Vergleich index.php - 1.8.15 - 1.8.20

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Zeile 34Zeile 34
$statspage = '';
if($mybb->settings['statsenabled'] != 0)

$statspage = '';
if($mybb->settings['statsenabled'] != 0)

	if(!empty($logoutlink) || !empty($showteamlink))
$stats_page_separator = $lang->board_stats_link_separator;

	eval('$statspage = "'.$templates->get('index_statspage').'";');

	eval('$statspage = "'.$templates->get('index_statspage').'";');

$whosonline = '';
if($mybb->settings['showwol'] != 0 && $mybb->usergroup['canviewonline'] != 0)

$whosonline = '';
if($mybb->settings['showwol'] != 0 && $mybb->usergroup['canviewonline'] != 0)

Zeile 53Zeile 57

$timesearch = TIME_NOW - (int)$mybb->settings['wolcutoff'];


$timesearch = TIME_NOW - (int)$mybb->settings['wolcutoff'];

	$comma = '';

	$query = $db->query("
SELECT s.sid, s.ip, s.uid, s.time, s.location, s.location1, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sessions s

	$query = $db->query("
SELECT s.sid, s.ip, s.uid, s.time, s.location, s.location1, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sessions s

Zeile 62Zeile 65
		ORDER BY {$order_by}, {$order_by2}

		ORDER BY {$order_by}, {$order_by2}

	$forum_viewers = $doneusers = array();

	$forum_viewers = $doneusers = $onlinemembers = $onlinebots = array();

	$membercount = $guestcount = $anoncount = $botcount = 0;

	$membercount = $guestcount = $anoncount = $botcount = 0;

	$onlinemembers = $comma = '';


// Fetch spiders
$spiders = $cache->read('spiders');

// Fetch spiders
$spiders = $cache->read('spiders');

Zeile 102Zeile 104
					// Properly format the username and assign the template.
$user['username'] = format_name(htmlspecialchars_uni($user['username']), $user['usergroup'], $user['displaygroup']);
$user['profilelink'] = build_profile_link($user['username'], $user['uid']);

					// Properly format the username and assign the template.
$user['username'] = format_name(htmlspecialchars_uni($user['username']), $user['usergroup'], $user['displaygroup']);
$user['profilelink'] = build_profile_link($user['username'], $user['uid']);

					eval('$onlinemembers .= "'.$templates->get('index_whosonline_memberbit', 1, 0).'";');
$comma = $lang->comma;

					eval('$onlinemembers[] = "'.$templates->get('index_whosonline_memberbit', 1, 0).'";');

// This user has been handled.
$doneusers[$user['uid']] = $user['time'];

// This user has been handled.
$doneusers[$user['uid']] = $user['time'];



elseif(my_strpos($user['sid'], 'bot=') !== false && $spiders[$botkey])

elseif(my_strpos($user['sid'], 'bot=') !== false && $spiders[$botkey])

			if($mybb->settings['wolorder'] == 'username')
$key = $spiders[$botkey]['name'];
$key = $user['time'];

			// The user is a search bot.

			// The user is a search bot.

			$onlinemembers .= $comma.format_name($spiders[$botkey]['name'], $spiders[$botkey]['usergroup']);
$comma = $lang->comma;

			$onlinebots[$key] = format_name($spiders[$botkey]['name'], $spiders[$botkey]['usergroup']);



Zeile 126Zeile 135




if($mybb->settings['wolorder'] == 'activity')
// activity ordering is DESC, username is ASC

$onlinemembers = array_merge($onlinebots, $onlinemembers);
$comma = $lang->comma." ";
$onlinemembers = implode($comma, $onlinemembers);
$onlinemembers = "";

	// Build the who's online bit on the index page.
$onlinecount = $membercount + $guestcount + $botcount;

	// Build the who's online bit on the index page.
$onlinecount = $membercount + $guestcount + $botcount;

Zeile 136Zeile 166
		$onlinebit = $lang->online_online_plural;

		$onlinebit = $lang->online_online_plural;



		$onlinebit = $lang->online_online_singular;
if($membercount != 1)
$memberbit = $lang->online_member_plural;

		$onlinebit = $lang->online_online_singular;
if($membercount != 1)
$memberbit = $lang->online_member_plural;



		$memberbit = $lang->online_member_singular;
if($anoncount != 1)

		$memberbit = $lang->online_member_singular;
if($anoncount != 1)

Zeile 247Zeile 277
$comma = $lang->comma;

$comma = $lang->comma;



if($hiddencount > 0)

if($hiddencount > 0)

Zeile 262Zeile 292

// If there are one or more birthdays, show them.
if($bdaycount > 0 || $hiddencount > 0)

// If there are one or more birthdays, show them.
if($bdaycount > 0 || $hiddencount > 0)



		eval('$birthdays = "'.$templates->get('index_birthdays').'";');

		eval('$birthdays = "'.$templates->get('index_birthdays').'";');

// Build the forum statistics to show on the index page.
$forumstats = '';
if($mybb->settings['showindexstats'] != 0)

// Build the forum statistics to show on the index page.
$forumstats = '';
if($mybb->settings['showindexstats'] != 0)

Zeile 282Zeile 312
$newestmember = build_profile_link($stats['lastusername'], $stats['lastuid']);

$newestmember = build_profile_link($stats['lastusername'], $stats['lastuid']);



	// Format the stats language.
$lang->stats_posts_threads = $lang->sprintf($lang->stats_posts_threads, my_number_format($stats['numposts']), my_number_format($stats['numthreads']));
$lang->stats_numusers = $lang->sprintf($lang->stats_numusers, my_number_format($stats['numusers']));
$lang->stats_newestuser = $lang->sprintf($lang->stats_newestuser, $newestmember);

	// Format the stats language.
$lang->stats_posts_threads = $lang->sprintf($lang->stats_posts_threads, my_number_format($stats['numposts']), my_number_format($stats['numthreads']));
$lang->stats_numusers = $lang->sprintf($lang->stats_numusers, my_number_format($stats['numusers']));
$lang->stats_newestuser = $lang->sprintf($lang->stats_newestuser, $newestmember);

	// Find out what the highest users online count is.
$mostonline = $cache->read('mostonline');
if($onlinecount > $mostonline['numusers'])

	// Find out what the highest users online count is.
$mostonline = $cache->read('mostonline');
if($onlinecount > $mostonline['numusers'])



		$time = TIME_NOW;
$mostonline['numusers'] = $onlinecount;
$mostonline['time'] = $time;

		$time = TIME_NOW;
$mostonline['numusers'] = $onlinecount;
$mostonline['time'] = $time;

Zeile 317Zeile 347
		// Load the stats cache.
$stats = $cache->read('stats');

		// Load the stats cache.
$stats = $cache->read('stats');

$expaltext = (in_array("boardstats", $collapse)) ? "[+]" : "[-]";

	eval('$boardstats = "'.$templates->get('index_boardstats').'";');

	eval('$boardstats = "'.$templates->get('index_boardstats').'";');