Vergleich inc/languages/english/modcp.lang.php - 1.8.6 - 1.8.21

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Zeile 41Zeile 41
$l['mark_read'] = "Mark Selected as Read";
$l['no_reports'] = "There are currently no unread reports.";
$l['no_logs'] = "No moderator actions are currently logged.";

$l['mark_read'] = "Mark Selected as Read";
$l['no_reports'] = "There are currently no unread reports.";
$l['no_logs'] = "No moderator actions are currently logged.";

$l['error_noselected_reports'] = "Sorry, but you did not select any reported posts to mark as read. Either that or the selected posts have already been marked read by another user.";

$l['error_noselected_reports'] = "Sorry, but you did not select any reported content to mark as read.";

$l['error_missing_ipaddress'] = "Sorry, but you did not enter in an IP Address to find.";
$l['error_no_results'] = "Sorry, there were no results found with the criteria you selected.";

$l['error_missing_ipaddress'] = "Sorry, but you did not enter in an IP Address to find.";
$l['error_no_results'] = "Sorry, there were no results found with the criteria you selected.";

$l['redirect_reportsmarked'] = "The selected reported posts have been marked as read.";

$l['redirect_reportsmarked'] = "The selected reported content have been marked as read.";
$l['redirect_allreportsmarked'] = "All reported content has been marked as read.";

$l['redirect_modnotes'] = "The moderator notes have been updated.";

$l['for'] = "For";

$l['redirect_modnotes'] = "The moderator notes have been updated.";

$l['for'] = "For";

Zeile 61Zeile 62
$l['report_info_reputation'] = "<a href=\"{1}\">Reputation</a> from {2}";
$l['report_info_rep_profile'] = "<br /><span class=\"smalltext\">On {1}'s profile</span>";
$l['report_info_lastreporter'] = "{1}<br />by {2}";

$l['report_info_reputation'] = "<a href=\"{1}\">Reputation</a> from {2}";
$l['report_info_rep_profile'] = "<br /><span class=\"smalltext\">On {1}'s profile</span>";
$l['report_info_lastreporter'] = "{1}<br />by {2}";


$l['page_selected'] = "All <strong>{1}</strong> unread reports on this page are selected.";
$l['all_selected'] = "All <strong>{1}</strong> unread reports are selected.";
$l['select_all'] = "Select all <strong>{1}</strong> unread reports.";
$l['clear_selection'] = "Clear Selection.";

$l['moderator_notes'] = "Moderator Notes";
$l['notes_public_all'] = "These notes are public to all moderators.";

$l['moderator_notes'] = "Moderator Notes";
$l['notes_public_all'] = "These notes are public to all moderators.";

Zeile 93Zeile 99
$l['action'] = "Action";
$l['all_moderators'] = "All Moderators";
$l['ip'] = "IP Address";

$l['action'] = "Action";
$l['all_moderators'] = "All Moderators";
$l['ip'] = "IP Address";

$l['info_on_ip'] = "Information on This IP Address";

$l['info_on_ip'] = "Information on this IP Address";
$l['search_ip_sfs'] = "Search this IP on Stop Forum Spam";

$l['information']  = "Information";
$l['filter_modlogs'] = "Filter Moderator Logs";
$l['forum'] = "Forum";

$l['information']  = "Information";
$l['filter_modlogs'] = "Filter Moderator Logs";
$l['forum'] = "Forum";

Zeile 126Zeile 133
$l['website_url'] = "Website URL:";
$l['birthdate'] = "Birthdate:";
$l['icq_number'] = "ICQ Number:";

$l['website_url'] = "Website URL:";
$l['birthdate'] = "Birthdate:";
$l['icq_number'] = "ICQ Number:";

$l['aim_screenname'] = "AIM Screen Name:";

$l['yahoo_id'] = "Yahoo ID:";
$l['skype_id'] = "Skype ID:";

$l['yahoo_id'] = "Yahoo ID:";
$l['skype_id'] = "Skype ID:";

$l['google_id'] = "Google Talk ID:";

$l['google_id'] = "Google Hangouts ID:";

$l['away_notice'] = "This option will allow you to select whether you are away or not.";
$l['additional_information'] = "Additional Information";
$l['update_profile'] = "Update Profile";

$l['away_notice'] = "This option will allow you to select whether you are away or not.";
$l['additional_information'] = "Additional Information";
$l['update_profile'] = "Update Profile";

Zeile 326Zeile 332
$l['you_cannot_use_mod_queue'] = "You do not have sufficient permission to use the Mod Queue.";

$l['post'] = 'Post';

$l['you_cannot_use_mod_queue'] = "You do not have sufficient permission to use the Mod Queue.";

$l['post'] = 'Post';

$l['search_user'] = "Search for a user";