Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/tools_spamlog.lang.php - 1.8.24 - 1.8.29

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$l['spam_logs']       = 'Spam Logs';
$l['spam_logs_desc'] = 'This section allows you to view a history of users blocked by the spam filters.';
$l['prune_spam_logs'] = 'Prune Spam Logs';
$l['prune_spam_logs_desc'] = 'Here you can prune the spam logs matching a specified criteria.';
$l['spam_username'] = 'Username';
$l['spam_email'] = 'Email Address';
$l['spam_ip'] = 'IP Address';
$l['spam_date'] = 'Date';

$l['spam_logs'] = 'Spam Logs';
$l['spam_logs_desc'] = 'This section allows you to view a history of users blocked by the spam filters.';
$l['prune_spam_logs'] = 'Prune Spam Logs';
$l['prune_spam_logs_desc'] = 'Here you can prune the spam logs matching a specified criteria.';
$l['spam_username'] = 'Username';
$l['spam_email'] = 'Email Address';
$l['spam_ip'] = 'IP Address';
$l['spam_date'] = 'Date';

$l['spam_confidence'] = 'Confidence';
$l['no_spam_logs'] = 'No users have been blocked by the spam filters yet.';
$l['success_pruned_spam_logs'] = 'The spam logs have been pruned successfully.';

$l['spam_confidence'] = 'Confidence';
$l['no_spam_logs'] = 'No users have been blocked by the spam filters yet.';
$l['success_pruned_spam_logs'] = 'The spam logs have been pruned successfully.';