Vergleich newthread.php - 1.8.18 - 1.8.20

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Zeile 198Zeile 198
$mybb->input['action'] = "newthread";

$mybb->input['action'] = "newthread";


if($mybb->get_input('ajax', MyBB::INPUT_INT) == 1)
header("Content-type: application/json; charset={$lang->settings['charset']}");
echo json_encode(array("success" => true));



Zeile 610Zeile 617

$postoptionschecked = array('signature' => '', 'disablesmilies' => '');


$postoptionschecked = array('signature' => '', 'disablesmilies' => '');

	$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_dont = $postoptions_subscriptionmethod_none = $postoptions_subscriptionmethod_email = $postoptions_subscriptionmethod_pm = '';

	$subscribe = $nonesubscribe = $emailsubscribe = $pmsubscribe = '';

	$postpollchecked = '';

// Check the various post options if we're

	$postpollchecked = '';

// Check the various post options if we're

Zeile 671Zeile 678
		$numpolloptions = "2";

		$numpolloptions = "2";

	${'postoptions_subscriptionmethod_'.$subscription_method} = "checked=\"checked\"";

	${$subscription_method.'subscribe'} = "checked=\"checked\" ";

	$preview = '';

// If we're previewing a post then generate the preview.

	$preview = '';

// If we're previewing a post then generate the preview.