$l['redirect_newthread'] = "Thank you, your thread has been posted."; $l['redirect_newthread_poll'] = "<br />You will now be taken to the poll options and configuration page."; $l['redirect_newthread_moderation'] = "<br />The administrator has specified that all new threads require moderation. You will now be returned to the thread listing.";
$l['redirect_newthread'] = "Thank you, your thread has been posted."; $l['redirect_newthread_poll'] = "<br />You will now be taken to the poll options and configuration page."; $l['redirect_newthread_moderation'] = "<br />The administrator has specified that all new threads require moderation. You will now be returned to the thread listing.";
$l['redirect_newthread_thread'] = "<br />You will now be taken to the new thread."; $l['invalidthread'] = "The specified draft does not exist or you don't have permission to view it.";
| $l['redirect_newthread_thread'] = "<br />You will now be taken to the new thread."; $l['invalidthread'] = "The specified draft does not exist or you don't have permission to view it.";