Vergleich inc/functions_task.php - 1.8.0 - 1.8.35

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Zeile 11Zeile 11
* Execute a scheduled task.

* Execute a scheduled task.

 * @param int The task ID. If none specified, the next task due to be ran is executed

 * @param int $tid The task ID. If none specified, the next task due to be ran is executed

 * @return boolean True if successful, false on failure
function run_task($tid=0)

 * @return boolean True if successful, false on failure
function run_task($tid=0)

Zeile 33Zeile 33

// No task? Return


// No task? Return



return false;

return false;

Zeile 50Zeile 50
$db->update_query("tasks", array("locked" => TIME_NOW), "tid='{$task['tid']}'");

$db->update_query("tasks", array("locked" => TIME_NOW), "tid='{$task['tid']}'");


$file = basename($task['file'], '.php');

// The task file does not exist

// The task file does not exist



		if($task['logging'] == 1)
add_task_log($task, $lang->missing_task);

		if($task['logging'] == 1)
add_task_log($task, $lang->missing_task);


// If task file does not exist, disable task and inform the administrator
$updated_task = array(
"enabled" => 0,
"locked" => 0
$db->update_query("tasks", $updated_task, "tid='{$task['tid']}'");

$subject = $lang->sprintf($lang->email_broken_task_subject, $mybb->settings['bbname']);
$message = $lang->sprintf($lang->email_broken_task, $mybb->settings['bbname'], $mybb->settings['bburl'], $task['title']);

my_mail($mybb->settings['adminemail'], $subject, $message, $mybb->settings['adminemail']);

return false;

return false;

Zeile 67Zeile 82
		// Update the nextrun time now, so if the task causes a fatal error, it doesn't get stuck first in the queue
$nextrun = fetch_next_run($task);
$db->update_query("tasks", array("nextrun" => $nextrun), "tid='{$task['tid']}'");

		// Update the nextrun time now, so if the task causes a fatal error, it doesn't get stuck first in the queue
$nextrun = fetch_next_run($task);
$db->update_query("tasks", array("nextrun" => $nextrun), "tid='{$task['tid']}'");

include_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/tasks/{$task['file']}.php";

include_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/tasks/{$file}.php";

		$function = "task_{$task['file']}";

		$function = "task_{$task['file']}";

Zeile 90Zeile 105
* Adds information to the scheduled task log.

* Adds information to the scheduled task log.

 * @param int The task array to create the log entry for
* @param string The message to log

 * @param int $task The task array to create the log entry for
* @param string $message The message to log

function add_task_log($task, $message)

function add_task_log($task, $message)

Zeile 113Zeile 128
* Generate the next run time for a particular task.

* Generate the next run time for a particular task.

 * @param array The task array as fetched from the database.

 * @param array $task The task array as fetched from the database.

 * @return int The next run time as a UNIX timestamp
function fetch_next_run($task)

 * @return int The next run time as a UNIX timestamp
function fetch_next_run($task)

Zeile 320Zeile 335
* Builds the next run time bit for a particular item (day, hour, month etc). Used by fetch_next_run().

* Builds the next run time bit for a particular item (day, hour, month etc). Used by fetch_next_run().

 * @param string A string containing the run timse for this particular item
* @param int The current value (be it current day etc)
* @return int The new or found value

 * @param string $data A string containing the run times for this particular item
* @param int $bit The current value (be it current day etc)
* @return int|bool The new or found value or boolean if nothing is found

function build_next_run_bit($data, $bit)

function build_next_run_bit($data, $bit)

Zeile 341Zeile 356
* Fetches the fist run bit for a particular item (day, hour, month etc). Used by fetch_next_run().

* Fetches the fist run bit for a particular item (day, hour, month etc). Used by fetch_next_run().

 * @param string A string containing the run times for this particular item

 * @param string $data A string containing the run times for this particular item

 * @return int The first run time
function fetch_first_run_time($data)

 * @return int The first run time
function fetch_first_run_time($data)

Zeile 354Zeile 369
* Checks if a specific run time exists for a particular item (day, hour, month etc). Used by fetch_next_run().

* Checks if a specific run time exists for a particular item (day, hour, month etc). Used by fetch_next_run().

 * @param string A string containing the run times for this particular item
* @param int The bit we're checking for

 * @param string $data A string containing the run times for this particular item
* @param int $bit The bit we're checking for

 * @return boolean True if it exists, false if it does not
function run_time_exists($data, $bit)

 * @return boolean True if it exists, false if it does not
function run_time_exists($data, $bit)