Vergleich inc/functions_serverstats.php - 1.8.1 - 1.8.32

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Zeile 8Zeile 8


* @param int $is_install
* @param string $prev_version
* @param string $current_version
* @param string $charset
* @return array

function build_server_stats($is_install=1, $prev_version='', $current_version='', $charset='')
$info = array();

function build_server_stats($is_install=1, $prev_version='', $current_version='', $charset='')
$info = array();

Zeile 195Zeile 203

// Host URL & hostname


// Host URL & hostname

	// Dropped fetching host details since v.1.8.16 as API seems to be down and this info is not required by MyBB.

	$info['hosturl'] = $info['hostname'] = "unknown/local";
if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost')

	$info['hosturl'] = $info['hostname'] = "unknown/local";
if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost')

$info['hosturl'] = $info['hostname'] = "localhost";

// Check the hosting company
if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ".") !== false)
$host_url = "".str_replace(array('http://', 'www.'), '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);

$hosting = fetch_remote_file($host_url);

preg_match('#We believe \<a href\="http:\/\/\/linkout\/\?t\=[0-9]&url\=?([^"]*)" (title="([^"]*)" )target\=\_blank\>([^<]*)\<\/a\>#ism', $hosting, $matches);

$info['hosturl'] = "unknown/no-url";
if(isset($matches[1]) && strlen(trim($matches[1])) != 0 && strpos($matches[1], '.') !== false)
$info['hosturl'] = strtolower($matches[1]);
else if(isset($matches[3]) && strlen(trim($matches[3])) != 0 && strpos($matches[3], '.') !== false)
$info['hosturl'] = strtolower($matches[3]);

if(isset($matches[4]) && strlen(trim($matches[4])) != 0)
$info['hostname'] = $matches[4];
elseif(isset($matches[3]) && strlen(trim($matches[3])) != 0)
$info['hostname'] = $matches[3];
elseif(isset($matches[2]) && strlen(trim($matches[2])) != 0)
$info['hostname'] = str_replace(array('title=', '"'), '', $matches[2][0]);
elseif(strlen(trim($info['hosturl'])) != 0 && $info['hosturl'] != "unknown/no-url")
$info['hostname'] = $info['hosturl'];
$info['hostname'] = "unknown/no-name";

$info['hosturl'] = $info['hostname'] = "localhost";





Zeile 270Zeile 235
		$amp = "&amp;";

		$amp = "&amp;";

	$server_stats_url = ''.$string;

	$server_stats_url = ''.$string;

$return = array();
$return['info_sent_success'] = false;

$return = array();
$return['info_sent_success'] = false;

Zeile 278Zeile 243
$return['info_sent_success'] = true;

$return['info_sent_success'] = true;

	$return['info_image'] = "<img src='{$server_stats_url}&amp;img=1' />";

	$return['info_image'] = "<img src='".$server_stats_url."&amp;img=1' />";

	$return['info_get_string'] = $string;

return $return;

	$return['info_get_string'] = $string;

return $return;