline_go'] = "Go";
$l['clear'] = "Clear";
$l['sub_forums_in'] = "Forums in '{1}'";
$l['forum_rules'] = "{1} - Rules";

$l['subforums'] = "<strong>Sub Forums:</strong>";

$l['subforums'] = "Sub Forums:";

$l['asc'] = "asc";
$l['desc'] = "desc";
$l['forum_announcements'] = "Forum Announcements";

$l['asc'] = "asc";
$l['desc'] = "desc";
$l['forum_announcements'] = "Forum Announcements";

Zeile 77Zeile 80
$l['icon_no_new'] = "No new posts.";
$l['icon_new'] = "New posts.";
$l['icon_hot'] = " Hot thread.";

$l['icon_no_new'] = "No new posts.";
$l['icon_new'] = "New posts.";
$l['icon_hot'] = " Hot thread.";

$l['icon_lock'] = " Locked thread.";

$l['icon_close'] = " Closed thread.";

$l['attachment_count'] = "This thread contains 1 attachment.";
$l['attachment_count_multiple'] = "This thread contains {1} attachments.";
$l['rss_discovery_forum'] = "Latest Threads in {1}";

$l['attachment_count'] = "This thread contains 1 attachment.";
$l['attachment_count_multiple'] = "This thread contains {1} attachments.";
$l['rss_discovery_forum'] = "Latest Threads in {1}";

Zeile 91Zeile 94
$l['all_selected'] = "All <strong>{1}</strong> threads in this forum are selected.";
$l['select_all'] = "Select all <strong>{1}</strong> threads in this forum.";
$l['clear_selection'] = "Clear Selection.";

$l['all_selected'] = "All <strong>{1}</strong> threads in this forum are selected.";
$l['select_all'] = "Select all <strong>{1}</strong> threads in this forum.";
$l['clear_selection'] = "Clear Selection.";

$l['deleted_thread'] = "Deleted Thread";

$l['error_containsnoforums'] = "Sorry, but the forum you are currently viewing does not contain any child forums.";

$l['error_containsnoforums'] = "Sorry, but the forum you are currently viewing does not contain any child forums.";