Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/tools_adminlog.lang.php - 1.8.9 - 1.8.21

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Zeile 221Zeile 221
$l['admin_log_tools_index_utf8_conversion'] = "Converted table {1} to UTF-8";

$l['admin_log_tools_mailerrors_prune'] = "Pruned {1} email error logs";

$l['admin_log_tools_index_utf8_conversion'] = "Converted table {1} to UTF-8";

$l['admin_log_tools_mailerrors_prune'] = "Pruned {1} email error logs";


$l['admin_log_tools_maillogs_prune'] = "Pruned {1} email logs";

$l['admin_log_tools_optimizedb_'] = "Optimized database tables: {1}";

$l['admin_log_tools_optimizedb_'] = "Optimized database tables: {1}";

Zeile 239Zeile 241
$l['admin_log_tools_recount_rebuild_privatemessages'] = "Recounted and rebuilt private messages";
$l['admin_log_tools_recount_rebuild_referral'] = "Recounted and rebuilt user referral count";
$l['admin_log_tools_recount_rebuild_threadrating'] = "Recounted and rebuilt thread ratings";

$l['admin_log_tools_recount_rebuild_privatemessages'] = "Recounted and rebuilt private messages";
$l['admin_log_tools_recount_rebuild_referral'] = "Recounted and rebuilt user referral count";
$l['admin_log_tools_recount_rebuild_threadrating'] = "Recounted and rebuilt thread ratings";


$l['admin_log_tools_spamlog_prune'] = "Pruned {4} spam logs older than {1} days";
$l['admin_log_tools_spamlog_prune_user'] = "Pruned {4} spam logs older than {1} days with username {2}";
$l['admin_log_tools_spamlog_prune_email'] = "Pruned {4} spam logs older than {1} days with email {3}";
$l['admin_log_tools_spamlog_prune_user_email'] = "Pruned {4} spam logs older than {1} days with username {2} and email {3}";

$l['admin_log_tools_tasks_add'] = "Added task #{1} ({2})";
$l['admin_log_tools_tasks_edit'] = "Edited task #{1} ({2})";

$l['admin_log_tools_tasks_add'] = "Added task #{1} ({2})";
$l['admin_log_tools_tasks_edit'] = "Edited task #{1} ({2})";