Vergleich inc/languages/english/moderation.lang.php - 1.8.21 - 1.8.29

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Zeile 21Zeile 21
$l['nav_multi_splitposts'] = "Split Selected Posts";
$l['nav_multi_moveposts'] = "Move Selected Posts";
$l['nav_multi_mergeposts'] = "Merge Selected Posts";

$l['nav_multi_splitposts'] = "Split Selected Posts";
$l['nav_multi_moveposts'] = "Move Selected Posts";
$l['nav_multi_mergeposts'] = "Merge Selected Posts";

$l['nav_multi_movethreads'] = "Move Threads";

$l['nav_multi_movethreads'] = "Move / Copy Threads";

$l['no_mod_options'] = "No moderation options have yet been performed on this thread.";
$l['no_delayed_mods'] = "No delayed moderation actions are scheduled to be performed on the selected thread(s).";

$l['no_mod_options'] = "No moderation options have yet been performed on this thread.";
$l['no_delayed_mods'] = "No delayed moderation actions are scheduled to be performed on the selected thread(s).";

Zeile 44Zeile 44
$l['thread_to_merge_with'] = "Thread to merge with:";
$l['merge_with_note'] = "Copy the URL of the thread to be merged into this one into the textbox on the right.<br />The thread on the right will be deleted and all posts will be merged into this one.";
$l['merge_posts'] = "Merge Posts";

$l['thread_to_merge_with'] = "Thread to merge with:";
$l['merge_with_note'] = "Copy the URL of the thread to be merged into this one into the textbox on the right.<br />The thread on the right will be deleted and all posts will be merged into this one.";
$l['merge_posts'] = "Merge Posts";

$l['merge_posts_note'] ="All selected posts will be merged into the first selected post.";

$l['merge_posts_note'] = "All selected posts will be merged into the first selected post.";

$l['move_copy_thread'] = "Move / Copy Thread";
$l['new_forum'] = "New Forum:";
$l['method'] = "Method";

$l['move_copy_thread'] = "Move / Copy Thread";
$l['new_forum'] = "New Forum:";
$l['method'] = "Method";

Zeile 75Zeile 75
$l['confirm_execute_tool_desc'] = "Are you sure you wish to execute the <strong>{1}</strong> custom moderation tool? Once a tool is executed it may not be able to revert the applied changes.";
$l['delete_threads'] = "Delete Threads Permanently";
$l['confirm_delete_threads'] = "Are you sure you wish to delete the selected threads? Once a thread has been deleted it cannot be restored and any posts, attachments or polls within that thread are also deleted.";

$l['confirm_execute_tool_desc'] = "Are you sure you wish to execute the <strong>{1}</strong> custom moderation tool? Once a tool is executed it may not be able to revert the applied changes.";
$l['delete_threads'] = "Delete Threads Permanently";
$l['confirm_delete_threads'] = "Are you sure you wish to delete the selected threads? Once a thread has been deleted it cannot be restored and any posts, attachments or polls within that thread are also deleted.";

$l['move_threads'] = "Move Threads";

$l['move_threads'] = "Move / Copy Threads";

$l['confirm_delete_posts'] = "Are you sure you wish to delete the selected posts from the thread? Once they have been deleted they cannot be restored. If there are no posts left in the thread, the thread will also be deleted.";
$l['post_separator'] = "Post Separator";
$l['new_line'] = "New Line";

$l['confirm_delete_posts'] = "Are you sure you wish to delete the selected posts from the thread? Once they have been deleted they cannot be restored. If there are no posts left in the thread, the thread will also be deleted.";
$l['post_separator'] = "Post Separator";
$l['new_line'] = "New Line";

Zeile 119Zeile 119
$l['multi_soft_delete_posts'] = "Selected Posts Soft Deleted";
$l['multi_stuck_threads'] = "Threads Stuck";
$l['multi_unstuck_threads'] = "Threads Unstuck";

$l['multi_soft_delete_posts'] = "Selected Posts Soft Deleted";
$l['multi_stuck_threads'] = "Threads Stuck";
$l['multi_unstuck_threads'] = "Threads Unstuck";

$l['multi_moved_threads'] = "Threads Moved";

$l['multi_moved_threads'] = "Threads Moved / Copied";

$l['multi_copied_threads'] = "Threads Copied";
$l['custom_tool'] = "Custom Moderator Tool: {1}";

$l['multi_copied_threads'] = "Threads Copied";
$l['custom_tool'] = "Custom Moderator Tool: {1}";

Zeile 139Zeile 139
$l['save_delayed_moderation'] = "Save Delayed Moderation";
$l['custom'] = "custom";
$l['delayed_mod_queue'] = "Delayed Moderation Queue";

$l['save_delayed_moderation'] = "Save Delayed Moderation";
$l['custom'] = "custom";
$l['delayed_mod_queue'] = "Delayed Moderation Queue";

$l['days_to_perform_action'] = "Days to Perform Action";

$l['time_to_perform_action'] = "Time to Perform Action";

$l['leave_redirect'] = "Lead Redirect:";
$l['multiple_threads'] = "Multiple Threads";
$l['actions'] = "Actions";

$l['leave_redirect'] = "Lead Redirect:";
$l['multiple_threads'] = "Multiple Threads";
$l['actions'] = "Actions";

Zeile 203Zeile 203
$l['redirect_inline_threadsclosed'] = "The selected threads have been closed.<br />You will now be returned to your previous location.";
$l['redirect_inline_threadsstuck'] = "The selected threads have been stuck.<br />You will now be returned to your previous location.";
$l['redirect_inline_threadsunstuck'] = "The selected threads have been unstuck.<br />You will now be returned to your previous location.";

$l['redirect_inline_threadsclosed'] = "The selected threads have been closed.<br />You will now be returned to your previous location.";
$l['redirect_inline_threadsstuck'] = "The selected threads have been stuck.<br />You will now be returned to your previous location.";
$l['redirect_inline_threadsunstuck'] = "The selected threads have been unstuck.<br />You will now be returned to your previous location.";

$l['redirect_inline_threadsmoved'] = "The selected threads have been moved.<br />You will now be taken to the new forum the threads are in.";

$l['redirect_inline_threadsmoved'] = "The selected threads have been moved or copied.<br />You will now be taken to the new forum the threads are in.";

$l['redirect_inline_threadsapproved'] = "The selected threads have been approved.<br />You will now be returned to your previous location.";
$l['redirect_inline_threadsunapproved'] = "The selected threads have been unapproved.<br />You will now be returned to your previous location.";
$l['redirect_inline_threadsrestored'] = "The selected threads have been restored.<br />You will now be returned to your previous location.";

$l['redirect_inline_threadsapproved'] = "The selected threads have been approved.<br />You will now be returned to your previous location.";
$l['redirect_inline_threadsunapproved'] = "The selected threads have been unapproved.<br />You will now be returned to your previous location.";
$l['redirect_inline_threadsrestored'] = "The selected threads have been restored.<br />You will now be returned to your previous location.";