Vergleich admin/index.php - 1.8.14 - 1.8.25

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Zeile 299Zeile 299
			$db->update_query("adminoptions", array("loginattempts" => 0, "loginlockoutexpiry" => 0), "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'");

			$db->update_query("adminoptions", array("loginattempts" => 0, "loginlockoutexpiry" => 0), "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'");

		my_setcookie("adminsid", $sid, '', true);

		my_setcookie("adminsid", $sid, '', true, "lax");

		my_setcookie('acploginattempts', 0);
$post_verify = false;

		my_setcookie('acploginattempts', 0);
$post_verify = false;

Zeile 536Zeile 536
$query = $db->simple_select("adminoptions", "*", "uid='".$mybb->user['uid']."'");
$admin_options = $db->fetch_array($query);

$query = $db->simple_select("adminoptions", "*", "uid='".$mybb->user['uid']."'");
$admin_options = $db->fetch_array($query);


// Only update language / theme once fully authenticated
if(empty($admin_options['authsecret']) || $admin_session['authenticated'] == 1)
if(!empty($admin_options['cplanguage']) && file_exists(MYBB_ROOT."inc/languages/".$admin_options['cplanguage']."/admin/home_dashboard.lang.php"))
$cp_language = $admin_options['cplanguage'];
$lang->set_language($cp_language, "admin");
$lang->load("global"); // Reload global language vars
$lang->load("messages", true);

if(!empty($admin_options['cpstyle']) && file_exists(MYBB_ADMIN_DIR."/styles/{$admin_options['cpstyle']}/main.css"))
$cp_style = $admin_options['cpstyle'];

// Update the session information in the DB

// Update the session information in the DB



		$db->update_query("adminsessions", array('lastactive' => TIME_NOW, 'ip' => $db->escape_binary(my_inet_pton(get_ip()))), "sid='".$db->escape_string($admin_session['sid'])."'");

		$db->update_query("adminsessions", array('lastactive' => TIME_NOW, 'ip' => $db->escape_binary(my_inet_pton(get_ip()))), "sid='".$db->escape_string($admin_session['sid'])."'");



// Fetch administrator permissions
$mybb->admin['permissions'] = get_admin_permissions($mybb->user['uid']);

// Fetch administrator permissions
$mybb->admin['permissions'] = get_admin_permissions($mybb->user['uid']);


// Include the layout generation class overrides for this style
require_once MYBB_ADMIN_DIR."/styles/{$cp_style}/style.php";

// Check if any of the layout generation classes we can override exist in the style file
$classes = array(
"Page" => "DefaultPage",
"SidebarItem" => "DefaultSidebarItem",
"PopupMenu" => "DefaultPopupMenu",
"Table" => "DefaultTable",
"Form" => "DefaultForm",
"FormContainer" => "DefaultFormContainer"
foreach($classes as $style_name => $default_name)
// Style does not have this layout generation class, create it
eval("class {$style_name} extends {$default_name} { }");

$page = new Page;
$page->style = $cp_style;

// Do not have a valid Admin user, throw back to login page.
if(!isset($mybb->user['uid']) || $logged_out == true)
if($logged_out == true)

// Do not have a valid Admin user, throw back to login page.
if(!isset($mybb->user['uid']) || $logged_out == true)
if($logged_out == true)



elseif($fail_check == 1)

elseif($fail_check == 1)

$default_page->show_login($login_lang_string, "error");

$page->show_login($login_lang_string, "error");

// If we have this error while retreiving it from an AJAX request, then send back a nice error

// If we have this error while retreiving it from an AJAX request, then send back a nice error

Zeile 566Zeile 610
			echo json_encode(array("errors" => array("login")));

			echo json_encode(array("errors" => array("login")));

		$default_page->show_login($login_message, "error");

		$page->show_login($login_message, "error");



Zeile 603Zeile 647
		$admin_session['authenticated'] = 1;
$db->update_query("adminoptions", array("loginattempts" => 0, "loginlockoutexpiry" => 0), "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'");
my_setcookie('acploginattempts', 0);

		$admin_session['authenticated'] = 1;
$db->update_query("adminoptions", array("loginattempts" => 0, "loginlockoutexpiry" => 0), "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'");
my_setcookie('acploginattempts', 0);

		// post would result in an authorization code mismatch error
$mybb->request_method = "get";


// Wrong code -> close session (aka logout)
$db->delete_query("adminsessions", "sid='".$db->escape_string($mybb->cookies['adminsid'])."'");

// Wrong code -> close session (aka logout)
$db->delete_query("adminsessions", "sid='".$db->escape_string($mybb->cookies['adminsid'])."'");

		// Now test whether we need to lock this guy completly
$db->update_query("adminoptions", array("loginattempts" => "loginattempts+1"), "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'", '', true);

		// Now test whether we need to lock this guy completly
$db->update_query("adminoptions", array("loginattempts" => "loginattempts+1"), "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'", '', true);

		$loginattempts = login_attempt_check_acp($mybb->user['uid'], true);

		$loginattempts = login_attempt_check_acp($mybb->user['uid'], true);

		// Have we attempted too many times?
if($loginattempts['loginattempts'] > 0)

		// Have we attempted too many times?
if($loginattempts['loginattempts'] > 0)

Zeile 650Zeile 693





// Still here? Show a custom login page


// Still here? Show a custom login page

		$default_page->show_login($lang->my2fa_failed, "error");

		$page->show_login($lang->my2fa_failed, "error");


// Show our 2FA page
if(!empty($admin_options['authsecret']) && $admin_session['authenticated'] != 1)


// Show our 2FA page
if(!empty($admin_options['authsecret']) && $admin_session['authenticated'] != 1)


// Now the user is fully authenticated setup their personal options
if(!empty($admin_options['cplanguage']) && file_exists(MYBB_ROOT."inc/languages/".$admin_options['cplanguage']."/admin/home_dashboard.lang.php"))
$cp_language = $admin_options['cplanguage'];
$lang->set_language($cp_language, "admin");
$lang->load("global"); // Reload global language vars
$lang->load("messages", true);
if(!empty($admin_options['cpstyle']) && file_exists(MYBB_ADMIN_DIR."/styles/{$admin_options['cpstyle']}/main.css"))
$cp_style = $admin_options['cpstyle'];

// Include the layout generation class overrides for this style
require_once MYBB_ADMIN_DIR."/styles/{$cp_style}/style.php";

// Check if any of the layout generation classes we can override exist in the style file
$classes = array(
"Page" => "DefaultPage",
"SidebarItem" => "DefaultSidebarItem",
"PopupMenu" => "DefaultPopupMenu",
"Table" => "DefaultTable",
"Form" => "DefaultForm",
"FormContainer" => "DefaultFormContainer"
foreach($classes as $style_name => $default_name)
// Style does not have this layout generation class, create it
eval("class {$style_name} extends {$default_name} { }");




$page = new Page;
$page->style = $cp_style;


$page->add_breadcrumb_item($lang->home, "index.php");

$page->add_breadcrumb_item($lang->home, "index.php");

Zeile 806Zeile 809
	if($post_verify == true)
// If the post key does not match we switch the action to GET and set a message to show the user

	if($post_verify == true)
// If the post key does not match we switch the action to GET and set a message to show the user

		if(!isset($mybb->input['my_post_key']) || $mybb->post_code !== $mybb->input['my_post_key'])

		if(!verify_post_check($mybb->input['my_post_key'], true))

$mybb->request_method = "get";
$page->show_post_verify_error = true;

$mybb->request_method = "get";
$page->show_post_verify_error = true;