Vergleich global.php - 1.8.21 - 1.8.22

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	// If we're accessing poll results, fetch the forum theme for it and if we're overriding it
else if(isset($mybb->input['pid']) && THIS_SCRIPT == "polls.php")

	// If we're accessing poll results, fetch the forum theme for it and if we're overriding it
else if(isset($mybb->input['pid']) && THIS_SCRIPT == "polls.php")

		$query = $db->simple_select('threads', 'fid', "poll = '{$mybb->input['pid']}'", array('limit' => 1));

		$query = $db->query("SELECT t.fid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."polls p INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (t.tid=p.tid) WHERE = '{$mybb->input['pid']}' LIMIT 1");

		$fid = $db->fetch_field($query, 'fid');


		$fid = $db->fetch_field($query, 'fid');


Zeile 630Zeile 630

$user['gid'] = (int)$user['gid'];

$user['gid'] = (int)$user['gid'];

		if(!empty($groupscache[$user['gid']]['joinable']) && $groupscache[$user['gid']]['joinable'] == 1)

		if(!empty($groupscache[$user['gid']]['type']) && $groupscache[$user['gid']]['type'] == 4)

$showjoinnotice = true;
$gids .= ",'{$user['gid']}'";

$showjoinnotice = true;
$gids .= ",'{$user['gid']}'";