Vergleich install/resources/upgrade2.php - 1.8.6 - 1.8.30

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	$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'bbname', 'Board Name', 'The name of your message boards. We recommend that it is not over 75 characters.', 'text', 'MyBB Forums', 1, 1);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'bburl', 'Board URL', 'The url to your forums.<br />Include the http://. Do NOT include a trailing slash.', 'text', '', 2, 1);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'homename', 'Homepage Name', 'The name of your homepage. This will appear in the footer with a link to it.', 'text', 'MyBB', 3, 1);");

	$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'bbname', 'Board Name', 'The name of your message boards. We recommend that it is not over 75 characters.', 'text', 'MyBB Forums', 1, 1);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'bburl', 'Board URL', 'The url to your forums.<br />Include the http://. Do NOT include a trailing slash.', 'text', '', 2, 1);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'homename', 'Homepage Name', 'The name of your homepage. This will appear in the footer with a link to it.', 'text', 'MyBB', 3, 1);");

	$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'homeurl', 'Homepage URL', 'The full URL of your homepage. This will be linked to in the footer along with its name.', 'text', '', 4, 1);");

	$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'homeurl', 'Homepage URL', 'The full URL of your homepage. This will be linked to in the footer along with its name.', 'text', '', 4, 1);");

	$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'dateformat', 'Date Format', 'The format of the dates used on the forum. This format uses the PHP date() function. We recommend not changing this unless you know what you\'re doing.', 'text', 'm-d-Y', 1, 3);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'adminemail', 'Admin Email', 'The administrator\'s email address. This will be used for outgoing emails sent via the forums.', 'text', '', 5, 1);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'timeformat', 'Time Format', 'The format of the times used on the forum. This format uses PHP\'s date() function. We recommend not changing this unless you know what you\'re doing.', 'text', 'h:i A', 2, 3);");

	$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'dateformat', 'Date Format', 'The format of the dates used on the forum. This format uses the PHP date() function. We recommend not changing this unless you know what you\'re doing.', 'text', 'm-d-Y', 1, 3);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'adminemail', 'Admin Email', 'The administrator\'s email address. This will be used for outgoing emails sent via the forums.', 'text', '', 5, 1);");
$db->write_query("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (sid, name, title, description, optionscode, value, disporder, gid) VALUES (NULL, 'timeformat', 'Time Format', 'The format of the times used on the forum. This format uses PHP\'s date() function. We recommend not changing this unless you know what you\'re doing.', 'text', 'h:i A', 2, 3);");