Vergleich inc/db_sqlite.php - 1.8.18 - 1.8.33

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Zeile 65Zeile 65
	 * @var resource
public $link;

	 * @var resource
public $link;


* @var array
public $connections = array();

* Explanation of a query.

* Explanation of a query.

Zeile 110Zeile 115

* The database encoding currently in use (if supported)

* The database encoding currently in use (if supported)



	 * @var string
public $db_encoding = "";

	 * @var string
public $db_encoding = "";

Zeile 121Zeile 126
	 * @var float
public $query_time = 0;

	 * @var float
public $query_time = 0;

* Our pdo implementation

* Our pdo implementation

Zeile 131Zeile 136

* Connect to the database server.

* Connect to the database server.



	 * @param array $config Array of DBMS connection details.
* @return bool Returns false on failure, otherwise true
function connect($config)

	 * @param array $config Array of DBMS connection details.
* @return bool Returns false on failure, otherwise true
function connect($config)

		require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/db_pdo.php";

		require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/db_pdo.php";

		$this->db = new dbpdoEngine("sqlite:{$config['database']}");

		try {
$this->db = new dbpdoEngine("sqlite:{$config['database']}");
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$this->error("[READ] Unable to open the SQLite database");

return false;

$query_time = get_execution_time();

$query_time = get_execution_time();

Zeile 197Zeile 208
$query = $this->alter_table_parse($tablename, $alterdefs, $string);

$query = $this->alter_table_parse($tablename, $alterdefs, $string);





Zeile 211Zeile 222
					"message" => $exception->getMessage(),
"code" => $exception->getCode()

					"message" => $exception->getMessage(),
"code" => $exception->getCode()

				$this->error($error['message'], $error['code']);

				$this->error($error['message'], $error['code']);

Zeile 219Zeile 230
		$this->query_objects[] = $query;

if($this->error_number($query) > 0 && !$hide_errors)

		$this->query_objects[] = $query;

if($this->error_number($query) > 0 && !$hide_errors)



			$this->error($string, $query);

			$this->error($string, $query);



		$query_time = get_execution_time();
$this->query_time += $query_time;

		$query_time = get_execution_time();
$this->query_time += $query_time;

$this->explain_query($string, $query_time);

$this->explain_query($string, $query_time);



		if(strtolower(substr(ltrim($string), 0, 6)) == "create")
return null;

		if(strtolower(substr(ltrim($string), 0, 6)) == "create")
return null;


return $query;


return $query;

* Explain a query on the database.

* Explain a query on the database.

Zeile 261Zeile 272
"<td colspan=\"8\" style=\"background-color: #fff;\">Query Time: ".format_time_duration($qtime)."</td>\n".

"<td colspan=\"8\" style=\"background-color: #fff;\">Query Time: ".format_time_duration($qtime)."</td>\n".



				"<br />\n";
$this->explain .= "<table style=\"background-color: #666;\" width=\"95%\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\">\n".

				"<br />\n";
$this->explain .= "<table style=\"background-color: #666;\" width=\"95%\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\" align=\"center\">\n".



				"<td style=\"background-color: #ccc;\"><strong>#".$this->query_count." - Write Query</strong></td>\n".
"<tr style=\"background-color: #fefefe;\">\n".
"<td><span style=\"font-family: Courier; font-size: 14px;\">".htmlspecialchars_uni($string)."</span></td>\n".

				"<td style=\"background-color: #ccc;\"><strong>#".$this->query_count." - Write Query</strong></td>\n".
"<tr style=\"background-color: #fefefe;\">\n".
"<td><span style=\"font-family: Courier; font-size: 14px;\">".htmlspecialchars_uni($string)."</span></td>\n".



"<td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">Query Time: ".format_time_duration($qtime)."</td>\n".

"<td bgcolor=\"#ffffff\">Query Time: ".format_time_duration($qtime)."</td>\n".

Zeile 283Zeile 294

$this->querylist[$this->query_count]['query'] = $string;
$this->querylist[$this->query_count]['time'] = $qtime;

$this->querylist[$this->query_count]['query'] = $string;
$this->querylist[$this->query_count]['time'] = $qtime;



* Execute a write query on the database

* Execute a write query on the database



	 * @param string $query The query SQL.
* @param boolean|int $hide_errors 1 if hide errors, 0 if not.
* @return PDOStatement The query data.

	 * @param string $query The query SQL.
* @param boolean|int $hide_errors 1 if hide errors, 0 if not.
* @return PDOStatement The query data.

Zeile 305Zeile 316
	 * @return array The array of results.
function fetch_array($query, $resulttype=PDO::FETCH_BOTH)

	 * @return array The array of results.
function fetch_array($query, $resulttype=PDO::FETCH_BOTH)



		$array = $this->db->fetch_array($query, $resulttype);
return $array;

		$array = $this->db->fetch_array($query, $resulttype);
return $array;



* Return a specific field from a query.

* Return a specific field from a query.

Zeile 325Zeile 336
			$this->data_seek($query, $row);
$array = $this->fetch_array($query);

			$this->data_seek($query, $row);
$array = $this->fetch_array($query);

		return $array[$field];


		if($array !== null && $array !== false)
return $array[$field];
return null;


	 * Moves internal row pointer to the next row
* @param PDOStatement $query The query ID.

	 * Moves internal row pointer to the next row
* @param PDOStatement $query The query ID.

Zeile 371Zeile 386

* Return the last id number of inserted data.

* Return the last id number of inserted data.



	 * @param string $name
* @return int The id number.

	 * @param string $name
* @return int The id number.

Zeile 414Zeile 429
	 * @return string The explanation for the current error.
function error_string($query=null)

	 * @return string The explanation for the current error.
function error_string($query=null)



		if($this->error_number != "")
if($query == null)

		if($this->error_number != "")
if($query == null)

Zeile 759Zeile 774
* @param string $table The table name to perform the query on.
* @param array $array An array of fields and their values.

* @param string $table The table name to perform the query on.
* @param array $array An array of fields and their values.

	 * @param string $where An optional where clause for the query.

	 * @param string $where An optional where clause for the query.

	 * @param string $limit An optional limit clause for the query.
* @param boolean $no_quote An option to quote incoming values of the array.
* @return PDOStatement The query data.

	 * @param string $limit An optional limit clause for the query.
* @param boolean $no_quote An option to quote incoming values of the array.
* @return PDOStatement The query data.

Zeile 767Zeile 782
	function update_query($table, $array, $where="", $limit="", $no_quote=false)
global $mybb;

	function update_query($table, $array, $where="", $limit="", $no_quote=false)
global $mybb;

return false;

return false;

Zeile 778Zeile 793
		$quote = "'";

if($no_quote == true)

		$quote = "'";

if($no_quote == true)



			$quote = "";

			$quote = "";

Zeile 834Zeile 849

* Build a delete query.

* Build a delete query.



	 * @param string $table The table name to perform the query on.
* @param string $where An optional where clause for the query.
* @param string $limit An optional limit clause for the query.

	 * @param string $table The table name to perform the query on.
* @param string $where An optional where clause for the query.
* @param string $limit An optional limit clause for the query.

Zeile 851Zeile 866
		$query = $this->query("DELETE FROM {$this->table_prefix}$table $query");
return $query;

		$query = $this->query("DELETE FROM {$this->table_prefix}$table $query");
return $query;





	 * Escape a string
* @param string $string The string to be escaped.
* @return string The escaped string.

	 * Escape a string
* @param string $string The string to be escaped.
* @return string The escaped string.



	function escape_string($string)
$string = $this->db->escape_string($string);

	function escape_string($string)
$string = $this->db->escape_string($string);

Zeile 872Zeile 887
	 * @return boolean Returns true on success, false on failure
function free_result($query)

	 * @return boolean Returns true on success, false on failure
function free_result($query)



		return true;

		return true;

Zeile 884Zeile 899
function escape_string_like($string)

function escape_string_like($string)

		return $this->escape_string(str_replace(array('%', '_') , array('\\%' , '\\_') , $string));

		return $this->escape_string(str_replace(array('\\', '%', '_') , array('\\\\', '\\%' , '\\_') , $string));





Zeile 910Zeile 925
function optimize_table($table)

function optimize_table($table)

		$query = $this->query("VACUUM ".$this->table_prefix.$table."");

		// SQLite doesn't support table level optimization.
// Using `VACUUM [main | $db_name]` may also be blocked by any opened query cursor, hence generating an error.





Zeile 953Zeile 968
function show_fields_from($table)

function show_fields_from($table)

		$old_tbl_prefix = $this->table_prefix;
$query = $this->simple_select("sqlite_master", "sql", "type = 'table' AND name = '{$old_tbl_prefix}{$table}'");
$table = trim(preg_replace('#CREATE\s+TABLE\s+"?'.$this->table_prefix.$table.'"?#i', '', $this->fetch_field($query, "sql")));

preg_match('#\((.*)\)#s', $table, $matches);

		$query = $this->write_query("PRAGMA TABLE_INFO('".$this->table_prefix.$table."')");

		$field_info = array();

		$field_info = array();

		$table_cols = explode(',', trim($matches[1]));
foreach($table_cols as $declaration)

		while($field = $this->fetch_array($query))



			$entities = preg_split('#\s+#', trim($declaration));
$column_name = preg_replace('/"?([^"]+)"?/', '\1', $entities[0]);

$field['_key'] = 'PRI';
$field['_extra'] = 'auto_increment';
$field['_key'] = '';
$field['_extra'] = '';

// SQLite allows NULLs in most PRIMARY KEY columns due to a bug in early versions, even in an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column, read for details. We won't fix this for consistency among other database engines.
$field['_nullable'] = $field['notnull'] ? 'NO' : 'YES';

			$field_info[] = array('Extra' => $entities[1], 'Field' => $column_name);

			$field_info[] = array(
'Field' => $field['name'],
'Type' => $field['type'],
'Null' => $field['_nullable'],
'Key' => $field['_key'],
'Default' => $field['dflt_value'],
'Extra' => $field['_extra'],




		return $field_info;

		return $field_info;

Zeile 995Zeile 1019

function supports_fulltext($table)


function supports_fulltext($table)

return false;


return false;


	 * Returns whether or not this database engine supports boolean fulltext matching.
* @param string $table The table to be checked.

	 * Returns whether or not this database engine supports boolean fulltext matching.
* @param string $table The table to be checked.

Zeile 1037Zeile 1061

* Checks to see if an index exists on a specified table

* Checks to see if an index exists on a specified table



	 * @param string $table The name of the table.
* @param string $index The name of the index.
* @return bool Returns whether index exists

	 * @param string $table The name of the table.
* @param string $index The name of the index.
* @return bool Returns whether index exists



	function index_exists($table, $index)

	function index_exists($table, $index)



		return false;

		return false;

Zeile 1055Zeile 1079
	 * @param boolean $table_prefix use table prefix
function drop_table($table, $hard=false, $table_prefix=true)

	 * @param boolean $table_prefix use table prefix
function drop_table($table, $hard=false, $table_prefix=true)

if($table_prefix == false)

if($table_prefix == false)

			$table_prefix = "";

			$table_prefix = "";



$table_prefix = $this->table_prefix;

$table_prefix = $this->table_prefix;



$table_prefix_bak = $this->table_prefix;
$this->table_prefix = '';

		if($hard == false)

		if($hard == false)



$query = $this->query('DROP TABLE '.$table_prefix.$table);

$query = $this->query('DROP TABLE '.$table_prefix.$table);

Zeile 1075Zeile 1101
$query = $this->query('DROP TABLE '.$table_prefix.$table);

$query = $this->query('DROP TABLE '.$table_prefix.$table);


$this->table_prefix = $table_prefix_bak;



Zeile 1115Zeile 1142
	 * @param string|array $default_field The default field(s)
* @param boolean $insert_id Whether or not to return an insert id. True by default
* @return int|PDOStatement|bool Returns either the insert id (if a new row is inserted), the query resource (if a row is updated) or false on failure

	 * @param string|array $default_field The default field(s)
* @param boolean $insert_id Whether or not to return an insert id. True by default
* @return int|PDOStatement|bool Returns either the insert id (if a new row is inserted), the query resource (if a row is updated) or false on failure



	function replace_query($table, $replacements=array(), $default_field="", $insert_id=true)
global $mybb;

	function replace_query($table, $replacements=array(), $default_field="", $insert_id=true)
global $mybb;

Zeile 1446Zeile 1473
	 * @param string $table The table
* @param string $column The column name
* @param string $new_definition the new column definition

	 * @param string $table The table
* @param string $column The column name
* @param string $new_definition the new column definition

	 * @param boolean|string $new_not_null Whether to "drop" or "set" the NOT NULL attribute (no change if false)
* @param boolean|string $new_default_value The new default value, or false to drop the attribute
* @return bool Returns true if all queries are executed successfully or false if one of them failed



	function modify_column($table, $column, $new_definition)

	function modify_column($table, $column, $new_definition, $new_not_null=false, $new_default_value=false)

// We use a rename query as both need to duplicate the table etc...

// We use a rename query as both need to duplicate the table etc...

		$this->rename_column($table, $column, $column, $new_definition);

		return $this->rename_column($table, $column, $column, $new_definition, $new_not_null, $new_default_value);





Zeile 1460Zeile 1490
	 * @param string $old_column The old column name
* @param string $new_column the new column name
* @param string $new_definition the new column definition

	 * @param string $old_column The old column name
* @param string $new_column the new column name
* @param string $new_definition the new column definition

	 * @return PDOStatement

	 * @param boolean|string $new_not_null Whether to "drop" or "set" the NOT NULL attribute (no change if false)
* @param boolean|string $new_default_value The new default value, or false to drop the attribute
* @return bool Returns true if all queries are executed successfully



	function rename_column($table, $old_column, $new_column, $new_definition)

	function rename_column($table, $old_column, $new_column, $new_definition, $new_not_null=false, $new_default_value=false)



		if($new_not_null !== false)
if(strtolower($new_not_null) == "set")
$not_null = "NOT NULL";
$not_null = "NULL";
$not_null = '';

if($new_default_value !== false)
$default = "DEFAULT ".$new_default_value;
$default = '';

		// This will trigger the "alter_table_parse" function which will copy the table and rename the column

		// This will trigger the "alter_table_parse" function which will copy the table and rename the column

		return $this->write_query("ALTER TABLE {$this->table_prefix}{$table} CHANGE {$old_column} {$new_column} {$new_definition}");

		return (bool) $this->write_query("ALTER TABLE {$this->table_prefix}{$table} CHANGE {$old_column} {$new_column} {$new_definition} {$not_null} {$default}");



