Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/config_languages.lang.php - 1.8.0 - 1.8.30

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$l['error_invalid_set'] = "Invalid language set specified.";
$l['error_invalid_file'] = "Invalid language file specified.";
$l['error_cannot_write_to_file'] = "Cannot write to file. Check the file permissions for this language set and try again";

$l['error_invalid_set'] = "Invalid language set specified.";
$l['error_invalid_file'] = "Invalid language file specified.";
$l['error_cannot_write_to_file'] = "Cannot write to file. Check the file permissions for this language set and try again";

$l['error_folders_fail'] = "There was problem accessing requested language pack folders. Please make sure they exists and are writable.";

$l['alert_note_cannot_write'] = "Before you can edit the language file, you must CHMOD the files in this language set so that the server has permission to write to them.";

$l['success_langfile_updated'] = "The language file has been updated successfully.";
$l['success_langprops_updated'] = "The language properties have been updated successfully.";
$l['success_quickphrases_updated'] = "The quick language phrases have been updated successfully.";

$l['alert_note_cannot_write'] = "Before you can edit the language file, you must CHMOD the files in this language set so that the server has permission to write to them.";

$l['success_langfile_updated'] = "The language file has been updated successfully.";
$l['success_langprops_updated'] = "The language properties have been updated successfully.";
$l['success_quickphrases_updated'] = "The quick language phrases have been updated successfully.";


$l['issues'] = "Issues";
$l['phrases'] = "Phrases";
$l['issues_ok'] = "It seems like everything should be ok here.";
$l['issues_nothingtocompare'] = "There is nothing to compare here.";
$l['issues_warning'] = "This file may require your attention.\nPlease make sure to check it.";