Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/user_groups.lang.php - 1.8.8 - 1.8.26

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$l['user_title'] = "Default User Title";
$l['user_title_desc'] = "If the user has nothing entered in their custom user title field, the user title entered here will be displayed. If you leave this option blank, users will have their title and stars taken from the User Titles configuration.";
$l['do_not_copy_permissions'] = "Don't copy permissions from another group";

$l['user_title'] = "Default User Title";
$l['user_title_desc'] = "If the user has nothing entered in their custom user title field, the user title entered here will be displayed. If you leave this option blank, users will have their title and stars taken from the User Titles configuration.";
$l['do_not_copy_permissions'] = "Don't copy permissions from another group";

$l['copy_permissions_from'] = "Copy Permissions From...";

$l['copy_permissions_from'] = "Copy Permissions From…";

$l['copy_permissions_from_desc'] = "If you wish, you can copy the forum and group permissions from another group. To make use of this, select a group to copy permissions from.";
$l['save_user_group'] = "Save User Group";
$l['list_users'] = "List Users";

$l['copy_permissions_from_desc'] = "If you wish, you can copy the forum and group permissions from another group. To make use of this, select a group to copy permissions from.";
$l['save_user_group'] = "Save User Group";
$l['list_users'] = "List Users";

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$l['can_delete_posts'] = "Can delete own posts?";
$l['can_delete_threads'] = "Can delete own threads?";
$l['can_edit_attachments'] = "Can update own attachments?";

$l['can_delete_posts'] = "Can delete own posts?";
$l['can_delete_threads'] = "Can delete own threads?";
$l['can_edit_attachments'] = "Can update own attachments?";

$l['can_view_deletion_notices'] = "Can view deletion notices?";

$l['account_management'] = "Account Management";
$l['edit_time_limit'] = "Edit Time Limit";
$l['edit_time_limit_desc'] = "The number of minutes until regular users cannot edit their own posts (if they have the permission). Enter 0 (zero) for no limit.";

$l['account_management'] = "Account Management";
$l['edit_time_limit'] = "Edit Time Limit";
$l['edit_time_limit_desc'] = "The number of minutes until regular users cannot edit their own posts (if they have the permission). Enter 0 (zero) for no limit.";

$l['can_be_reported'] = "Can be reported?";

$l['can_be_reported'] = "Can be reported (profile, posts and reputation)?";

$l['can_access_usercp'] = "Can access User CP?";
$l['can_change_username'] = "Can change username?";
$l['can_change_website'] = "Can change website?";

$l['can_access_usercp'] = "Can access User CP?";
$l['can_change_username'] = "Can change username?";
$l['can_change_website'] = "Can change website?";

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$l['success_group_created'] = "The new user group has been created successfully.";
$l['success_group_updated'] = "The selected user group has been updated successfully.";

$l['success_group_created'] = "The new user group has been created successfully.";
$l['success_group_updated'] = "The selected user group has been updated successfully.";

$l['success_group_created_duplicate_title'] = "The new user group has been created successfully. Please note that there are multiple user groups named \"{1}\".";
$l['success_group_updated_duplicate_title'] = "The selected user group has been updated successfully. Please note that there are multiple user groups named \"{1}\".";

$l['success_group_deleted'] = "The selected user group has been deleted successfully.";
$l['success_groups_disporder_updated'] = "The user group display orders have been updated successfully.";
$l['success_join_request_approved'] = "The selected join request has been approved successfully. The user is now a member of this user group.";

$l['success_group_deleted'] = "The selected user group has been deleted successfully.";
$l['success_groups_disporder_updated'] = "The user group display orders have been updated successfully.";
$l['success_join_request_approved'] = "The selected join request has been approved successfully. The user is now a member of this user group.";