Vergleich inc/class_moderation.php - 1.8.5 - 1.8.27

  Keine Änderungen   Hinzugefügt   Modifiziert   Entfernt
Zeile 13Zeile 13
* Close one or more threads

* Close one or more threads

	 * @param array Thread IDs

	 * @param array|int $tids Thread ID(s)

	 * @return boolean true
function close_threads($tids)

	 * @return boolean true
function close_threads($tids)

Zeile 43Zeile 43
* Open one or more threads

* Open one or more threads

	 * @param int Thread IDs
* @return boolean true

	 * @param array|int $tids Thread ID(s)
* @return boolean


function open_threads($tids)


function open_threads($tids)

global $db, $plugins;

$tids = array($tids);

global $db, $plugins;

$tids = array($tids);





Zeile 67Zeile 67
		$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_open_threads", $tids);

$tid_list = implode(',', $tids);

		$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_open_threads", $tids);

$tid_list = implode(',', $tids);

		$closethread = array(
"closed" => 0,
$db->update_query("threads", $closethread, "tid IN ($tid_list)");

		$closethread = array(
"closed" => 0,
$db->update_query("threads", $closethread, "tid IN ($tid_list)");

		return true;

* Stick one or more threads

		return true;

* Stick one or more threads

	 * @param int Thread IDs
* @return boolean true

	 * @param array|int $tids Thread ID(s)
* @return boolean

function stick_threads($tids)

function stick_threads($tids)

global $db, $plugins;

$tids = array($tids);

return false;

global $db, $plugins;

$tids = array($tids);

return false;

		// Make sure we only have valid values
$tids = array_map('intval', $tids);

		// Make sure we only have valid values
$tids = array_map('intval', $tids);

Zeile 114Zeile 114
* Unstick one or more thread

* Unstick one or more thread

	 * @param int Thread IDs
* @return boolean true

	 * @param array|int $tids Thread ID(s)
* @return boolean

function unstick_threads($tids)

function unstick_threads($tids)

global $db, $plugins;

$tids = array($tids);

return false;

// Make sure we only have valid values

global $db, $plugins;

$tids = array($tids);

return false;

// Make sure we only have valid values

		$tids = array_map('intval', $tids);

		$tids = array_map('intval', $tids);

		$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_unstick_threads", $tids);

$tid_list = implode(',', $tids);

		$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_unstick_threads", $tids);

$tid_list = implode(',', $tids);

		$unstickthread = array(
"sticky" => 0,
$db->update_query("threads", $unstickthread, "tid IN ($tid_list)");

		$unstickthread = array(
"sticky" => 0,
$db->update_query("threads", $unstickthread, "tid IN ($tid_list)");

		return true;

* Remove redirects that redirect to the specified thread

		return true;

* Remove redirects that redirect to the specified thread

	 * @param int Thread ID of the thread
* @return boolean true

	 * @param int $tid Thread ID of the thread
* @return boolean

function remove_redirects($tid)

function remove_redirects($tid)

Zeile 161Zeile 161
		// Delete the redirects
$tid = (int)$tid;

		// Delete the redirects
$tid = (int)$tid;

return false;

$query = $db->simple_select('threads', 'tid', "closed='moved|$tid'");
while($redirect_tid = $db->fetch_field($query, 'tid'))

return true;


return false;

$query = $db->simple_select('threads', 'tid', "closed='moved|$tid'");
while($redirect_tid = $db->fetch_field($query, 'tid'))

return true;


	 * Delete a thread

	 * Delete a thread

	 * @param int Thread ID of the thread
* @return boolean true

	 * @param int $tid Thread ID of the thread
* @return boolean

function delete_thread($tid)

function delete_thread($tid)

Zeile 187Zeile 187
		$tid = (int)$tid;

$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_delete_thread_start", $tid);

		$tid = (int)$tid;

$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_delete_thread_start", $tid);

		$thread = get_thread($tid);

		$thread = get_thread($tid);

Zeile 217Zeile 217
			if(($post['visible'] == 0 && $thread['visible'] != -1) || $thread['visible'] == 0)

			if(($post['visible'] == 0 && $thread['visible'] != -1) || $thread['visible'] == 0)



			elseif($post['visible'] == -1 || $thread['visible'] == -1)

			elseif($post['visible'] == -1 || $thread['visible'] == -1)

Zeile 323Zeile 323
		// Update forum count
update_forum_counters($thread['fid'], $updated_counters);

		// Update forum count
update_forum_counters($thread['fid'], $updated_counters);

		mark_reports($tid, 'thread');

$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_delete_thread", $tid);

$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_delete_thread", $tid);

Zeile 332Zeile 333
* Delete a poll

* Delete a poll

	 * @param int Poll id
* @return boolean true

	 * @param int $pid Poll id
* @return boolean

function delete_poll($pid)
global $db, $plugins;

function delete_poll($pid)
global $db, $plugins;

		$pid = (int)$pid;


		$pid = (int)$pid;


return false;

return false;


$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_delete_poll", $pid);


$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_delete_poll", $pid);

Zeile 354Zeile 355
			'poll' => '0',
$db->update_query("threads", $pollarray, "poll='$pid'");

			'poll' => '0',
$db->update_query("threads", $pollarray, "poll='$pid'");

		return true;

* Approve one or more threads

		return true;

* Approve one or more threads

	 * @param array Thread IDs
* @return boolean true

	 * @param array|int $tids Thread ID(s)
* @return boolean

function approve_threads($tids)

function approve_threads($tids)

Zeile 371Zeile 372
$tids = array($tids);

$tids = array($tids);





Zeile 383Zeile 384

$tid_list = $forum_counters = $user_counters = $posts_to_approve = array();

$tid_list = $forum_counters = $user_counters = $posts_to_approve = array();

		foreach($tids as $tid)

		$tids_list = implode(",", $tids);
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "*", "tid IN ($tids_list)");

while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))



			$thread = get_thread($tid);
if(!$thread || $thread['visible'] == 1 || $thread['visible'] == -1)

			if($thread['visible'] == 1 || $thread['visible'] == -1)



Zeile 420Zeile 423
			if($forum['usepostcounts'] != 0)
// On approving thread restore user post counts

			if($forum['usepostcounts'] != 0)
// On approving thread restore user post counts

				$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "COUNT(pid) as posts, uid", "tid='{$tid}' AND (visible='1' OR pid='{$thread['firstpost']}') AND uid > 0 GROUP BY uid");

				$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "COUNT(pid) as posts, uid", "tid='{$thread['tid']}' AND (visible='1' OR pid='{$thread['firstpost']}') AND uid > 0 GROUP BY uid");

				while($counter = $db->fetch_array($query))
$user_counters[$counter['uid']]['num_posts'] += $counter['posts'];

				while($counter = $db->fetch_array($query))
$user_counters[$counter['uid']]['num_posts'] += $counter['posts'];

Zeile 502Zeile 505
* Unapprove one or more threads

* Unapprove one or more threads

	 * @param array Thread IDs
* @return boolean true

	 * @param array|int $tids Thread ID(s)
* @return boolean

function unapprove_threads($tids)

function unapprove_threads($tids)

Zeile 515Zeile 518






			return false;

			return false;

Zeile 533Zeile 536

$forum_counters = $user_counters = $posts_to_unapprove = array();

$forum_counters = $user_counters = $posts_to_unapprove = array();

		foreach($tids as $tid)

		$tids_list = implode(",", $tids);
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "*", "tid IN ($tids_list)");

while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))



			$thread = get_thread($tid);

			$forum = get_forum($thread['fid']);

if($thread['visible'] == 1 || $thread['visible'] == -1)

			$forum = get_forum($thread['fid']);

if($thread['visible'] == 1 || $thread['visible'] == -1)



					$forum_counters[$forum['fid']] = array(
'num_threads' => 0,
'num_posts' => 0,

					$forum_counters[$forum['fid']] = array(
'num_threads' => 0,
'num_posts' => 0,

Zeile 555Zeile 560
$user_counters[$thread['uid']] = array(

$user_counters[$thread['uid']] = array(

						'num_posts' => 0,
'num_threads' => 0

						'num_posts' => 0,
'num_threads' => 0

$forum_counters[$forum['fid']]['num_unapprovedposts'] += $thread['replies']+$thread['deletedposts']+1;

$forum_counters[$forum['fid']]['num_unapprovedposts'] += $thread['replies']+$thread['deletedposts']+1;

Zeile 579Zeile 584
				// On unapproving thread update user post counts
if($thread['visible'] == 1 && $forum['usepostcounts'] != 0)

				// On unapproving thread update user post counts
if($thread['visible'] == 1 && $forum['usepostcounts'] != 0)

					$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "COUNT(pid) AS posts, uid", "tid='{$tid}' AND (visible='1' OR pid='{$thread['firstpost']}') AND uid > 0 GROUP BY uid");

					$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "COUNT(pid) AS posts, uid", "tid='{$thread['tid']}' AND (visible='1' OR pid='{$thread['firstpost']}') AND uid > 0 GROUP BY uid");

					while($counter = $db->fetch_array($query))
$user_counters[$counter['uid']]['num_posts'] += $counter['posts'];

					while($counter = $db->fetch_array($query))
$user_counters[$counter['uid']]['num_posts'] += $counter['posts'];

Zeile 613Zeile 618
$db->update_query("posts", $approve, "pid IN (".implode(',', $posts_to_unapprove).")");

$db->update_query("posts", $approve, "pid IN (".implode(',', $posts_to_unapprove).")");


$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_unapprove_threads", $tids);


$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_unapprove_threads", $tids);

foreach($forum_counters as $fid => $counters)
// Update stats

foreach($forum_counters as $fid => $counters)
// Update stats

				$update_array = array(

				$update_array = array(

					"threads" => "-{$counters['num_threads']}",
"unapprovedthreads" => "+{$counters['num_unapprovedthreads']}",
"posts" => "-{$counters['num_posts']}",
"unapprovedposts" => "+{$counters['num_unapprovedposts']}",
"deletedthreads" => "-{$counters['num_deletedthreads']}",
"deletedposts" => "-{$counters['num_deletedposts']}"

					"threads" => "-{$counters['num_threads']}",
"unapprovedthreads" => "+{$counters['num_unapprovedthreads']}",
"posts" => "-{$counters['num_posts']}",
"unapprovedposts" => "+{$counters['num_unapprovedposts']}",
"deletedthreads" => "-{$counters['num_deletedthreads']}",
"deletedposts" => "-{$counters['num_deletedposts']}"



				update_forum_counters($fid, $update_array);

				update_forum_counters($fid, $update_array);

Zeile 653Zeile 658
* Delete a specific post

* Delete a specific post

	 * @param int Post ID
* @return boolean true

	 * @param int $pid Post ID
* @return boolean

function delete_post($pid)

function delete_post($pid)

Zeile 671Zeile 676
$post = $db->fetch_array($query);

$post = $db->fetch_array($query);

return false;

return false;


$forum = get_forum($post['fid']);


$forum = get_forum($post['fid']);

Zeile 698Zeile 703

// Update unapproved post count
if($post['visible'] == 0)

// Update unapproved post count
if($post['visible'] == 0)

$update_array = array(
"unapprovedposts" => "-1"
elseif($post['visible'] == -1)
$update_array = array(

$update_array = array(
"unapprovedposts" => "-1"
elseif($post['visible'] == -1)
$update_array = array(

				"deletedposts" => "-1"

				"deletedposts" => "-1"

Zeile 726Zeile 731
$update_array = array(
"unapprovedposts" => "-1"

$update_array = array(
"unapprovedposts" => "-1"



		elseif($post['visible'] == -1 || $post['threadvisible'] == -1)
$update_array = array(

		elseif($post['visible'] == -1 || $post['threadvisible'] == -1)
$update_array = array(

Zeile 750Zeile 755
* Merge posts within thread

* Merge posts within thread

	 * @param array Post IDs to be merged
* @param int Thread ID (Set to 0 if posts from multiple threads are
* selected)

	 * @param array $pids Post IDs to be merged
* @param int $tid Thread ID (Set to 0 if posts from multiple threads are selected)

	 * @return int ID of the post into which all other posts are merged

	 * @return int ID of the post into which all other posts are merged

	function merge_posts($pids, $tid=0, $sep="new_line")

	function merge_posts($pids=array(), $tid=0, $sep="new_line")

global $db, $plugins;

global $db, $plugins;

Zeile 779Zeile 783
			LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."attachments a ON ( AND a.visible=1)
WHERE IN($pidin)

			LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."attachments a ON ( AND a.visible=1)
WHERE IN($pidin)

			ORDER BY p.dateline ASC

			ORDER BY p.dateline ASC, ASC

$message = '';
$threads = $forum_counters = $thread_counters = $user_counters = array();

$message = '';
$threads = $forum_counters = $thread_counters = $user_counters = array();

Zeile 802Zeile 806
				$fid = $post['fid'];
$mastertid = $post['tid'];
$first = 0;

				$fid = $post['fid'];
$mastertid = $post['tid'];
$first = 0;

				$visible = $post['visible'];



Zeile 845Zeile 850


					$thread_counters[$post['tid']]['attachmentcount'] -= $post['attachmentcount'];

elseif($post['visible'] == 0)

elseif($post['visible'] == 0)

Zeile 856Zeile 862
					// Subtract 1 deleted post from post's thread

					// Subtract 1 deleted post from post's thread

				$thread_counters[$post['tid']]['attachmentcount'] -= $post['attachmentcount'];


// Subtract 1 post from post's forum
if($post['threadvisible'] == 1 && $post['visible'] == 1)

// Subtract 1 post from post's forum
if($post['threadvisible'] == 1 && $post['visible'] == 1)

Zeile 870Zeile 875



// Add attachment count to thread
if($visible == 1)
$thread_counters[$mastertid]['attachmentcount'] += $post['attachmentcount'];



Zeile 895Zeile 906
// In some cases the first post of a thread changes
// Therefore resync the visible field to make sure they're the same if they're not

// In some cases the first post of a thread changes
// Therefore resync the visible field to make sure they're the same if they're not

			$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid, uid, visible", "tid='{$thread['tid']}'", array('order_by' => 'dateline', 'order_dir' => 'asc', 'limit' => 1));

			$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid, uid, visible", "tid='{$thread['tid']}'", array('order_by' => 'dateline, pid', 'limit' => 1));

			$new_firstpost = $db->fetch_array($query);
if($thread['visible'] != $new_firstpost['visible'])

			$new_firstpost = $db->fetch_array($query);
if($thread['visible'] != $new_firstpost['visible'])

Zeile 953Zeile 964
					'unapprovedposts' => signed($counters['unapprovedposts']),
'deletedposts' => signed($counters['deletedposts']),
'attachmentcount' => signed($counters['attachmentcount'])

					'unapprovedposts' => signed($counters['unapprovedposts']),
'deletedposts' => signed($counters['deletedposts']),
'attachmentcount' => signed($counters['attachmentcount'])

update_thread_counters($tid, $counters);

update_thread_counters($tid, $counters);

foreach($forum_counters as $fid => $counters)

foreach($forum_counters as $fid => $counters)

Zeile 987Zeile 998

return $masterpid;

return $masterpid;

* Move/copy thread

* Move/copy thread

	 * @param int Thread to be moved
* @param int Destination forum
* @param string Method of movement (redirect, copy, move)
* @param int Expiry timestamp for redirect

	 * @param int $tid Thread to be moved
* @param int $new_fid Destination forum
* @param string $method Method of movement (redirect, copy, move)
* @param int $redirect_expire Expiry timestamp for redirect

	 * @return int Thread ID
function move_thread($tid, $new_fid, $method="redirect", $redirect_expire=0)

	 * @return int Thread ID
function move_thread($tid, $new_fid, $method="redirect", $redirect_expire=0)

Zeile 1005Zeile 1016
		$tid = (int)$tid;
$new_fid = (int)$new_fid;
$redirect_expire = (int)$redirect_expire;

		$tid = (int)$tid;
$new_fid = (int)$new_fid;
$redirect_expire = (int)$redirect_expire;

		$thread = get_thread($tid, true);

$newforum = get_forum($new_fid);

		$thread = get_thread($tid, true);

$newforum = get_forum($new_fid);

Zeile 1019Zeile 1030
		$num_threads = $num_unapproved_threads = $num_posts = $num_unapproved_posts = $num_deleted_posts = $num_deleted_threads = 0;

if($thread['visible'] == 1)

		$num_threads = $num_unapproved_threads = $num_posts = $num_unapproved_posts = $num_deleted_posts = $num_deleted_threads = 0;

if($thread['visible'] == 1)



$num_posts = $thread['replies']+1;
$num_unapproved_posts = $thread['unapprovedposts'];

$num_posts = $thread['replies']+1;
$num_unapproved_posts = $thread['unapprovedposts'];

Zeile 1032Zeile 1043
			$num_deleted_posts = $thread['replies']+$thread['deletedposts']+$thread['unapprovedposts']+1;

			$num_deleted_posts = $thread['replies']+$thread['deletedposts']+$thread['unapprovedposts']+1;



// Implied forum unapproved count for unapproved threads
$num_unapproved_posts = $thread['replies']+$thread['unapprovedposts']+$thread['deletedposts']+1;

// Implied forum unapproved count for unapproved threads
$num_unapproved_posts = $thread['replies']+$thread['unapprovedposts']+$thread['deletedposts']+1;

Zeile 1054Zeile 1065
$db->update_query("threads", $changefid, "tid='$tid'");
$db->update_query("posts", $changefid, "tid='$tid'");

$db->update_query("threads", $changefid, "tid='$tid'");
$db->update_query("posts", $changefid, "tid='$tid'");

// If the thread has a prefix and the destination forum doesn't accept that prefix, remove the prefix
if($thread['prefix'] != 0)
case "pgsql":
case "sqlite":
$query = $db->simple_select("threadprefixes", "COUNT(*) as num_prefixes", "(','||forums||',' LIKE '%,$new_fid,%' OR forums='-1') AND pid='".$thread['prefix']."'");
$query = $db->simple_select("threadprefixes", "COUNT(*) as num_prefixes", "(CONCAT(',',forums,',') LIKE '%,$new_fid,%' OR forums='-1') AND pid='".$thread['prefix']."'");
if($db->fetch_field($query, "num_prefixes") == 0)
$sqlarray = array(
"prefix" => 0,
$db->update_query("threads", $sqlarray, "tid='$tid'");

// If the thread has a prefix and the destination forum doesn't accept that prefix, remove the prefix
if($thread['prefix'] != 0)
case "pgsql":
case "sqlite":
$query = $db->simple_select("threadprefixes", "COUNT(*) as num_prefixes", "(','||forums||',' LIKE '%,$new_fid,%' OR forums='-1') AND pid='".$thread['prefix']."'");
$query = $db->simple_select("threadprefixes", "COUNT(*) as num_prefixes", "(CONCAT(',',forums,',') LIKE '%,$new_fid,%' OR forums='-1') AND pid='".$thread['prefix']."'");
if($db->fetch_field($query, "num_prefixes") == 0)
$sqlarray = array(
"prefix" => 0,
$db->update_query("threads", $sqlarray, "tid='$tid'");

				$threadarray = array(
"fid" => $thread['fid'],

				$threadarray = array(
"fid" => $thread['fid'],

					"subject" => $db->escape_string($thread['subject']),
"icon" => $thread['icon'],
"uid" => $thread['uid'],
"username" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']),
"dateline" => $thread['dateline'],

					"subject" => $db->escape_string($thread['subject']),
"icon" => $thread['icon'],
"uid" => $thread['uid'],
"username" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']),
"dateline" => $thread['dateline'],

					"lastpost" => $thread['lastpost'],
"lastposteruid" => $thread['lastposteruid'],
"lastposter" => $db->escape_string($thread['lastposter']),
"views" => 0,
"replies" => 0,
"closed" => "moved|$tid",

					"lastpost" => $thread['lastpost'],
"lastposteruid" => $thread['lastposteruid'],
"lastposter" => $db->escape_string($thread['lastposter']),
"views" => 0,
"replies" => 0,
"closed" => "moved|$tid",

					"sticky" => $thread['sticky'],

					"sticky" => $thread['sticky'],

					"visible" => (int)$thread['visible'],
"notes" => ''

					"visible" => (int)$thread['visible'],
"notes" => ''

Zeile 1129Zeile 1140
					"attachmentcount" => $thread['attachmentcount'],
"prefix" => $thread['prefix'],
"notes" => ''

					"attachmentcount" => $thread['attachmentcount'],
"prefix" => $thread['prefix'],
"notes" => ''


$arguments = array("tid" => $tid, "new_fid" => $new_fid);


$arguments = array("tid" => $tid, "new_fid" => $new_fid);

				$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_copy_thread", $arguments);

// If the thread has a prefix and the destination forum doesn't accept that prefix, don't copy the prefix
if($threadarray['prefix'] != 0)

				$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_copy_thread", $arguments);

// If the thread has a prefix and the destination forum doesn't accept that prefix, don't copy the prefix
if($threadarray['prefix'] != 0)



						case "pgsql":
case "sqlite":
$query = $db->simple_select("threadprefixes", "COUNT(*) as num_prefixes", "(','||forums||',' LIKE '%,$new_fid,%' OR forums='-1') AND pid='".$thread['prefix']."'");
$query = $db->simple_select("threadprefixes", "COUNT(*) as num_prefixes", "(CONCAT(',',forums,',') LIKE '%,$new_fid,%' OR forums='-1') AND pid='".$thread['prefix']."'");

						case "pgsql":
case "sqlite":
$query = $db->simple_select("threadprefixes", "COUNT(*) as num_prefixes", "(','||forums||',' LIKE '%,$new_fid,%' OR forums='-1') AND pid='".$thread['prefix']."'");
$query = $db->simple_select("threadprefixes", "COUNT(*) as num_prefixes", "(CONCAT(',',forums,',') LIKE '%,$new_fid,%' OR forums='-1') AND pid='".$thread['prefix']."'");



					if($db->fetch_field($query, "num_prefixes") == 0)
$threadarray['prefix'] = 0;

					if($db->fetch_field($query, "num_prefixes") == 0)
$threadarray['prefix'] = 0;

Zeile 1164Zeile 1175
						'question' => $db->escape_string($poll['question']),
'dateline' => $poll['dateline'],
'options' => $db->escape_string($poll['options']),

						'question' => $db->escape_string($poll['question']),
'dateline' => $poll['dateline'],
'options' => $db->escape_string($poll['options']),

						'votes' => $poll['votes'],

						'votes' => $db->escape_string($poll['votes']),

						'numoptions' => $poll['numoptions'],
'numvotes' => $poll['numvotes'],
'timeout' => $poll['timeout'],

						'numoptions' => $poll['numoptions'],
'numvotes' => $poll['numvotes'],
'timeout' => $poll['timeout'],

Zeile 1187Zeile 1198

$db->update_query("threads", array('poll' => $new_pid), "tid='{$newtid}'");


$db->update_query("threads", array('poll' => $new_pid), "tid='{$newtid}'");



				$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "*", "tid = '{$thread['tid']}'");
while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))

				$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "*", "tid = '{$thread['tid']}'");
while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))

Zeile 1224Zeile 1235
							'pid' => $pid,
'uid' => $attachment['uid'],
'filename' => $db->escape_string($attachment['filename']),

							'pid' => $pid,
'uid' => $attachment['uid'],
'filename' => $db->escape_string($attachment['filename']),

							'filetype' => $attachment['filetype'],

							'filetype' => $db->escape_string($attachment['filetype']),

							'filesize' => $attachment['filesize'],

							'filesize' => $attachment['filesize'],

							'attachname' => $attachment['attachname'],

							'attachname' => $db->escape_string($attachment['attachname']),

							'downloads' => $attachment['downloads'],
'visible' => $attachment['visible'],

							'downloads' => $attachment['downloads'],
'visible' => $attachment['visible'],

							'thumbnail' => $attachment['thumbnail']

							'thumbnail' => $db->escape_string($attachment['thumbnail'])

$new_aid = $db->insert_query("attachments", $attachment_array);

$new_aid = $db->insert_query("attachments", $attachment_array);

Zeile 1388Zeile 1399
* Merge one thread into another

* Merge one thread into another

	 * @param int Thread that will be merged into destination
* @param int Destination thread
* @param string New thread subject
* @return boolean true

	 * @param int $mergetid Thread that will be merged into destination
* @param int $tid Destination thread
* @param string $subject New thread subject
* @return boolean

function merge_threads($mergetid, $tid, $subject)

function merge_threads($mergetid, $tid, $subject)

Zeile 1401Zeile 1412
		$tid = (int)$tid;

if(!isset($mergethread['tid']) || $mergethread['tid'] != $mergetid)

		$tid = (int)$tid;

if(!isset($mergethread['tid']) || $mergethread['tid'] != $mergetid)



			$mergethread = get_thread($mergetid);
if(!isset($thread['tid']) || $thread['tid'] != $tid)
$thread = get_thread($tid);

			$mergethread = get_thread($mergetid);
if(!isset($thread['tid']) || $thread['tid'] != $tid)
$thread = get_thread($tid);



		if(!$mergethread || !$thread)
return false;

		if(!$mergethread || !$thread)
return false;

Zeile 1418Zeile 1429

$threadarray = array();
if(!$thread['poll'] && $mergethread['poll'])

$threadarray = array();
if(!$thread['poll'] && $mergethread['poll'])



			$threadarray['poll'] = $mergethread['poll'];
$sqlarray = array(
"tid" => $tid,

			$threadarray['poll'] = $mergethread['poll'];
$sqlarray = array(
"tid" => $tid,

Zeile 1528Zeile 1539

// Add the former first post
if($mergethread['visible'] == 1)

// Add the former first post
if($mergethread['visible'] == 1)



elseif($mergethread['visible'] == -1)

elseif($mergethread['visible'] == -1)

Zeile 1542Zeile 1553

// In some cases the thread we may be merging with may cause us to have a new firstpost if it is an older thread
// Therefore resync the visible field to make sure they're the same if they're not

// In some cases the thread we may be merging with may cause us to have a new firstpost if it is an older thread
// Therefore resync the visible field to make sure they're the same if they're not

		$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid, uid, visible", "tid='{$tid}'", array('order_by' => 'dateline', 'order_dir' => 'asc', 'limit' => 1));

		$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid, uid, visible", "tid='{$tid}'", array('order_by' => 'dateline, pid', 'limit' => 1));

		$new_firstpost = $db->fetch_array($query);
if($thread['visible'] != $new_firstpost['visible'])

		$new_firstpost = $db->fetch_array($query);
if($thread['visible'] != $new_firstpost['visible'])

Zeile 1550Zeile 1561
			if($new_firstpost['visible'] == 1 && $forum_cache[$thread['fid']]['usepostcounts'] == 1)

			if($new_firstpost['visible'] == 1 && $forum_cache[$thread['fid']]['usepostcounts'] == 1)



			elseif($thread['visible'] == 1 && $forum_cache[$thread['fid']]['usepostcounts'] == 1)

			elseif($thread['visible'] == 1 && $forum_cache[$thread['fid']]['usepostcounts'] == 1)

Zeile 1560Zeile 1571
		if($new_firstpost['pid'] != $thread['firstpost'])

		if($new_firstpost['pid'] != $thread['firstpost'])


// Subtract merged thread from user counter
if($mergethread['visible'] == 1 && $forum_cache[$mergethread['fid']]['usethreadcounts'] == 1)
$user_posts[$mergethread['uid']]['threadnum'] = 0;


// Update thread count if thread has a new firstpost and is visible
if($thread['uid'] != $new_firstpost['uid'] && $thread['visible'] == 1 && $forum_cache[$thread['fid']]['usethreadcounts'] == 1)


// Update thread count if thread has a new firstpost and is visible
if($thread['uid'] != $new_firstpost['uid'] && $thread['visible'] == 1 && $forum_cache[$thread['fid']]['usethreadcounts'] == 1)







				$user_posts[$thread['uid']]['threadnum'] = 0;

				$user_posts[$thread['uid']]['threadnum'] = 0;



				$user_posts[$new_firstpost['uid']]['threadnum'] = 0;

				$user_posts[$new_firstpost['uid']]['threadnum'] = 0;

Zeile 1595Zeile 1596
$updated_stats = array(
"unapprovedposts" => '+'.($mergethread['replies']+$mergethread['unapprovedposts']+$mergethread['deletedposts'])

$updated_stats = array(
"unapprovedposts" => '+'.($mergethread['replies']+$mergethread['unapprovedposts']+$mergethread['deletedposts'])



elseif($thread['visible'] == -1)
$updated_stats = array(
"deletedposts" => '+'.($mergethread['replies']+$mergethread['deletedposts']+$mergethread['unapprovedposts'])

elseif($thread['visible'] == -1)
$updated_stats = array(
"deletedposts" => '+'.($mergethread['replies']+$mergethread['deletedposts']+$mergethread['unapprovedposts'])





Zeile 1612Zeile 1613
update_forum_counters($thread['fid'], $updated_stats);

update_forum_counters($thread['fid'], $updated_stats);

// If old thread is unapproved, implied counter comes in to effect
if($mergethread['visible'] == 0)
$updated_stats = array(
"unapprovedposts" => '-'.($mergethread['replies']+$mergethread['unapprovedposts']+$mergethread['deletedposts'])
elseif($mergethread['visible'] == -1)

// If old thread is unapproved, implied counter comes in to effect
if($mergethread['visible'] == 0)
$updated_stats = array(
"unapprovedposts" => '-'.($mergethread['replies']+$mergethread['unapprovedposts']+$mergethread['deletedposts'])
elseif($mergethread['visible'] == -1)

$updated_stats = array(
"deletedposts" => '-'.($mergethread['replies']+$mergethread['deletedposts']+$mergethread['unapprovedposts'])

$updated_stats = array(
"deletedposts" => '-'.($mergethread['replies']+$mergethread['deletedposts']+$mergethread['unapprovedposts'])

Zeile 1650Zeile 1651
			if($mergethread['visible'] == 0)
$updated_stats['unapprovedposts'] -= $mergethread['replies']+$mergethread['deletedposts'];

			if($mergethread['visible'] == 0)
$updated_stats['unapprovedposts'] -= $mergethread['replies']+$mergethread['deletedposts'];

				$updated_stats['posts'] += $mergethread['replies'];

				$updated_stats['posts'] += $mergethread['replies'];

				$updated_stats['deletedposts'] += $mergethread['deletedposts'];
elseif($mergethread['visible'] == -1)

				$updated_stats['deletedposts'] += $mergethread['deletedposts'];
elseif($mergethread['visible'] == -1)

Zeile 1691Zeile 1692
			elseif($updated_stats['unapprovedposts'] > 0)
$new_stats['unapprovedposts'] = "+{$updated_stats['unapprovedposts']}";

			elseif($updated_stats['unapprovedposts'] > 0)
$new_stats['unapprovedposts'] = "+{$updated_stats['unapprovedposts']}";



if($updated_stats['deletedposts'] < 0)
$new_stats['deletedposts'] = $updated_stats['deletedposts'];
elseif($updated_stats['deletedposts'] > 0)

if($updated_stats['deletedposts'] < 0)
$new_stats['deletedposts'] = $updated_stats['deletedposts'];
elseif($updated_stats['deletedposts'] > 0)



				$new_stats['deletedposts'] = "+{$updated_stats['deletedposts']}";

				$new_stats['deletedposts'] = "+{$updated_stats['deletedposts']}";



update_forum_counters($mergethread['fid'], $new_stats);

update_forum_counters($mergethread['fid'], $new_stats);




if($thread['visible'] != $new_firstpost['visible'])


if($thread['visible'] != $new_firstpost['visible'])

Zeile 1719Zeile 1720
			elseif($new_firstpost['visible'] == -1)

			elseif($new_firstpost['visible'] == -1)





Zeile 1747Zeile 1748
update_user_counters($uid, $update_array);

update_user_counters($uid, $update_array);

		$updated_stats = array(
"replies" => "+{$mergethread['replies']}",
"attachmentcount" => "+{$mergethread['attachmentcount']}",
"unapprovedposts" => "+{$mergethread['unapprovedposts']}",

		$updated_stats = array(
"replies" => "+{$mergethread['replies']}",
"attachmentcount" => "+{$mergethread['attachmentcount']}",
"unapprovedposts" => "+{$mergethread['unapprovedposts']}",

			"deletedposts" => "+{$mergethread['unapprovedposts']}",

			"deletedposts" => "+{$mergethread['deletedposts']}"
update_thread_counters($tid, $updated_stats);

			"deletedposts" => "+{$mergethread['deletedposts']}"
update_thread_counters($tid, $updated_stats);

Zeile 1762Zeile 1762
return true;

return true;

* Split posts into a new/existing thread

* Split posts into a new/existing thread

	 * @param array PIDs of posts to split
* @param int Original thread ID (this is only used as a base for the new

	 * @param array $pids PIDs of posts to split
* @param int $tid Original thread ID (this is only used as a base for the new

	 * thread; it can be set to 0 when the posts specified are coming from more
* than 1 thread)

	 * thread; it can be set to 0 when the posts specified are coming from more
* than 1 thread)

	 * @param int Destination forum
* @param string New thread subject
* @param int TID if moving into existing thread
* @return int New thread ID

	 * @param int $moveto Destination forum
* @param string $newsubject New thread subject
* @param int $destination_tid TID if moving into existing thread
* @return int|bool New thread ID or false on failure

function split_posts($pids, $tid, $moveto, $newsubject, $destination_tid=0)
global $db, $thread, $plugins, $cache;

function split_posts($pids, $tid, $moveto, $newsubject, $destination_tid=0)
global $db, $thread, $plugins, $cache;

		$tid = (int)$tid;
$moveto = (int)$moveto;
$newtid = (int)$destination_tid;

		$tid = (int)$tid;
$moveto = (int)$moveto;
$newtid = (int)$destination_tid;

Zeile 1797Zeile 1797

// Get the first split post


// Get the first split post

		$query = $db->simple_select('posts', 'pid,uid,visible,icon,username,dateline', 'pid IN ('.$pids_list.')', array('order_by' => 'dateline', 'order_dir' => 'asc', 'limit' => 1));

		$query = $db->simple_select('posts', 'pid,uid,visible,icon,username,dateline', 'pid IN ('.$pids_list.')', array('order_by' => 'dateline, pid', 'limit' => 1));

$post_info = $db->fetch_array($query);

$post_info = $db->fetch_array($query);

		$visible = $post_info['visible'];

$forum_counters[$moveto] = array(

		$visible = $post_info['visible'];

$forum_counters[$moveto] = array(

Zeile 1811Zeile 1811
			'unapprovedposts' => 0,
'deletedposts' => 0

			'unapprovedposts' => 0,
'deletedposts' => 0


$user_counters = array();

if($destination_tid == 0)

if($destination_tid == 0)

Zeile 1842Zeile 1844
						'threadnum' => 0

						'threadnum' => 0

				// Subtract thread from old thread opener


elseif($visible == -1)

elseif($visible == -1)

Zeile 1882Zeile 1883
			"replyto" => 0
$db->update_query("posts", $sqlarray, "pid IN ($pids_list)");

			"replyto" => 0
$db->update_query("posts", $sqlarray, "pid IN ($pids_list)");

		$thread_counters[$newtid] = array(
'replies' => 0,
'unapprovedposts' => 0,

		$thread_counters[$newtid] = array(
'replies' => 0,
'unapprovedposts' => 0,

Zeile 1964Zeile 1965
// In some cases the first post of a thread changes
// Therefore resync the visible field to make sure they're the same if they're not

// In some cases the first post of a thread changes
// Therefore resync the visible field to make sure they're the same if they're not

				$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid, visible, uid", "tid='{$post['tid']}'", array('order_by' => 'dateline', 'order_dir' => 'asc', 'limit' => 1));

				$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid, visible, uid", "tid='{$post['tid']}'", array('order_by' => 'dateline, pid', 'limit' => 1));

				$new_firstpost = $db->fetch_array($query);


				$new_firstpost = $db->fetch_array($query);


Zeile 2052Zeile 2053

// Update user thread counter if thread opener changes
if($newthread['visible'] == 1 && $forum_cache[$newthread['fid']]['usethreadcounts'] == 1 && $post['uid'] != $newthread['uid'])

// Update user thread counter if thread opener changes
if($newthread['visible'] == 1 && $forum_cache[$newthread['fid']]['usethreadcounts'] == 1 && $post['uid'] != $newthread['uid'])



					// Add thread to new thread opener

					// Add thread to new thread opener

Zeile 2151Zeile 2152
				if($tid == $newtid)
// Update the subject of the first post in the new thread

				if($tid == $newtid)
// Update the subject of the first post in the new thread

					$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "tid='$newtid'", array('order_by' => 'dateline', 'limit' => 1));

					$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "tid='$newtid'", array('order_by' => 'dateline, pid', 'limit' => 1));

					$newthread = $db->fetch_array($query);
$sqlarray = array(
"subject" => $newsubject,

					$newthread = $db->fetch_array($query);
$sqlarray = array(
"subject" => $newsubject,

Zeile 2167Zeile 2168
						FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (p.tid=t.tid)
WHERE p.tid='{$tid}'

						FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (p.tid=t.tid)
WHERE p.tid='{$tid}'

						ORDER BY p.dateline ASC

						ORDER BY p.dateline ASC, ASC

						LIMIT 1
$oldthread = $db->fetch_array($query);

						LIMIT 1
$oldthread = $db->fetch_array($query);

Zeile 2213Zeile 2214
* Move multiple threads to new forum

* Move multiple threads to new forum

	 * @param array Thread IDs
* @param int Destination forum
* @return boolean true

	 * @param array $tids Thread IDs
* @param int $moveto Destination forum
* @return boolean
* @deprecated Iterate over move_thread instead

function move_threads($tids, $moveto)

function move_threads($tids, $moveto)

Zeile 2254Zeile 2257






				$user_counters[$thread['uid']]['num_threads'] = 0;

				$user_counters[$thread['uid']] = array(
'num_posts' => 0,
'num_threads' => 0


if($thread['visible'] == 1)


if($thread['visible'] == 1)

Zeile 2290Zeile 2296
while($posters = $db->fetch_array($query1))

while($posters = $db->fetch_array($query1))





						$user_counters[$posters['uid']]['num_posts'] = 0;

						$user_counters[$posters['uid']] = array(
'num_posts' => 0,
'num_threads' => 0


if($newforum['usepostcounts'] != 0 && $forum['usepostcounts'] == 0)
$user_counters[$posters['uid']]['num_posts'] += $posters['posts'];


if($newforum['usepostcounts'] != 0 && $forum['usepostcounts'] == 0)
$user_counters[$posters['uid']]['num_posts'] += $posters['posts'];



					else if($newforum['usepostcounts'] == 0 && $forum['usepostcounts'] != 0)
$user_counters[$posters['uid']]['num_posts'] -= $posters['posts'];

					else if($newforum['usepostcounts'] == 0 && $forum['usepostcounts'] != 0)
$user_counters[$posters['uid']]['num_posts'] -= $posters['posts'];



			elseif($thread['visible'] == -1)
$total_deleted_posts += $thread['replies']+$thread['unapprovedposts']+$thread['deletedposts']+1;

$forum_counters[$thread['fid']]['deletedposts'] += $thread['replies']+$thread['unapprovedposts']+$thread['deletedposts']+1; // Implied deleted posts counter for deleted threads

			elseif($thread['visible'] == -1)
$total_deleted_posts += $thread['replies']+$thread['unapprovedposts']+$thread['deletedposts']+1;

$forum_counters[$thread['fid']]['deletedposts'] += $thread['replies']+$thread['unapprovedposts']+$thread['deletedposts']+1; // Implied deleted posts counter for deleted threads



Zeile 2322Zeile 2331





// Remove old redirects
$redirects_query = $db->simple_select('threads', 'tid', "closed='moved|{$thread['tid']}' AND fid='$moveto'");

// Remove old redirects
$redirects_query = $db->simple_select('threads', 'tid', "closed='moved|{$thread['tid']}' AND fid='$moveto'");

Zeile 2340Zeile 2349

// If any of the thread has a prefix and the destination forum doesn't accept that prefix, remove the prefix
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "tid, prefix", "tid IN ($tid_list) AND prefix != 0");

// If any of the thread has a prefix and the destination forum doesn't accept that prefix, remove the prefix
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "tid, prefix", "tid IN ($tid_list) AND prefix != 0");

		while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))

		while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))



Zeile 2414Zeile 2423
* Approve multiple posts

* Approve multiple posts

	 * @param array PIDs
* @return boolean true

	 * @param array $pids PIDs
* @return boolean

function approve_posts($pids)

function approve_posts($pids)

Zeile 2506Zeile 2515
					$user_counters[$post['uid']] = 0;

					$user_counters[$post['uid']] = 0;


if(empty($pids) && empty($threads_to_update))


if(empty($pids) && empty($threads_to_update))

return false;

return false;

Zeile 2523Zeile 2532
		$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_approve_posts", $pids);


		$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_approve_posts", $pids);




			foreach($thread_counters as $tid => $counters)
$counters_update = array(

			foreach($thread_counters as $tid => $counters)
$counters_update = array(

Zeile 2562Zeile 2571
* Unapprove multiple posts

* Unapprove multiple posts

	 * @param array PIDs
* @return boolean true

	 * @param array $pids PIDs
* @return boolean

function unapprove_posts($pids)

function unapprove_posts($pids)



		global $db, $cache, $plugins;

		global $db, $cache, $plugins;

return false;

return false;



		// Make sure we only have valid values
$pids = array_map('intval', $pids);

		// Make sure we only have valid values
$pids = array_map('intval', $pids);

Zeile 2594Zeile 2603
		// 3) We're doing both 1 and 2
$query = $db->query("
SELECT p.tid

		// 3) We're doing both 1 and 2
$query = $db->query("
SELECT p.tid

			FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p

			FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p

			LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (t.tid=p.tid)
WHERE IN ($pid_list) AND p.visible IN (-1,1) AND t.firstpost = AND t.visible IN (-1,1)

			LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (t.tid=p.tid)
WHERE IN ($pid_list) AND p.visible IN (-1,1) AND t.firstpost = AND t.visible IN (-1,1)

Zeile 2608Zeile 2617


		$thread_counters = $forum_counters = $user_counters = array();

$query = $db->query("

		$thread_counters = $forum_counters = $user_counters = array();

$query = $db->query("

Zeile 2622Zeile 2631
			$pids[] = $post['pid'];


			$pids[] = $post['pid'];




				$thread_counters[$post['tid']] = array(
'replies' => 0,
'unapprovedposts' => 0,
'deletedposts' => 0

				$thread_counters[$post['tid']] = array(
'replies' => 0,
'unapprovedposts' => 0,
'deletedposts' => 0



if($post['visible'] == 1)

if($post['visible'] == 1)





Zeile 2657Zeile 2666
				if($post['visible'] == 1)

				if($post['visible'] == 1)






$forum = get_forum($post['fid']);


$forum = get_forum($post['fid']);

// If post counts enabled in this forum and the thread is approved, subtract 1
if($forum['usepostcounts'] != 0 && $post['visible'] == 1 && $post['threadvisible'] == 1)

// If post counts enabled in this forum and the thread is approved, subtract 1
if($forum['usepostcounts'] != 0 && $post['visible'] == 1 && $post['threadvisible'] == 1)

Zeile 2678Zeile 2687

if(empty($pids) && empty($threads_to_update))


if(empty($pids) && empty($threads_to_update))



			return false;

			return false;

Zeile 2691Zeile 2700
		$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_unapprove_posts", $pids);


		$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_unapprove_posts", $pids);




			foreach($thread_counters as $tid => $counters)
$counters_update = array(
"unapprovedposts" => "+".$counters['unapprovedposts'],
"replies" => "-".$counters['replies'],
"deletedposts" => "-".$counters['deletedposts']

			foreach($thread_counters as $tid => $counters)
$counters_update = array(
"unapprovedposts" => "+".$counters['unapprovedposts'],
"replies" => "-".$counters['replies'],
"deletedposts" => "-".$counters['deletedposts']



				update_thread_counters($tid, $counters_update);

				update_thread_counters($tid, $counters_update);



foreach($forum_counters as $fid => $counters)

foreach($forum_counters as $fid => $counters)

Zeile 2716Zeile 2725
update_forum_counters($fid, $updated_forum_stats);

update_forum_counters($fid, $updated_forum_stats);



foreach($user_counters as $uid => $counter)

foreach($user_counters as $uid => $counter)

Zeile 2732Zeile 2741

* Change thread subject

* Change thread subject

* @param mixed Thread ID(s)
* @param string Format of new subject (with {subject})
* @return boolean true

* @param int|array $tids Thread ID(s)
* @param string $format Format of new subject (with {subject})
* @return boolean

	function change_thread_subject($tids, $format)
global $db, $mybb, $plugins;

// Get tids into list

	function change_thread_subject($tids, $format)
global $db, $mybb, $plugins;

// Get tids into list



			$tids = array($tids);

			$tids = array($tids);

Zeile 2758Zeile 2767
		$tid_list = implode(',', $tids);

// Get original subject

		$tid_list = implode(',', $tids);

// Get original subject

		$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "subject, tid", "tid IN ($tid_list)");

		$query = $db->query("
SELECT u.uid, u.username, t.tid, t.subject FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON t.uid=u.uid
WHERE tid IN ($tid_list)

		while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
// Update threads and first posts with new subject

		while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
// Update threads and first posts with new subject

			$subject = str_replace('{username}', $mybb->user['username'], $format);
$subject = str_replace('{subject}', $thread['subject'], $subject);
$new_subject = array(
"subject" => $db->escape_string($subject)

			$find = array('{username}', 'author', '{subject}');
$replace = array($mybb->user['username'], $thread['username'], $thread['subject']);

$new_subject = str_ireplace($find, $replace, $format);

$args = array(
'thread' => &$thread,
'new_subject' => &$new_subject,

$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_change_thread_subject_newsubject", $args);

$update_subject = array(
"subject" => $db->escape_string($new_subject)



			$db->update_query("threads", $new_subject, "tid='{$thread['tid']}'");
$db->update_query("posts", $new_subject, "tid='{$thread['tid']}' AND replyto='0'");

			$db->update_query("threads", $update_subject, "tid='{$thread['tid']}'");
$db->update_query("posts", $update_subject, "tid='{$thread['tid']}' AND replyto='0'");


$arguments = array("tids" => $tids, "format" => $format);


$arguments = array("tids" => $tids, "format" => $format);

Zeile 2780Zeile 2803
* Add thread expiry

* Add thread expiry

	 * @param int Thread ID
* @param int Timestamp when the thread is deleted
* @return boolean true

	 * @param int $tid Thread ID
* @param int $deletetime Timestamp when the thread is deleted
* @return boolean

function expire_thread($tid, $deletetime)
global $db, $plugins;

function expire_thread($tid, $deletetime)
global $db, $plugins;

		$tid = (int)$tid;

return false;

		$tid = (int)$tid;

return false;

		$update_thread = array(
"deletetime" => (int)$deletetime
$db->update_query("threads", $update_thread, "tid='{$tid}'");

$arguments = array("tid" => $tid, "deletetime" => $deletetime);

		$update_thread = array(
"deletetime" => (int)$deletetime
$db->update_query("threads", $update_thread, "tid='{$tid}'");

$arguments = array("tid" => $tid, "deletetime" => $deletetime);

		$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_expire_thread", $arguments);

		$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_expire_thread", $arguments);

		return true;

* Toggle post visibility (approved/unapproved)

		return true;

* Toggle post visibility (approved/unapproved)

* @param array Post IDs

* @param array $pids Post IDs

	 * @return boolean true
function toggle_post_visibility($pids)

	 * @return boolean true
function toggle_post_visibility($pids)

global $db;

// Make sure we only have valid values

global $db;

// Make sure we only have valid values

		$pids = array_map('intval', $pids);

$pid_list = implode(',', $pids);

		$pids = array_map('intval', $pids);

$pid_list = implode(',', $pids);

Zeile 2846Zeile 2869
* Toggle post visibility (deleted/restored)

* Toggle post visibility (deleted/restored)

	 * @param array Post IDs

	 * @param array $pids Post IDs

	 * @return boolean true
function toggle_post_softdelete($pids)

	 * @return boolean true
function toggle_post_softdelete($pids)

Zeile 2858Zeile 2881

$pid_list = implode(',', $pids);
$query = $db->simple_select("posts", 'pid, visible', "pid IN ($pid_list)");

$pid_list = implode(',', $pids);
$query = $db->simple_select("posts", 'pid, visible', "pid IN ($pid_list)");

		while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))

		while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))

if($post['visible'] != -1)
$delete[] = $post['pid'];

if($post['visible'] != -1)
$delete[] = $post['pid'];



$restore[] = $post['pid'];

$restore[] = $post['pid'];

Zeile 2883Zeile 2906
* Toggle thread visibility (approved/unapproved)

* Toggle thread visibility (approved/unapproved)

	 * @param array Thread IDs
* @param int Forum ID

	 * @param array $tids Thread IDs
* @param int $fid Forum ID

	 * @return boolean true
function toggle_thread_visibility($tids, $fid)

	 * @return boolean true
function toggle_thread_visibility($tids, $fid)

Zeile 2915Zeile 2938
$this->approve_threads($approve, $fid);

$this->approve_threads($approve, $fid);

return true;

return true;


* Toggle thread visibility (deleted/restored)


* Toggle thread visibility (deleted/restored)

* @param array Thread IDs
* @return boolean true

* @param array $tids Thread IDs
* @return boolean true

	function toggle_thread_softdelete($tids)

	function toggle_thread_softdelete($tids)

global $db;

// Make sure we only have valid values
$tids = array_map('intval', $tids);

global $db;

// Make sure we only have valid values
$tids = array_map('intval', $tids);

		$tid_list = implode(',', $tids);
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", 'tid, visible', "tid IN ($tid_list)");
while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))

		$tid_list = implode(',', $tids);
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", 'tid, visible', "tid IN ($tid_list)");
while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))

Zeile 2944Zeile 2967
$restore[] = $thread['tid'];

$restore[] = $thread['tid'];





Zeile 2959Zeile 2982
* Toggle threads open/closed

* Toggle threads open/closed

	 * @param array Thread IDs

	 * @param array $tids Thread IDs

	 * @return boolean true
function toggle_thread_status($tids)

	 * @return boolean true
function toggle_thread_status($tids)

Zeile 2974Zeile 2997
		while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
if($thread['closed'] == 1)

		while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
if($thread['closed'] == 1)



				$open[] = $thread['tid'];

				$open[] = $thread['tid'];



			elseif($thread['closed'] == 0)
$close[] = $thread['tid'];

			elseif($thread['closed'] == 0)
$close[] = $thread['tid'];







return true;

return true;

Zeile 2996Zeile 3019
* Toggle threads stick/unstick

* Toggle threads stick/unstick

	 * @param array Thread IDs

	 * @param array $tids Thread IDs

	 * @return boolean true
function toggle_thread_importance($tids)

	 * @return boolean true
function toggle_thread_importance($tids)

Zeile 3029Zeile 3052


return true;

return true;

* Remove thread subscriptions (from one or multiple threads in the same forum)

* Remove thread subscriptions (from one or multiple threads in the same forum)

	 * @param int $tids Thread ID, or an array of thread IDs from the same forum.

	 * @param int|array $tids Thread ID, or an array of thread IDs from the same forum.

	 * @param boolean $all True (default) to delete all subscriptions, false to only delete subscriptions from users with no permission to read the thread
* @param int $fid (Only applies if $all is false) The forum ID of the thread

	 * @param boolean $all True (default) to delete all subscriptions, false to only delete subscriptions from users with no permission to read the thread
* @param int $fid (Only applies if $all is false) The forum ID of the thread

	 * @return boolean true

	 * @return boolean

function remove_thread_subscriptions($tids, $all = true, $fid = 0)

function remove_thread_subscriptions($tids, $all = true, $fid = 0)

Zeile 3069Zeile 3092
			$forum_parentlist = get_parent_list($fid);
$query = $db->simple_select("forumpermissions", "gid", "fid IN ({$forum_parentlist}) AND (canview=0 OR canviewthreads=0)");
$groups = array();

			$forum_parentlist = get_parent_list($fid);
$query = $db->simple_select("forumpermissions", "gid", "fid IN ({$forum_parentlist}) AND (canview=0 OR canviewthreads=0)");
$groups = array();

			$additional_groups = '';

			while($group = $db->fetch_array($query))
$groups[] = $group['gid'];

			while($group = $db->fetch_array($query))
$groups[] = $group['gid'];

Zeile 3114Zeile 3138
* Apply a thread prefix (to one or multiple threads in the same forum)

* Apply a thread prefix (to one or multiple threads in the same forum)

	 * @param int $tids Thread ID, or an array of thread IDs from the same forum.

	 * @param int|array $tids Thread ID, or an array of thread IDs from the same forum.

	 * @param int $prefix Prefix ID to apply to the threads

	 * @param int $prefix Prefix ID to apply to the threads

	 * @return bool

function apply_thread_prefix($tids, $prefix = 0)

function apply_thread_prefix($tids, $prefix = 0)

Zeile 3149Zeile 3174
* Soft delete multiple posts

* Soft delete multiple posts

	 * @param array PIDs
* @return boolean true

	 * @param array $pids PIDs
* @return boolean

function soft_delete_posts($pids)

function soft_delete_posts($pids)

Zeile 3260Zeile 3285
					$user_counters[$post['uid']] = 0;

					$user_counters[$post['uid']] = 0;



if(empty($pids) && empty($threads_to_update))
return false;

if(empty($pids) && empty($threads_to_update))
return false;



$where = "pid IN (".implode(',', $pids).")";
$db->update_query("posts", $update, $where);

$where = "pid IN (".implode(',', $pids).")";
$db->update_query("posts", $update, $where);


			mark_reports($pids, "posts");

$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_soft_delete_posts", $pids);

$plugins->run_hooks("class_moderation_soft_delete_posts", $pids);

Zeile 3284Zeile 3310
					"unapprovedposts" => "-".$counters['unapprovedposts'],
"replies" => "-".$counters['replies'],
"deletedposts" => "+".$counters['deletedposts']

					"unapprovedposts" => "-".$counters['unapprovedposts'],
"replies" => "-".$counters['replies'],
"deletedposts" => "+".$counters['deletedposts']



update_thread_counters($tid, $counters_update);

update_thread_counters($tid, $counters_update);

Zeile 3302Zeile 3328
update_forum_counters($fid, $updated_forum_stats);

update_forum_counters($fid, $updated_forum_stats);



foreach($user_counters as $uid => $counter)
update_user_counters($uid, array('postnum' => "{$counter}"));

foreach($user_counters as $uid => $counter)
update_user_counters($uid, array('postnum' => "{$counter}"));


return true;



return true;


	 * Restore multiple posts

	 * Restore multiple posts

	 * @param array PIDs
* @return boolean true

	 * @param array $pids PIDs
* @return boolean

function restore_posts($pids)

function restore_posts($pids)

Zeile 3467Zeile 3493
* Restore one or more threads

* Restore one or more threads

	 * @param array Thread IDs

	 * @param array|int $tids Thread ID(s)

	 * @return boolean true
function restore_threads($tids)

	 * @return boolean true
function restore_threads($tids)

global $db, $cache, $plugins;

$tids = array($tids);

return false;

// Make sure we only have valid values
$tids = array_map('intval', $tids);

global $db, $cache, $plugins;

$tids = array($tids);

return false;

// Make sure we only have valid values
$tids = array_map('intval', $tids);

		$tid_list = $forum_counters = $user_counters = $posts_to_restore = array();

		$tid_list = $forum_counters = $user_counters = $posts_to_restore = array();

		foreach($tids as $tid)

		$tids_list = implode(",", $tids);
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "*", "tid IN ($tids_list)");

while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))



			$thread = get_thread($tid);
if(!$thread || $thread['visible'] != -1)

			if($thread['visible'] != -1)



Zeile 3501Zeile 3529
			$forum = get_forum($thread['fid']);


			$forum = get_forum($thread['fid']);




				$forum_counters[$forum['fid']] = array(
'num_posts' => 0,
'num_threads' => 0,
'num_deleted_posts' => 0,
'num_unapproved_posts' => 0

				$forum_counters[$forum['fid']] = array(
'num_posts' => 0,
'num_threads' => 0,
'num_deleted_posts' => 0,
'num_unapproved_posts' => 0





Zeile 3522Zeile 3550
			$forum_counters[$forum['fid']]['num_posts'] += $thread['replies']+1; // Remove implied visible from count
$forum_counters[$forum['fid']]['num_deleted_posts'] += $thread['replies']+$thread['unapprovedposts']+1;
$forum_counters[$forum['fid']]['num_unapproved_posts'] += $thread['unapprovedposts'];

			$forum_counters[$forum['fid']]['num_posts'] += $thread['replies']+1; // Remove implied visible from count
$forum_counters[$forum['fid']]['num_deleted_posts'] += $thread['replies']+$thread['unapprovedposts']+1;
$forum_counters[$forum['fid']]['num_unapproved_posts'] += $thread['unapprovedposts'];

			if($forum['usepostcounts'] != 0)
// On approving thread restore user post counts

			if($forum['usepostcounts'] != 0)
// On approving thread restore user post counts

				$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "COUNT(pid) as posts, uid", "tid='{$tid}' AND (visible='1' OR pid='{$thread['firstpost']}') AND uid > 0 GROUP BY uid");

				$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "COUNT(pid) as posts, uid", "tid='{$thread['tid']}' AND (visible='1' OR pid='{$thread['firstpost']}') AND uid > 0 GROUP BY uid");

				while($counter = $db->fetch_array($query))

				while($counter = $db->fetch_array($query))

Zeile 3543Zeile 3571

$posts_to_restore[] = $thread['firstpost'];


$posts_to_restore[] = $thread['firstpost'];



$tid_moved_list = "";

$tid_moved_list = "";

Zeile 3612Zeile 3640
* Soft delete one or more threads

* Soft delete one or more threads

	 * @param array Thread IDs
* @return boolean true

	 * @param array|int Thread ID(s)
* @return boolean

function soft_delete_threads($tids)

function soft_delete_threads($tids)

Zeile 3625Zeile 3653






			return false;

			return false;

Zeile 3643Zeile 3671

$forum_counters = $user_counters = $posts_to_delete = array();

$forum_counters = $user_counters = $posts_to_delete = array();

		foreach($tids as $tid)

		$tids_list = implode(",", $tids);
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "*", "tid IN ($tids_list)");

while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))



			$thread = get_thread($tid);

			$forum = get_forum($thread['fid']);

if($thread['visible'] == 1 || $thread['visible'] == 0)

			$forum = get_forum($thread['fid']);

if($thread['visible'] == 1 || $thread['visible'] == 0)

Zeile 3689Zeile 3719
				// On unapproving thread update user post counts
if($thread['visible'] == 1 && $forum['usepostcounts'] != 0)

				// On unapproving thread update user post counts
if($thread['visible'] == 1 && $forum['usepostcounts'] != 0)

					$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "COUNT(pid) AS posts, uid", "tid='{$tid}' AND (visible='1' OR pid='{$thread['firstpost']}') AND uid > 0 GROUP BY uid");

					$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "COUNT(pid) AS posts, uid", "tid='{$thread['tid']}' AND (visible='1' OR pid='{$thread['firstpost']}') AND uid > 0 GROUP BY uid");

					while($counter = $db->fetch_array($query))

					while($counter = $db->fetch_array($query))

Zeile 3715Zeile 3745
		// Soft delete redirects, too
$redirect_tids = array();
$query = $db->simple_select('threads', 'tid', "closed IN ({$tid_moved_list})");

		// Soft delete redirects, too
$redirect_tids = array();
$query = $db->simple_select('threads', 'tid', "closed IN ({$tid_moved_list})");


mark_reports($tids, "threads");

		while($redirect_tid = $db->fetch_field($query, 'tid'))
$redirect_tids[] = $redirect_tid;

		while($redirect_tid = $db->fetch_field($query, 'tid'))
$redirect_tids[] = $redirect_tid;