Vergleich search.php - 1.8.22 - 1.8.25

  Keine Änderungen   Hinzugefügt   Modifiziert   Entfernt
Zeile 235Zeile 235
$threadcount = 0;

$threadcount = 0;

		// Moderators can view unapproved threads
$query = $db->simple_select("moderators", "fid, canviewunapprove, canviewdeleted", "(id='{$mybb->user['uid']}' AND isgroup='0') OR (id='{$mybb->user['usergroup']}' AND isgroup='1')");
if($mybb->usergroup['issupermod'] == 1)
// Super moderators (and admins)
$unapproved_where = "t.visible>=-1";
// Normal moderators
$unapprove_forums = array();
$deleted_forums = array();
$unapproved_where = '(t.visible = 1';
while($moderator = $db->fetch_array($query))
if($moderator['canviewunapprove'] == 1)
$unapprove_forums[] = $moderator['fid'];

if($moderator['canviewdeleted'] == 1)
$deleted_forums[] = $moderator['fid'];

$unapproved_where .= " OR (t.visible = 0 AND t.fid IN(".implode(',', $unapprove_forums)."))";
$unapproved_where .= " OR (t.visible = -1 AND t.fid IN(".implode(',', $deleted_forums)."))";
$unapproved_where .= ')';
// Normal users
$unapproved_where = 't.visible>0';

		// Moderators can view unapproved threads and deleted threads from forums they moderate
$unapproved_where_t = get_visible_where('t');

// If we have saved WHERE conditions, execute them
if($search['querycache'] != "")
$where_conditions = $search['querycache'];

// If we have saved WHERE conditions, execute them
if($search['querycache'] != "")
$where_conditions = $search['querycache'];

			$query = $db->simple_select("threads t", "t.tid", $where_conditions. " AND {$unapproved_where} AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC {$limitsql}");

			$query = $db->simple_select("threads t", "t.tid", $where_conditions. " AND ({$unapproved_where_t}) AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC {$limitsql}");

			while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
$threads[$thread['tid']] = $thread['tid'];

			while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
$threads[$thread['tid']] = $thread['tid'];

Zeile 303Zeile 264
$where_conditions = "t.tid IN (".$search['threads'].")";

$where_conditions = "t.tid IN (".$search['threads'].")";

			$query = $db->simple_select("threads t", "COUNT(t.tid) AS resultcount", $where_conditions. " AND {$unapproved_where} AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' {$limitsql}");

			$query = $db->simple_select("threads t", "COUNT(t.tid) AS resultcount", $where_conditions. " AND ({$unapproved_where_t}) AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' {$limitsql}");

			$count = $db->fetch_array($query);


			$count = $db->fetch_array($query);


Zeile 360Zeile 321
			FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid=t.uid)
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f ON (t.fid=f.fid)

			FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid=t.uid)
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f ON (t.fid=f.fid)

			WHERE $where_conditions AND {$unapproved_where} {$permsql} AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'

			WHERE $where_conditions AND ({$unapproved_where_t}) {$permsql} AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'

			ORDER BY $sortfield $order
LIMIT $start, $perpage

			ORDER BY $sortfield $order
LIMIT $start, $perpage

Zeile 386Zeile 347
		// Fetch dot icons if enabled
if($mybb->settings['dotfolders'] != 0 && $mybb->user['uid'] && $thread_cache)

		// Fetch dot icons if enabled
if($mybb->settings['dotfolders'] != 0 && $mybb->user['uid'] && $thread_cache)

			$p_unapproved_where = str_replace('t.', '', $unapproved_where);
$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "DISTINCT tid,uid", "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}' AND tid IN({$thread_ids}) AND {$p_unapproved_where}");

			$unapproved_where_p = str_replace('t.', '', $unapproved_where_t);
$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "DISTINCT tid,uid", "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}' AND tid IN({$thread_ids}) AND ({$unapproved_where_p})");

			while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
$thread_cache[$thread['tid']]['dot_icon'] = 1;

			while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
$thread_cache[$thread['tid']]['dot_icon'] = 1;

Zeile 571Zeile 532
					$pagesstop = $mybb->settings['maxmultipagelinks'] - 1;
$page_link = get_thread_link($thread['tid'], $thread['pages']).$highlight;
eval("\$morelink = \"".$templates->get("forumdisplay_thread_multipage_more")."\";");

					$pagesstop = $mybb->settings['maxmultipagelinks'] - 1;
$page_link = get_thread_link($thread['tid'], $thread['pages']).$highlight;
eval("\$morelink = \"".$templates->get("forumdisplay_thread_multipage_more")."\";");



					$pagesstop = $thread['pages'];
for($i = 1; $i <= $pagesstop; ++$i)

					$pagesstop = $thread['pages'];
for($i = 1; $i <= $pagesstop; ++$i)

Zeile 744Zeile 705

$postcount = 0;

$postcount = 0;

		// Moderators can view unapproved threads
$query = $db->simple_select("moderators", "fid, canviewunapprove, canviewdeleted", "(id='{$mybb->user['uid']}' AND isgroup='0') OR (id='{$mybb->user['usergroup']}' AND isgroup='1')");
if($mybb->usergroup['issupermod'] == 1)
// Super moderators (and admins)
$unapproved_where = "visible >= -1";
// Normal moderators
$unapprove_forums = array();
$deleted_forums = array();
$unapproved_where = '(visible = 1';

while($moderator = $db->fetch_array($query))
if($moderator['canviewunapprove'] == 1)
$unapprove_forums[] = $moderator['fid'];

if($moderator['canviewdeleted'] == 1)
$deleted_forums[] = $moderator['fid'];

$unapproved_where .= " OR (visible = 0 AND fid IN(".implode(',', $unapprove_forums)."))";
$unapproved_where .= " OR (visible = -1 AND fid IN(".implode(',', $deleted_forums)."))";
$unapproved_where .= ')';
// Normal users
$unapproved_where = 'visible = 1';

		// Moderators can view unapproved threads and deleted threads from forums they moderate
$unapproved_where = get_visible_where();

$post_cache_options = array();
if((int)$mybb->settings['searchhardlimit'] > 0)

$post_cache_options = array();
if((int)$mybb->settings['searchhardlimit'] > 0)

Zeile 802Zeile 723
		$tids = array();
$pids = array();
// Make sure the posts we're viewing we have permission to view.

		$tids = array();
$pids = array();
// Make sure the posts we're viewing we have permission to view.

		$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid, tid", "pid IN(".$db->escape_string($search['posts']).") AND {$unapproved_where}", $post_cache_options);

		$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid, tid", "pid IN(".$db->escape_string($search['posts']).") AND ({$unapproved_where})", $post_cache_options);

		while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))
$pids[$post['pid']] = $post['tid'];

		while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))
$pids[$post['pid']] = $post['tid'];

Zeile 840Zeile 761
				$permsql .= " OR fid IN ($inactiveforums)";

				$permsql .= " OR fid IN ($inactiveforums)";

			// Check the thread records as well. If we don't have permissions, remove them from the listing.
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "tid", "tid IN(".$db->escape_string(implode(',', $pids)).") AND ({$unapproved_where}{$permsql} OR closed LIKE 'moved|%')");

			// Find threads in our list that we don't have permission to view and remove them
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "tid", "tid IN(".$db->escape_string(implode(',', array_keys($tids))).") AND (NOT ({$unapproved_where}){$permsql} OR closed LIKE 'moved|%')");

			while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))

			while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))

				if(array_key_exists($thread['tid'], $tids) != true)

				if(array_key_exists($thread['tid'], $tids))

$temp_pids = $tids[$thread['tid']];
foreach($temp_pids as $pid)

$temp_pids = $tids[$thread['tid']];
foreach($temp_pids as $pid)

Zeile 852Zeile 773





Zeile 883Zeile 805
		$dot_icon = array();
if($mybb->settings['dotfolders'] != 0 && $mybb->user['uid'] != 0)

		$dot_icon = array();
if($mybb->settings['dotfolders'] != 0 && $mybb->user['uid'] != 0)

			$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "DISTINCT tid,uid", "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}' AND tid IN({$db->escape_string($tids)}) AND {$unapproved_where}");

			$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "DISTINCT tid,uid", "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}' AND tid IN({$db->escape_string($tids)}) AND ({$unapproved_where})");

			while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))
$dot_icon[$post['tid']] = true;

			while($post = $db->fetch_array($query))
$dot_icon[$post['tid']] = true;

Zeile 944Zeile 866

$post['forumlink'] = '';


$post['forumlink'] = '';



$post['forumlink_link'] = get_forum_link($post['fid']);
$post['forumlink_name'] = $forumcache[$post['fid']]['name'];

$post['forumlink_link'] = get_forum_link($post['fid']);
$post['forumlink_name'] = $forumcache[$post['fid']]['name'];

Zeile 1067Zeile 989
				'allow_mycode' => 1,
'allow_smilies' => 0,
'allow_imgcode' => 0,

				'allow_mycode' => 1,
'allow_smilies' => 0,
'allow_imgcode' => 0,

				'me_username' => $post['username'],

				'filter_badwords' => 1

				'filter_badwords' => 1

			$post['message'] = strip_tags($parser->parse_message($post['message'], $parser_options));

			$post['message'] = strip_tags($parser->text_parse_message($post['message'], $parser_options));

			if(my_strlen($post['message']) > 200)
$prev = my_substr($post['message'], 0, 200)."...";

			if(my_strlen($post['message']) > 200)
$prev = my_substr($post['message'], 0, 200)."...";

Zeile 1179Zeile 1102
		$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($inactiveforums)";

		$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($inactiveforums)";

	$permsql = "";
$onlyusfids = array();

// Check group permissions if we can't view threads not started by us
$group_permissions = forum_permissions();
foreach($group_permissions as $fid => $forum_permissions)
if(isset($forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads']) && $forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1)
$onlyusfids[] = $fid;
$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids).")";

$options = array(
'order_by' => 'dateline',
'order_dir' => 'desc'

// Do we have a hard search limit?
if($mybb->settings['searchhardlimit'] > 0)
$options['limit'] = (int)$mybb->settings['searchhardlimit'];

$pids = '';
$comma = '';
$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "{$where_sql}", $options);
while($pid = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid"))
$pids .= $comma.$pid;
$comma = ',';

$tids = '';
$comma = '';
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "tid", $where_sql);
while($tid = $db->fetch_field($query, "tid"))
$tids .= $comma.$tid;
$comma = ',';

$sid = md5(uniqid(microtime(), true));
$searcharray = array(
"sid" => $db->escape_string($sid),
"uid" => $mybb->user['uid'],
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
"ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary($session->packedip),
"threads" => $db->escape_string($tids),
"posts" => $db->escape_string($pids),
"resulttype" => "posts",
"querycache" => '',
"keywords" => ''
$db->insert_query("searchlog", $searcharray);
redirect("search.php?action=results&sid=".$sid, $lang->redirect_searchresults);
elseif($mybb->input['action'] == "finduser")
$where_sql = "uid='".$mybb->get_input('uid', MyBB::INPUT_INT)."'";

$unsearchforums = get_unsearchable_forums();
$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($unsearchforums)";
$inactiveforums = get_inactive_forums();
$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($inactiveforums)";

	// Moderators can view unapproved threads and deleted threads from forums they moderate
$unapproved_where = get_visible_where();
$where_sql .= " AND ({$unapproved_where})";

$permsql = "";
$onlyusfids = array();

$permsql = "";
$onlyusfids = array();

	// Check group permissions if we can't view threads not started by us
$group_permissions = forum_permissions();
foreach($group_permissions as $fid => $forum_permissions)

	// Check group permissions if we can't view threads not started by us
$group_permissions = forum_permissions();
foreach($group_permissions as $fid => $forum_permissions)

Zeile 1270Zeile 1120


		$where_sql .= "AND ((fid IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids).") AND uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}') OR fid NOT IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids)."))";

		$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids).")";



$options = array(
'order_by' => 'dateline',
'order_dir' => 'desc'

// Do we have a hard search limit?
if($mybb->settings['searchhardlimit'] > 0)
$options['limit'] = (int)$mybb->settings['searchhardlimit'];

$pids = '';
$comma = '';
$query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "{$where_sql}", $options);
while($pid = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid"))
$pids .= $comma.$pid;
$comma = ',';

$tids = '';
$comma = '';
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "tid", $where_sql);
while($tid = $db->fetch_field($query, "tid"))
$tids .= $comma.$tid;
$comma = ',';

$sid = md5(uniqid(microtime(), true));
$searcharray = array(
"sid" => $db->escape_string($sid),
"uid" => $mybb->user['uid'],
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
"ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary($session->packedip),
"threads" => $db->escape_string($tids),
"posts" => $db->escape_string($pids),
"resulttype" => "posts",
"querycache" => '',
"keywords" => ''
$db->insert_query("searchlog", $searcharray);
redirect("search.php?action=results&sid=".$sid, $lang->redirect_searchresults);
elseif($mybb->input['action'] == "finduser")
$where_sql = "uid='".$mybb->get_input('uid', MyBB::INPUT_INT)."'";

$unsearchforums = get_unsearchable_forums();
$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($unsearchforums)";
$inactiveforums = get_inactive_forums();
$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($inactiveforums)";

// Moderators can view unapproved threads and deleted threads from forums they moderate
$unapproved_where = get_visible_where();
$where_sql .= " AND ({$unapproved_where})";

$permsql = "";
$onlyusfids = array();

// Check group permissions if we can't view threads not started by us
$group_permissions = forum_permissions();
foreach($group_permissions as $fid => $forum_permissions)
if(isset($forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads']) && $forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1)
$onlyusfids[] = $fid;
$where_sql .= "AND ((fid IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids).") AND uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}') OR fid NOT IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids)."))";

	$options = array(
'order_by' => 'dateline',
'order_dir' => 'desc'

	$options = array(
'order_by' => 'dateline',
'order_dir' => 'desc'

Zeile 1332Zeile 1263
$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($inactiveforums)";

$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($inactiveforums)";


// Moderators can view unapproved threads and deleted threads from forums they moderate
$unapproved_where = get_visible_where();
$where_sql .= " AND ({$unapproved_where})";

$permsql = "";
$onlyusfids = array();

$permsql = "";
$onlyusfids = array();

	// Check group permissions if we can't view threads not started by us
$group_permissions = forum_permissions();
foreach($group_permissions as $fid => $forum_permissions)

	// Check group permissions if we can't view threads not started by us
$group_permissions = forum_permissions();
foreach($group_permissions as $fid => $forum_permissions)



		if(isset($forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads']) && $forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1)
$onlyusfids[] = $fid;

		if(isset($forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads']) && $forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1)
$onlyusfids[] = $fid;



$where_sql .= "AND ((fid IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids).") AND uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}') OR fid NOT IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids)."))";

$where_sql .= "AND ((fid IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids).") AND uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}') OR fid NOT IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids)."))";

	$tids = '';
$comma = '';
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "tid", $where_sql);
while($tid = $db->fetch_field($query, "tid"))
$tids .= $comma.$tid;
$comma = ',';

$sid = md5(uniqid(microtime(), true));
$searcharray = array(
"sid" => $db->escape_string($sid),
"uid" => $mybb->user['uid'],
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
"ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary($session->packedip),
"threads" => $db->escape_string($tids),
"posts" => '',
"resulttype" => "threads",
"querycache" => $db->escape_string($where_sql),
"keywords" => ''
$db->insert_query("searchlog", $searcharray);
redirect("search.php?action=results&sid=".$sid, $lang->redirect_searchresults);
elseif($mybb->input['action'] == "getnew")

$where_sql = "lastpost >= '".(int)$mybb->user['lastvisit']."'";

if($mybb->get_input('fid', MyBB::INPUT_INT))
$where_sql .= " AND fid='".$mybb->get_input('fid', MyBB::INPUT_INT)."'";
else if($mybb->get_input('fids'))
$fids = explode(',', $mybb->get_input('fids'));
foreach($fids as $key => $fid)
$fids[$key] = (int)$fid;

$where_sql .= " AND fid IN (".implode(',', $fids).")";

$unsearchforums = get_unsearchable_forums();
$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($unsearchforums)";
$inactiveforums = get_inactive_forums();
$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($inactiveforums)";

$permsql = "";
$onlyusfids = array();

// Check group permissions if we can't view threads not started by us
$group_permissions = forum_permissions();
foreach($group_permissions as $fid => $forum_permissions)
if(isset($forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads']) && $forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1)
$onlyusfids[] = $fid;
$where_sql .= "AND ((fid IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids).") AND uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}') OR fid NOT IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids)."))";

	$tids = '';
$comma = '';
$query = $db->simple_select("threads", "tid", $where_sql);
while($tid = $db->fetch_field($query, "tid"))
$tids .= $comma.$tid;
$comma = ',';

$sid = md5(uniqid(microtime(), true));
$searcharray = array(
"sid" => $db->escape_string($sid),
"uid" => $mybb->user['uid'],
"dateline" => TIME_NOW,
"ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary($session->packedip),
"threads" => $db->escape_string($tids),
"posts" => '',
"resulttype" => "threads",
"querycache" => $db->escape_string($where_sql),
"keywords" => ''
$db->insert_query("searchlog", $searcharray);
redirect("search.php?action=results&sid=".$sid, $lang->redirect_searchresults);
elseif($mybb->input['action'] == "getnew")

$where_sql = "lastpost >= '".(int)$mybb->user['lastvisit']."'";

if($mybb->get_input('fid', MyBB::INPUT_INT))
$where_sql .= " AND fid='".$mybb->get_input('fid', MyBB::INPUT_INT)."'";
else if($mybb->get_input('fids'))
$fids = explode(',', $mybb->get_input('fids'));
foreach($fids as $key => $fid)
$fids[$key] = (int)$fid;

$where_sql .= " AND fid IN (".implode(',', $fids).")";

$unsearchforums = get_unsearchable_forums();
$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($unsearchforums)";
$inactiveforums = get_inactive_forums();
$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($inactiveforums)";

// Moderators can view unapproved threads and deleted threads from forums they moderate
$unapproved_where = get_visible_where();
$where_sql .= " AND ({$unapproved_where})";

$permsql = "";
$onlyusfids = array();

// Check group permissions if we can't view threads not started by us
$group_permissions = forum_permissions();
foreach($group_permissions as $fid => $forum_permissions)
if(isset($forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads']) && $forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1)
$onlyusfids[] = $fid;
$where_sql .= "AND ((fid IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids).") AND uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}') OR fid NOT IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids)."))";


$tids = '';


$tids = '';

Zeile 1467Zeile 1406
	$where_sql = "lastpost >='".$datecut."'";

if($mybb->get_input('fid', MyBB::INPUT_INT))

	$where_sql = "lastpost >='".$datecut."'";

if($mybb->get_input('fid', MyBB::INPUT_INT))



		$where_sql .= " AND fid='".$mybb->get_input('fid', MyBB::INPUT_INT)."'";
else if($mybb->get_input('fids'))

		$where_sql .= " AND fid='".$mybb->get_input('fid', MyBB::INPUT_INT)."'";
else if($mybb->get_input('fids'))

Zeile 1476Zeile 1415
		foreach($fids as $key => $fid)
$fids[$key] = (int)$fid;

		foreach($fids as $key => $fid)
$fids[$key] = (int)$fid;





Zeile 1494Zeile 1433
$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($inactiveforums)";

$where_sql .= " AND fid NOT IN ($inactiveforums)";


// Moderators can view unapproved threads and deleted threads from forums they moderate
$unapproved_where = get_visible_where();
$where_sql .= " AND ({$unapproved_where})";

$permsql = "";
$onlyusfids = array();

$permsql = "";
$onlyusfids = array();