Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/tools_file_verification.lang.php - 1.8.9 - 1.8.25

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$l['file_verification'] = "File Verification";


$l['file_verification'] = "File Verification";

$l['checking'] = "Checking...";

$l['checking'] = "Checking…";

$l['file_verification_message'] = "This process will check all MyBB default files to check for validity. Press Yes to continue.<br /> <small>Please note, this process can not differentiate between custom modifications and actual corruption in files. Therefore you should take caution in reverting files this process returns as \"corrupt\".</small>";

$l['error_communication'] = "There was a problem communicating with the MyBB server. Please try again in a few minutes.";

$l['file_verification_message'] = "This process will check all MyBB default files to check for validity. Press Yes to continue.<br /> <small>Please note, this process can not differentiate between custom modifications and actual corruption in files. Therefore you should take caution in reverting files this process returns as \"corrupt\".</small>";

$l['error_communication'] = "There was a problem communicating with the MyBB server. Please try again in a few minutes.";