Vergleich inc/languages/english/modcp.lang.php - 1.8.15 - 1.8.33

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$l['website_url'] = "Website URL:";
$l['birthdate'] = "Birthdate:";
$l['icq_number'] = "ICQ Number:";

$l['website_url'] = "Website URL:";
$l['birthdate'] = "Birthdate:";
$l['icq_number'] = "ICQ Number:";

$l['aim_screenname'] = "AIM Screen Name:";
$l['yahoo_id'] = "Yahoo ID:";

$l['skype_id'] = "Skype ID:";
$l['google_id'] = "Google Hangouts ID:";

$l['skype_id'] = "Skype ID:";
$l['google_id'] = "Google Hangouts ID:";

$l['away_notice_away'] = "You have been marked away since {1}";

$l['away_notice'] = "This option will allow you to select whether you are away or not.";
$l['additional_information'] = "Additional Information";
$l['update_profile'] = "Update Profile";

$l['away_notice'] = "This option will allow you to select whether you are away or not.";
$l['additional_information'] = "Additional Information";
$l['update_profile'] = "Update Profile";