Vergleich inc/languages/english/global.lang.php - 1.8.20 - 1.8.34

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Zeile 20Zeile 20
$l['bottomlinks_returntop'] = "Return to Top";
$l['bottomlinks_syndication'] = "RSS Syndication";
$l['bottomlinks_litemode'] = "Lite (Archive) Mode";

$l['bottomlinks_returntop'] = "Return to Top";
$l['bottomlinks_syndication'] = "RSS Syndication";
$l['bottomlinks_litemode'] = "Lite (Archive) Mode";

$l['bottomlinks_markread'] = "Mark All Forums Read";

$l['bottomlinks_markread'] = "Mark all forums read";

$l['welcome_usercp'] = "User CP";
$l['welcome_modcp'] = "Mod CP";

$l['welcome_usercp'] = "User CP";
$l['welcome_modcp'] = "Mod CP";

Zeile 122Zeile 122
$l['new_attachment'] = "New Attachment:";
$l['add_attachment'] = "Add Attachment";
$l['update_attachment'] = "Update Attachment";

$l['new_attachment'] = "New Attachment:";
$l['add_attachment'] = "Add Attachment";
$l['update_attachment'] = "Update Attachment";

$l['attachment_missing'] = "Please select one or more files before attempting to attach.";

$l['attachment_too_many_files'] = "You can upload a maximum of {1} files at once.";

$l['attachment_too_many_files'] = "You can upload a maximum of {1} files at once.";

$l['attachment_too_big_upload'] = "You can upload a maximum of {1} bytes at once.";

$l['attachment_max_allowed_files'] = "You can attach {1} more file(s) to this post.";
$l['attachment_too_big_upload'] = "You can upload a maximum of {1} MB at once.";
$l['drop_files'] = "Click or drop some files here to upload...";
$l['upload_initiate'] = "Release to initiate upload...";

$l['post_preview'] = "Preview";
$l['change_user'] = "change user";
$l['post_icon'] = "Post Icon:";

$l['post_preview'] = "Preview";
$l['change_user'] = "change user";
$l['post_icon'] = "Post Icon:";

Zeile 146Zeile 150
$l['multipage_first'] = "First";
$l['multipage_next'] = "Next";
$l['multipage_previous'] = "Previous";

$l['multipage_first'] = "First";
$l['multipage_next'] = "Next";
$l['multipage_previous'] = "Previous";

$l['multipage_link_start'] = " ...";
$l['multipage_link_end'] = "... ";

$l['multipage_link_start'] = " …";
$l['multipage_link_end'] = "… ";

$l['multipage_jump'] = "Jump to page";

$l['editor_bold'] = "Bold";

$l['multipage_jump'] = "Jump to page";

$l['editor_bold'] = "Bold";

Zeile 308Zeile 312
$l['forumjump_search'] = "Search";
$l['forumjump_home'] = "Forum Home";

$l['forumjump_search'] = "Search";
$l['forumjump_home'] = "Forum Home";

$l['confirm_title'] = "Please Confirm";

$l['redirect'] = "You will now be redirected";
$l['unknown_error'] = "An unknown error has occurred.";
$l['post_fetch_error'] = 'There was an error fetching the posts.';

$l['redirect'] = "You will now be redirected";
$l['unknown_error'] = "An unknown error has occurred.";
$l['post_fetch_error'] = 'There was an error fetching the posts.';

$l['ratings_update_error'] = 'There was an error updating the rating.';

$l['smilieinsert'] = "Smilies";
$l['smilieinsert_getmore'] = "get more";

$l['smilieinsert'] = "Smilies";
$l['smilieinsert_getmore'] = "get more";

Zeile 326Zeile 332
$l['unapproved_attachments'] = "{1} unapproved attachments";
$l['unread_report'] = "1 unread report";
$l['unread_reports'] = "{1} unread reports";

$l['unapproved_attachments'] = "{1} unapproved attachments";
$l['unread_report'] = "1 unread report";
$l['unread_reports'] = "{1} unread reports";

$l['pending_joinrequest'] = "Group Leader Notice: You have 1 pending group membership join request.";
$l['pending_joinrequests'] = "Group Leader Notice: You have {1} pending group membership join requests.";

$l['groupleader_notice'] = "Group Leader Notice:";
$l['pending_joinrequest'] = "1 pending group membership join request.";
$l['pending_joinrequests'] = "{1} pending group membership join requests.";

$l['search_user'] = "Search for a user";

$l['search_user'] = "Search for a user";

Zeile 350Zeile 357
$l['hour'] = "Hour";
$l['hour_short'] = "h";
$l['hours'] = "Hours";

$l['hour'] = "Hour";
$l['hour_short'] = "h";
$l['hours'] = "Hours";

$l['hours_short'] ="h";

$l['hours_short'] = "h";

$l['minute'] = "Minute";

$l['minute'] = "Minute";

$l['minute_short'] ="m";

$l['minute_short'] = "m";

$l['minutes'] = "Minutes";
$l['minutes_short'] = "m";
$l['second'] = "Second";

$l['minutes'] = "Minutes";
$l['minutes_short'] = "m";
$l['second'] = "Second";

$l['second_short'] ="s";

$l['second_short'] = "s";

$l['seconds'] = "Seconds";
$l['seconds_short'] = "s";

$l['seconds'] = "Seconds";
$l['seconds_short'] = "s";

Zeile 433Zeile 440
$l['unknown_user_trigger'] = "An unknown error has been triggered.";
$l['warnings'] = "The following warnings occurred:";

$l['unknown_user_trigger'] = "An unknown error has been triggered.";
$l['warnings'] = "The following warnings occurred:";

$l['ajax_loading'] = "Loading. <br />Please Wait..";
$l['saving_changes'] = "Saving changes..";

$l['ajax_loading'] = "Loading. <br />Please Wait&hellip;";
$l['saving_changes'] = "Saving changes&hellip;";

$l['refresh'] = "Refresh";
$l['select_language'] = "Quick Language Select";
$l['select_theme'] = "Quick Theme Select";

$l['invalid_post_code'] = "Authorization code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again.";
$l['invalid_nocaptcha'] = "Please solve the reCAPTCHA to verify that you're not a robot.";

$l['refresh'] = "Refresh";
$l['select_language'] = "Quick Language Select";
$l['select_theme'] = "Quick Theme Select";

$l['invalid_post_code'] = "Authorization code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again.";
$l['invalid_nocaptcha'] = "Please solve the reCAPTCHA to verify that you're not a robot.";

$l['invalid_hcaptcha'] = "Please solve the hCaptcha to verify that you're not a robot.";

$l['invalid_captcha_verify'] = "The image verification code that you entered was incorrect. Please enter the code exactly how it appears in the image.";
$l['image_verification'] = "Image Verification";
$l['human_verification'] = "Human Verification";
$l['verification_note'] = "Please enter the text contained within the image into the text box below it. This process is used to prevent automated spam bots.";
$l['verification_note_nocaptcha'] = "Please tick the checkbox that you see below. This process is used to prevent automated spam bots.";

$l['invalid_captcha_verify'] = "The image verification code that you entered was incorrect. Please enter the code exactly how it appears in the image.";
$l['image_verification'] = "Image Verification";
$l['human_verification'] = "Human Verification";
$l['verification_note'] = "Please enter the text contained within the image into the text box below it. This process is used to prevent automated spam bots.";
$l['verification_note_nocaptcha'] = "Please tick the checkbox that you see below. This process is used to prevent automated spam bots.";

$l['verification_note_hcaptcha'] = "Please tick the checkbox that you see below. This process is used to prevent automated spam bots.";

$l['verification_subnote'] = "(case insensitive)";

$l['verification_subnote'] = "(case insensitive)";

$l['invalid_nocaptcha_transmit'] = "An error occurred with the human verification. Please try again.";

$l['invalid_nocaptcha_transmit'] = "An error occurred with the human verification by reCAPTCHA. Please try again.";
$l['invalid_hcaptcha_transmit'] = "An error occurred with the human verification by hCaptcha. Please try again.";

$l['captcha_fetch_failure'] = 'There was an error fetching the new captcha.';
$l['question_fetch_failure'] = 'There was an error fetching the new question.';

$l['captcha_fetch_failure'] = 'There was an error fetching the new captcha.';
$l['question_fetch_failure'] = 'There was an error fetching the new question.';

Zeile 513Zeile 523
$l['task_versioncheck_ran'] = "The version check task successfully ran.";
$l['task_versioncheck_ran_errors'] = "Could not connect to MyBB for a version check.";
$l['task_recachestylesheets_ran'] = 'Re-cached {1} stylesheets.';

$l['task_versioncheck_ran'] = "The version check task successfully ran.";
$l['task_versioncheck_ran_errors'] = "Could not connect to MyBB for a version check.";
$l['task_recachestylesheets_ran'] = 'Re-cached {1} stylesheets.';

$l['task_sendmailqueue_ran'] = 'The send mail queue task sent up to {1} messages.';

$l['dismiss_notice'] = "Dismiss this notice";

$l['dismiss_notice'] = "Dismiss this notice";

Zeile 577Zeile 588
$l['select2_inputtoolong_plural'] = "Please delete {1} characters";
$l['select2_selectiontoobig_single'] = "You can only select one item";
$l['select2_selectiontoobig_plural'] = "You can only select {1} items";

$l['select2_inputtoolong_plural'] = "Please delete {1} characters";
$l['select2_selectiontoobig_single'] = "You can only select one item";
$l['select2_selectiontoobig_plural'] = "You can only select {1} items";

$l['select2_loadmore'] = "Loading more results…";
$l['select2_searching'] = "Searching…";

$l['select2_loadmore'] = "Loading more results&hellip;";
$l['select2_searching'] = "Searching&hellip;";

$l['stopforumspam_error_decoding'] = 'Error decoding data from';
$l['stopforumspam_error_retrieving'] = 'Error retrieving data from';

$l['stopforumspam_error_decoding'] = 'Error decoding data from';
$l['stopforumspam_error_retrieving'] = 'Error retrieving data from';

Zeile 589Zeile 600
$l['sfs_error_ip'] = 'IP';
$l['sfs_error_email'] = 'email';
$l['sfs_error_or'] = 'or';

$l['sfs_error_ip'] = 'IP';
$l['sfs_error_email'] = 'email';
$l['sfs_error_or'] = 'or';


$l['expcol_collapse'] = '[-]';
$l['expcol_expand'] = '[+]';

$l['boardclosed_reason'] = 'These forums are currently closed for maintenance. Please check back later';

$l['boardclosed_reason'] = 'These forums are currently closed for maintenance. Please check back later';


$l['use_default'] = "Use Default";