Vergleich inc/functions_upload.php - 1.8.16 - 1.8.20

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Zeile 250Zeile 250
	// Check avatar dimensions
if($mybb->settings['maxavatardims'] != '')

	// Check avatar dimensions
if($mybb->settings['maxavatardims'] != '')

		list($maxwidth, $maxheight) = @explode("x", $mybb->settings['maxavatardims']);

		list($maxwidth, $maxheight) = @preg_split('/[|x]/', $mybb->settings['maxavatardims']);

		if(($maxwidth && $img_dimensions[0] > $maxwidth) || ($maxheight && $img_dimensions[1] > $maxheight))
// Automatic resizing enabled?

		if(($maxwidth && $img_dimensions[0] > $maxwidth) || ($maxheight && $img_dimensions[1] > $maxheight))
// Automatic resizing enabled?

Zeile 432Zeile 432
	// Check the size
if($attachment['size'] > $attachtype['maxsize']*1024 && $attachtype['maxsize'] != "")

	// Check the size
if($attachment['size'] > $attachtype['maxsize']*1024 && $attachtype['maxsize'] != "")

		$ret['error'] = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_attachsize, $attachtype['maxsize']);

		$ret['error'] = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_attachsize, htmlspecialchars_uni($attachment['name']), $attachtype['maxsize']);

		return $ret;

		return $ret;

Zeile 472Zeile 472
			return $ret;

			return $ret;

		$ret['error'] = $lang->error_alreadyuploaded;

		$ret['error'] = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_alreadyuploaded, htmlspecialchars_uni($attachment['name']));

		return $ret;

		return $ret;

Zeile 676Zeile 676
$ret['aid'] = $aid;

$ret['aid'] = $aid;

	return $ret;

* Process adding attachment(s) when the "Add Attachment" button is pressed.
* @param int $pid The ID of the post.
* @param array $forumpermission The permissions for the forum.
* @param string $attachwhere Search string "pid='$pid'" or "posthash='".$db->escape_string($mybb->get_input('posthash'))."'"
* @param string $action Where called from: "newthread", "newreply", or "editpost"
* @return array Array of errors if any, empty array otherwise
function add_attachments($pid, $forumpermissions, $attachwhere, $action=false)
global $db, $mybb, $editdraftpid, $lang;

$ret = array();

$attachments = array();
$fields = array ('name', 'type', 'tmp_name', 'error', 'size');
$aid = array();

$total = isset($_FILES['attachments']['name']) ? count($_FILES['attachments']['name']) : 0;
$filenames = "";
$delim = "";
for($i=0; $i<$total; ++$i)
foreach($fields as $field)
$attach1[$field] = $_FILES['attachments'][$field][$key];
$attachments[$i][$field] = $_FILES['attachments'][$field][$i];

$FILE = $attachments[$i];
if(!empty($FILE['name']) && !empty($FILE['type']) && $FILE['size'] > 0)
$filenames .= $delim . "'" . $db->escape_string($FILE['name']) . "'";
$delim = ",";

if ($filenames != '')
$query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "filename", "{$attachwhere} AND filename IN (".$filenames.")");

while ($row = $db->fetch_array($query))
$aid[$row['filename']] = true;

foreach($attachments as $FILE)
if(!empty($FILE['name']) && !empty($FILE['type']))
if($FILE['size'] > 0)
$filename = $db->escape_string($FILE['name']);
$exists = $aid[$filename];

$update_attachment = false;
if($action == "editpost")
if($exists && $mybb->get_input('updateattachment') && ($mybb->usergroup['caneditattachments'] || $forumpermissions['caneditattachments']))
$update_attachment = true;
if($exists && $mybb->get_input('updateattachment'))
$update_attachment = true;

$attachedfile = upload_attachment($FILE, $update_attachment);

$ret['errors'][] = $attachedfile['error'];
$mybb->input['action'] = $action;
$ret['errors'][] = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_uploadempty, htmlspecialchars_uni($FILE['name']));
$mybb->input['action'] = $action;

	return $ret;

	return $ret;